Gunnison Legals

P.O. Box 180 –37250 West Highway 50
Gunnison, CO  81230-0180
You are hereby notified that Gunnison County Electric Association proposes to make the following changes in its tariffs to become effective January 1, 2008.  The changes proposed will result in an overall annual revenue increase of approximately $1,383,000 or 11%.
Approximately $904,000 (7.19%) of this increase is a direct result of wholesale power cost increases from our power supplier, Tri-State Generation & Transmission Association, also effective January 1, 2008.
The remaining approximate $479,000 (3.81%) is to offset increased Association operating expenses and system improvements needed to continue to provide reliable service for the GCEA membership.
The board, key staff and employees of GCEA certainly understand the effect this increase will have on your household budget and want you to know that we will do everything we can to assist you in the months ahead.  We encourage each of you to be very aware of your energy usage, make wise energy use choices and to utilize community resources available to help conserve and lower your monthly bills.
The proposed changes are listed below:
General Service (rate code 11, 12, 41, 42) General Service (rate code 11, 12, 41, 42)
Service Availability Charge: Service Availability Charge:
Single Phase $13.50 Single Phase $14.50
Three Phase $25.30 Three Phase $27.20
Energy Charge Energy Charge
Per kWh $0.09320 Per kWh $0.10408
Time of Use (rate code 13, 16) Time of Use (rate code 13, 16)
Service Availability Charge: Service Availability Charge:
Single Phase $22.50 Single Phase $24.20
Three Phase $32.35 Three Phase $34.75
Energy Charge Energy Charge
On Peak – Per kWh $0.17279 On Peak – Per kWh $0.19772
Off Peak – Per kWh $0.03451 Off Peak – Per kWh $0.03746
Large Power (rate code 43) Large Power (rate code 43)
Service Availability Charge: $122.00 Service Availability Charge: $131.00
Energy Charge Energy Charge
Per kWh $0.03370 Per kWh $0.03735
Demand Charge Demand Charge
Per kW $15.03 Per kW $16.86
Service Charges (All Rates) Service Charges (All Rates)
Service Application Fee: $20.00 Service Application Fee: $30.00
All other consumers affected by the Industrial Rate Schedules will be receiving individual notices of the proposed rate adjustments.
The proposed and present tariff provisions are available for examination and explanation at the above listed Gunnison County Electric Association office.  Anyone who desires to comment about the proposed changes may file written comments with the Association at P.O. Box 180, Gunnison, Colorado 81230-0180.
The Association will hold a public information hearing December 12, 2007 at 6:00 P.M. at the Association’s headquarters located at 37250 West Highway 50, Gunnison, CO  81230.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issues of November 30 and December 7, 2007. #113003
Friday, December 7, 2007
8:45 a.m. •Call to order; determine quorum
• Approval of Minutes
•Unscheduled citizens: A brief period in which the public is invited to make general comments or ask questions of the Commission or Planning Staff about items which are not scheduled on the day’s agenda.
9:00 a.m. Transfer of Development Rights, Mike Pelletier, work session/possible action, review of proposed TDR program and amendment to the Land Use Resolution
10:50 a.m. Break
11:00 a.m. Adkins, public hearing/possible action, request for the construction of a single-family residence in compliance with Section 11-108:  Development on Ridgelines; Lot 7, Star Mountain Ranch
11:45 a.m. Lunch Break
Noon Button/Wallace, work session/no action, Amended application to subdivide 35-acre parcel into two lots; the applicant proposes that one lot will be approximately 15 acres and the second lot will be approximately 20 acres.  Tract 4, The Ridge at Crested Butte, north of Crested Butte South, adjacent to CB South, Filing 4.
1:00 p.m. Tomichi Creek Subdivision, West Elk Properties LLC, joint public hearing/no action, Preliminary Plan for the subdivision of 23.5-acres into 20 single-family lots, located southwest of the City of Gunnison, at the end of Fairway Lane
2:00 p.m. Shady Island Subdivision, joint public hearing/no action, Preliminary Plan for the subdivision of 10.36 acre parcel into 16 single-family residential lots, located north of the City of Gunnison.
