Search Results for: emmons

Anderson becomes newest public face of mining project

Former commissioner named community liaison 

Kobex Resources Ltd./U.S. Energy Corp. has selected a new person to head its community relations efforts and it’s a familiar face. Former Gunnison County commissioner Perry Anderson, who has been working as a consultant for the Lucky Jack project for the past year, has become its community liaison.

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New Red Lady Coalition takes first public steps this week

Asks municipalities and others to sign onto new initiative 

Opponents of the Lucky Jack mine are ramping up their efforts to stop the proposed large-scale molybdenum mine on Mt. Emmons just north of Crested Butte, and they’re looking for allies throughout the Gunnison Valley.

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HCCA spreading the word in Gunnison on Red Lady fight

Dozens of people turn out for second Red Lady Forum in a week
Another large crowd turned out in Gunnison for the second of last week’s High Country Citizens’ Alliance (HCCA) forums on Wednesday, October 24, discussing the proposed Lucky Jack molybdenum mine.

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Wild river advocate shares her stories

Katie Lee speaks at Western State College
There is an old black and white photograph of a woman standing high atop a boulder pinned between the walls of a fluted canyon. She is looking up at the water and silt-sculpted walls above her—perhaps as one would gaze upon the love of her life. But that lover is gone, drowned by the 710-foot Glen Canyon dam.

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Citizens turn out to learn how to fight a mine on Red Lady

Experts provide guidance
In an effort to increase public awareness and understanding of the proposed Lucky Jack mine, the local environmental nonprofit group, High Country Citizens’ Alliance (HCCA), held its Red Lady Forum on Tuesday, October 23, 2007, with the goal of forming a community-wide coalition.

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County updating 1041 regulations

Rules will affect two major proposals
In anticipation of a review of at least two proposed major developments—the Lucky Jack molybdenum mine on Mt. Emmons and Crested Butte Mountain Resort’s Snodgrass ski area expansion—Gunnison County officials have begun the process of updating the “regulations for special development projects.”

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Mining law reform passes U.S. House

Fight in Senate expected 

Mining law reform passed one of two major legislative hurdles on Thursday, November 1 as the U.S. House of Representatives passed legislation overhauling the 135-year-old law regulating hardrock mining on public lands. A much more difficult fight is expected in the Senate. 

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