Search Results for: emmons

Local Red Lady Coalition funds detailed analysis of economy

Looking for unbiased data over 18-month period

The Red Lady Coalition (RLC) has signed on to have one of the most detailed studies ever attempted in Gunnison County completed by November 2010. The 18-month project will explore the connections between the environment, the economy and the people who come to the area. Ultimately the RLC wants to determine the extent of the effects a mine on Mt. Emmons would have on the tourist-based economy. Read More »

Mining company soliciting public comments in early June

“There are no preconceived notions…”

While things might not be moving at lightning speed, the company hoping to mine molybdenum from Mount Emmons is taking another step toward that goal. Thompson Creek Metals Company is soliciting local comments on the project. Two days are being set aside for the public to stop by the company’s offices in Gunnison and Crested Butte and talk about the proposal. Read More »

Mining company suffers court loss

“It’s a significant win to get”

In a big legal victory, local water advocates got the go ahead to continue a push to make the state’s Water Quality Control Division reconsider a permit requirement that could have a Mt. Emmons mining company putting up money to ensure the area’s drinking water stays clean.




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Elected officials swing through Gunnison to hear local concerns

Michael Bennet reaches out to Western Slope

Michael Bennet, the newest U.S. Senator from Colorado, stopped in Gunnison on Friday, April 17 on his first official tour of the Western Slope. In just over an hour the senator covered topics ranging from health care and the economy to water and the environment. Read More »

County’s Special Development Resolution ready for final review

35-day review period will end with a recommendation to adopt, or not

With a sigh of relief and even a “yee-ha,” the Board of County Commissioners voted to send the latest draft of the county’s Special Development Project Resolution with its amendments, back to the Planning Commission for a final review, at a regular meeting Tuesday, April 21. Read More »

Plans for proposed mine study sent back to the drawing board

Forest Service says an EIS may be needed

The U.S. Forest Service has made it clear that the next level of studies to evaluate potential molybdenum mining operations on Mt. Emmons will be looked at very closely. Even the proposal by the Mt. Emmons Project to do a “baseline study” will cause significant impacts and must be reviewed in detail, according to the Forest Service.


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Mt. Crested Butte Briefs

Staff can now borrow from retirement funds
On Tuesday, March 17 the Mt. Crested Butte town council passed a resolution allowing town employees to obtain a loan from their respective retirement account funds. According to town finance officer Karl Trujillo the loans will be paid back as a payroll deduction after tax.  The interest on the loans, which is quite low, goes back into the employee’s retirement fund Trujillo said. He said employees will be able to borrow a minimum of $2,500 and a maximum of $50,000.  
“Can you think of any reason why not to do it?” council member Mike Kube asked of the program.  
“It’s the employee’s money. I don’t see why not,” Trujillo said.  
The rest of the council agreed that the loan program was a good tool for employees to have in the current economy and approved the resolution unanimously. Council members Bill Babbitt and Wendy Fisher were absent.    Read More »

Jim Starr to testify on the 1872 Mining Law

Going to Washington

Gunnison County commissioner Jim Starr is going to Washington.
He has been asked to appear before the House Subcommittee on Energy and Natural Resources on Thursday, February 26 at 10 a.m. EST to comment on ways the Hardrock Mining and Reclamation Mining Act of 1872 affects the Gunnison Valley and other communities like it. Read More »

Mining company seeks okay for baseline studies on Red Lady

HCCA waiting to comment

Thompson Creek Metals Company filed an application at the end of January with the United State Forest Service to conduct some tests in preparation for mining molybdenum from Mount Emmons. The Forest Service has 30 days to make a decision on the application. Read More »

Briefs… Mt. Crested Butte

Town park gets some love
The Ted Scheske Memorial Park in Mt. Crested Butte (a.k.a. town park) is getting some financial love from the Scheske family.  On February 3 town manager Joe Fitzpatrick said the family of Ted Scheske donated $2,500, “to maintenance, upkeep and new equipment for the town park, in memory of Ted. Any ideas you may have in those three categories let me know. We haven’t made any decisions yet,” he told the council. Ted Scheske Memorial Park is adjacent to town hall at 911 Gothic Road.   Read More »