Search Results for: emmons

Hearing to be held over mine’s wastewater plant regs

Decision will come in April

Gunnison County, the town of Crested Butte and High Country Citizens’ Alliance will have the chance in April to argue for greater financial and environmental controls over companies permitted to operate a wastewater treatment facility on Mt. Emmons. Read More »

Thompson Creek claims resort and mining compatible

Part 2

This is part two of a story chronicling an interview with Thompson Creek Metals chairman and chief executive officer Kevin Loughrey and Mount Emmons project manager Larry Clark. The interview took place on Thursday, October 30. A complete transcript of the interview can be found at Read More »

Colorado mines pull back as price of molybdenum plunges

“We need moly to stay in the moly business…”

The price of molybdenum, like any mineral, has an impact on any mining operation. The price of moly has dropped from $33 a pound this summer to just $12 a pound this week and as a result, the owner of two Colorado mines is laying off workers and slowing down the resumption of moly mining near Leadville. Read More »

Will revised 1041 regulations really hamstring Snodgrass?

Latest draft of revisions is still weeks away

The process of revising the county’s Special Development Project Regulations—commonly referred to as 1041 regs—has caused some concern among proponents of lift-served skiing on Snodgrass Mountain and driven one longtime resident to lobby local municipalities to try to stop it. Read More »

A new America!

“This victory alone is not the change we seek…”
    —Barack Obama November 4, 2008

Stepping in the voting booth and penciling in the empty box for Barack Obama, how many people were filled with a palpable sense of pride? It was different. A conspicuous feeling of elation. The feeling tingled. And apparently millions in this country felt it as well.
It wasn’t just a mark against someone, it was a solid checkmark for a different future that is needed and it filled us with joy. This nation has put in office an African-American younger than me.
He ran on a campaign of hope and that is what the United States of America responded to in a landslide. I love that our kids in the soon to be expanded Crested Butte Community School will remember this day.
There is now hope instead of fear.
Principle instead of shame.
John McCain conceded admirably on this November night and Obama inspired. Given the reality, that inspiration will be needed when we all realize the sacrifice needed to right this country after eight years of W.
To live in a country that could so definitively elect a 47-year-old black man is an honor. Barack Obama seems more than fit to carry the mantle of the presidency of this great country.
Soak in these days.
It is a great time in history.

And the pride and historical significance extends in some ways to Gunnison County. While school bond issues across the state were going down to defeat, the people of this county voted to absorb the very real pain of a property tax increase in shaky economic times in order to benefit the future. The kids of Crested Butte and Gunnison may not realize the gift they have received but it is huge. As a parent and guy who believes a good school is crucial to a good community…Thank you to the voters at both ends of our valley. Now let’s build something to be proud of in both Crested Butte and Gunnison.
As for the county commissioner race, the people of this valley chose to continue on the path that Hap and Paula and Jim have set. That path is made up of a vision of “smart” growth, responsible oversight of things like a potential mine in the county and support for things like a bus system between Gunnison and Crested Butte. The result speaks volumes for the direction of the county and we trust that Hap and Paula will continue to be thoughtful and open-minded public representatives who realize we are a recreation-based economy by choice.

And a final thought. Looking at the relatively cheap option Thompson Creek Metals Company paid to control the molybdenum deposit in Mt. Emmons, perhaps they’ll now look at the democrat in the White House and the growing majority of democrats in Congress and realize that regulations governing mineral extractions are likely to be more stringent and not less as they pursue a mine. Perhaps Thompson Creek executives will make a smart business decision and reconsider that option. Just a thought as we look to a new America…

Editor Mark Reaman Interviews Thompson Creek Representatives

On Thursday, October 30 Crested Butte News editor Mark Reman held an interview with Thompson Creek Metals Company Chairman and CEO Kevin Loughrey and General Project Manager of the Mount Emmons proposal, Larry Clark.


To download the interview trascript in PDf form, please click here .

Candidates’ debate focuses on economy

Mining, infrastructure, and business incentives discussed

When the candidates running for the Gunnison Board of County Commissioners met for a fifth debate at the Crested Butte Center for the Arts on Sunday, October 19, the questions covered a range of topics but the conversation never strayed far from the economy. Read More »

Chamber takes hard stand against Lucky Jack mining

Amenity economy vs. mining—no contest

Businesses in the north end of the valley seem overwhelmingly opposed to the Lucky Jack molybdenum mine proposal. So opposed in fact, that the Crested Butte/Mt. Crested Butte Chamber of Commerce this week has officially come out against the development of a molybdenum mine in the valley. Read More »