Crested Butte Legals

Regular Town Council Meeting
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Town of Crested Butte,
Council Chambers, Crested Butte Town Hall

6:00    1) Work Session
    A) Discussion with Attorney Jerry Dahl Regarding Plans, Regulations and Roles Concerning the Subdivision and Annexation Processes.
6:55    Five Minute Break
7:00    Regular Council Meeting Called to Order by Mayor or Mayor Pro Tem
    3) CONSENT AGENDA  The listing under consent agenda is a group of items to be acted on with a single motion. The consent agenda is designed to expedite council business. The Mayor will ask if any citizen or council member wishes to have any specific item discussed.  You may request that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda at that time, prior to Council’s vote. Items removed from the consent agenda will be considered under New Business.
    A)Approval of Minutes of February 4, 2008 Regular Council Meeting
    B)Resolution No. 1, Series 2008- A Resolution In Support Of The     Establishments Of The Colorado Housing Investment Fund, A Statewide Housing Investment Fund With A Dedicated And Dependable Source Of Public Revenue, For The Creation And Preservation Of Affordable Housing In Colorado.
    C)Letter of Support for Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory Grant Application
7:03    4) Public COMMENTS
Citizens may make comments on items not scheduled on the agenda. Those commenting should state their name and physical address for the record and limit comments to five minutes.
7:08    5) STAFF REPORTS
7:20    6) PUBLIC HEARINGs
    A)  Application for Transfer of Ownership of Hotel and Restaurant Liquor License from Current Owner Clarence Center Coffee Co Inc. d/b/a Secret Stash (Corporate Officers  Kyleena and Jeff Graceffa) to 21 Elk Coffee House Inc. d/b/a Secret Stash (Corporate Officers Kyleena and Jeff Graceffa) 21 Elk Avenue, Crested Butte.
    B)  Ordinance No. 3, Series 2008- An Ordinance Amending the Annexation Provisions of the Town Code.
    C)  Ordinance No. 4, Series 2008- An Ordinance Amending Certain Provisions of the Town Code Relative to Special Events.  
7:35    7) NEW BUSINESS    
    A)  Presentation from Joanie Matranga of the Governor’s Energy Office (GEO)
    B) 2008 Cooperative Agreement Between the Office for Resource Efficiency and the Town of Crested Butte.
    C) Request from Pricila Banks for Changes to the Sign Code.
8:30    Five Minute Break (if needed)
    8) EXECUTIVE SESSION: For a Conference with the Town Attorney for the Purpose of Receiving Legal Advice on Specific Legal Questions Under C.R.S. Section 24-6-402 (4) (e).
• Tuesday, February 19, 2008- 8 a.m. Coffee with the Council –Buckaroo Beanery (Izzy’s closed)
• Monday, March 3, 2008- 8 a.m.- Coffee with the Council – Izzy’s
• Monday, March 3, 2008-Regular Council Meeting
• Monday, March 17, 2008 – 8 a.m.- Coffee with the Council – Izzy’s
• Monday, March 17, 2008- Regular Council Meeting
(The above times are only tentative. Meeting may move more quickly or slowly than scheduled) If you need special assistance to attend any of the Town’s public meetings, please notify the Town Clerk at 349-5338 at least 48 hours in advance.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of February 15, 2008. #021512
(826 Elk Ave.)

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT a public hearing, which may result in the granting of a vested property right, will be held on February 26, 2008, beginning at 6:00 p.m. in the Crested Butte Town Hall located at 507 Maroon Ave. in Crested Butte, Colorado for the purpose of considering the following:The application of Jamey Nelson to construct an accessory dwelling to be located at 826 Elk Ave., block 68, lot 2, zoned R1E. Additional requirements are: -A conditional use permit is required for an accessory dwelling. – Architectural approval is required. TOWN OF CRESTED BUTTE
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issues of February 15 and 22, 2008. #021511