2:50 p.m. Break
3:00 p.m. Bull Mountain Natural Gas Pipeline, SG Interests I Ltd., continued joint public hearing/no action, request for Bull Mountain Natural Gas Pipeline; a proposed 20-inch diameter buried steel natural gas pipeline and related aboveground facilities within a 50-foot right-of way (ROW) on Bureau of Land Management (BLM) public lands and National Forest System (NFS) lands, Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre and Gunnison (GMUG) National Forests, northwest Gunnison County
NOTE: Unless otherwise noted, all meetings are conducted in the Blackstock Government Center Meeting Room at 221 N. Wisconsin St. in Gunnison, across the street from the Post Office.  This is a preliminary agenda; agenda times may be changed by the staff up to 24 hours before the meeting date. If you are interested in a specific agenda item; you may want to call the Planning Department (641-0360) ahead of time to confirm its scheduled time. Anyone needing special accommodations, please contact the Planning Department before the meeting.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issues of  December 7, 2007. #120701
Monday, December 10, 2007
Upper Gunnison River Water Conservancy District Offices
234 N. Main Street, Suite 3B, Gunnison, Colorado
7:50 p.m. Call to Order
7:55 p.m. Agenda Approval
8:00 p.m. Adoption of 2008 Budget
8:15 p.m. Future Meetings
8:20 p.m. Adjournment
Note: This agenda is subject to change, including the addition of items or the deletion of items at any time.  All times are approximate.  Regular meetings, public hearings, and special meetings are recorded and action can be taken on any item. The board may address individual agenda items at any time or in any order to accommodate the needs of the board and the audience. Persons with special needs due to a disability are requested to call the District at 641-6065 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. 
     The listing under "CONSENT AGENDA" is a group of items, which the Board has already reviewed, to be acted on with a single motion or vote. This agenda is designed to expedite the handling of limited routine matters by the Board. The Board President will ask if any Board member or citizen wishes to have any specific item discussed. Items removed from consent agenda for discussion may be rescheduled later in this meeting, or at a future meeting.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issues of  December 7, 2007. #120703
Monday, December 10, 2007
Upper Gunnison River Water Conservancy District Offices
234 N. Main Street, Suite 3B, Gunnison, Colorado
5:30 p.m. 1. Call to Order
5:35 p.m. 2. Agenda Approval
5:40 p.m. 3. Consent Agenda Items:  Any of the following items may be removed for discussion from the consent agenda at the request of any Board member or citizen.
• Approval of November 26, 2007 Minutes
• Consideration of Operating Expenses
• Consideration of Non-Operating Expenses
5:45 p.m. 4. Legal Matters
6:00 p.m. 5. Manager’s Report
6:15 p.m. 6. Colorado River Water Conservation District Update – Bill Trampe
6:30 p.m. 7. Dinner Break
6:45 p.m. 8. Adoption of 2008 Budget and Resolutions
7:00 p.m. 9. Board/Staff/Committee Member Reports
• Gunnison Basin Roundtable
• Finance Committee – Adoption of Financial Guidelines
• Project Committee
• Strategic Planning Workgroup
7:15 p.m. 10.Miscellaneous Matters
7:25 p.m. 11. Unscheduled Citizens
7:35 p.m. 12.Future Meetings
7:40 p.m. 13.Adjournment 
Note:     This agenda is subject to change, including the addition of items or the deletion of items at any time.  All times are approximate.  Regular meetings, public hearings, and special meetings are recorded and action can be taken on any item. The board may address individual agenda items at any time or in any order to accommodate the needs of the board and the audience. Persons with special needs due to a disability are requested to call the District at 641-6065 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. 
     The listing under "CONSENT AGENDA" is a group of items, which the Board has already reviewed, to be acted on with a single motion or vote. This agenda is designed to expedite the handling of limited routine matters by the Board. The Board President will ask if any Board member or citizen wishes to have any specific item discussed. Items removed from consent agenda for discussion may be rescheduled later in this meeting, or at a future meeting.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issues of  December 7, 2007. #120702
Meeting to be held in the Commissioner’s Meeting Room at the Courthouse (unless otherwide noted)
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
• Inclusionary Housing Task Force
• Staff Luncheon – Multi-Purpose Room
• Forest Service Discussion on Closing Campgrounds and Other Facilities
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issues of  December 7, 2007. #120704
December 12, 2007
Gunnison County Commissioners’ Meeting Room
1. 10:00am Call to Order; Determination of Quorum; Verify Public Notice of Meeting
2. 10:05 Agenda Approval
3. 10:10 Approval of November 14, 2007 Meeting Minutes
4. 10:15 Gunnison Rising Annexation Mitigation Recommendations
-Possible Committee Action
5. 10:45 Antler Shed Issue Update
6. 10:55 Adjourn Regular Meeting
7. 11:00 Strategic Plan Work Session
8. 2:55pm Future Meetings
9. 3:00 Adjourn Work Session
NOTE: This agenda is subject to change, including the addition of items up to 24 hours in advance or the deletion of items at any time. All times are approximate. Regular Meetings, Public Hearings, and Special Meetings are recorded and ACTION MAY TAKEN ON ANY ITEM. Work Sessions are not recorded and formal action cannot be taken. Two or more Gunnison County Commissioners may attend this meeting. For further information, contact the County Administration Office at 641-0248. If special accommodations are necessary per ADA, contact 641-0248 or TTY 641-3061 prior to the meeting. MINUTES of meetings are available approximately one week after approval by the Committee.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issues of  December 7, 2007. #120706

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