Crested Butte Legals

The Mt. Crested Butte Town Council will be appointing one person to fill one regular seat for a 4-year term and one alternate seat for a 4-year term, as the Town’s representatives on the Gunnison Valley Land Preservation Board.    Applicants should be interested in preserving open space and agricultural lands in Gunnison County.
The applicants must be citizens of the United States, registered electors of the Town of Mt. Crested Butte, and must have resided in the Town for one year.  Please apply by submitting a letter of interest to the Town Hall, PO Box 5800, by Thursday December 27 or by stating an interest in serving at the January 2, 2008 Town Council meeting.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issues of December 14, 21 and 28 2007. #121423

The Mt. Crested Butte Town Council will be appointing one person to fill one regular seat for a 4-year term and one alternate seat for a 2-year term to be the Town’s representatives on the Gunnison County Housing Authority Administrative Board. 
The applicants must be citizens of the United States, registered electors of the Town of Mt. Crested Butte, and must have resided in the Town for one year.  Please apply by submitting a letter of interest to the Town Hall by Thursday, December 27 or by stating an interest in serving at the January 2, 2008Town Council meeting.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issues of December 14, 21 and 28 2007. #121424
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that Ordinance No. 34, Series 2007, was passed on second reading and public hearing at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Crested Butte, Colorado, on Monday, the 17th day of December, 2007 in the Town Offices at 507 Maroon Avenue, Crested Butte, Colorado:
Ordinance 34, Series 2007 – An Ordinance Authorizing The Acceptance Of A Conservation Easement By The Town Of Crested Butte From Hidden Mine Ranch, LLC On Part Of The Hidden Mine Ranch Subdivision.
 The full text of Ordinance No. 34, Series 2007 is on file at the Town Offices at 507 Maroon Avenue for public reading and available on the Town website at  This ordinance shall become effective five days after the date of publication.    
        /s/ Eileen Hughes, Town Clerk
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of December 21, 2007.  #122102
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that Ordinance No. 35, Series 2007, was passed on second reading and public hearing at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Crested Butte, Colorado, on Monday, the 17th day of December, 2007 in the Town Offices at 507 Maroon Avenue, Crested Butte, Colorado:
Ordinance 35, Series 2007 – An Ordinance Authorizing The Acceptance Of A Recreation Easement By The Town Of Crested Butte From Hidden Mine Ranch, LLC On Part Of The Hidden Mine Ranch Subdivision.
The full text of Ordinance No. 35, Series 2007 is on file at the Town Offices at 507 Maroon Avenue for public reading and available on the Town website at  This ordinance shall become effective five days after the date of publication.    
/s/ Eileen Hughes, Town Clerk
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of December 21, 2007.  #122101

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