—Notice of request for proposals—
the Mountain Express

The Town of Crested Butte, dba The Mountain Express (MX), requests proposals from individuals and firms interested in providing the following: Two (2) 37 Feet Transit Coaches. Any questions regarding proposal documents should be directed to: Chris Larsen, Transit Manager Mountain Express PO Box 39 Crested Butte, CO. 81224 Phone: (970) 349-5616 Fax:(970) 349-6626 e-mail: [email protected] This equipment will be purchased with financial assistance from the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) and any contract awarded will be subject to a financial assistance contract between the MX and CDOT. Sealed proposals for this purchase will be received at the Mountain Express office 801 Butte Avenue, PO Box 39, Crested Butte, CO 81224 until 9:00 am local time, March 21, 2008. Any proposals received after this date and time will not be considered and will be returned to the bidder. There will not be a formal proposal opening meeting. Qualified proposals will be presented by the MX staff to the MX Board of Directors at a regular or special meeting – date and time to be announced. The board may act at that time or the board may wait until a contract has been executed between MX and CDOT if such contract has not then been executed – therefore proposals must be valid until April 28, 2008 and the board will attempt to award a contract prior to that date. However, this does not bind the board to awarding a contract. All vendors will be required to certify they are not on the Comptroller General’s list of ineligible contractors and are subject to the Department of Transportation Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 21. All proposals will be required to comply with applicable Equal Opportunity laws and regulations. As an equal opportunity employer, MX prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, age, sex, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, political affiliation, national origin, or ancestry. Disadvantaged Business Enterprises shall have the maximum practicable opportunity to participate in this project. Qualified firms will be required to address the utilization of DBEs in their proposals. This Request for Proposals does not commit MX to award any contract, to pay any costs incurred in preparation of a proposal, or to procure or contract for services or materials. MX reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, to advertise, to waive any irregularities, and to make awards in the best interest of MX.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of February 15, 2008. #021511
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, and, particularly, to the electors of the Skyland Metropolitan District of Gunnison County, Colorado.NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a regular election will be held the 6th day of May 2008, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.  At that time three directors will be elected to serve 4-year terms on the Board of Directors of the Skyland Metropolitan District. Self-Nomination and Acceptance Forms are available from the District Manager at the Skyland Metropolitan District office at 350 Country Club Drive, Suite 112A, Crested Butte, Colorado 81224. Self-Nomination and Acceptance forms or letters are to be returned to the Board of Directors or its Designated Election Official at the Skyland Metropolitan District office, delivered to the attention of Frank Alfone, District Manager, not less than 67 days prior to the regular election (FEBRUARY 29, 2008). NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that applications for absentee ballots may be obtained from the District Manager at the Skyland Metropolitan District office at 350 Country Club Drive, Suite 112A, Crested Butte, Colorado 81224.  Applications must be filed with the Board of Directors or its Designated Election Official at the Skyland Metropolitan District office, delivered to the attention of Frank Alfone, District Manager, no later than the close of business (5:00 p.m.) on the Friday immediately preceding the regular election (MAY 2, 2008), except that if an applicant wishes to receive an absentee ballot by mail, the application must be filed no later than the close of business (5:00 p.m.) on the seventh day before the election (APRIL 29, 2008). Board of Directors SKYLAND METROPOLITAN DISTRICT
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of February 15, 2008. #021508
WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2008 ~ 6:00P.M.

280 Cement Creek Road
Approve – Minutes – November 28, 2007          
Review – Financial Reports – November & December 2007
Approve – Current Bills – November, December 2007 & January 2008
Discuss – Wastewater Treatment Plant Engineering
Approve – J.V.A. Engineering Contracts
Discuss – Availability of Service Increase
Approve – Designation of Election Official
Approve – Designation of Official Posting Place
Discuss – Call for Nominations
Review – U.S.G.S. Contract
Manager’s Report
The Board may address individual agenda items at any time or in any order to accommodate the needs of the Board and the audience.
Published in the Crested Butte News Issue of February 15, 2008. #021502
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, and, particularly, to the electors of the Crested Butte South Metropolitan District of Gunnison County, State of Colorado. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an election will be held on the 6th day of May, 2008, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.  At that time, 3 directors will be elected to serve 4-year terms. If an eligible elector of the Crested Butte South Metropolitan District is interested in serving on the board of directors, a Self-Nomination and Acceptance form may be obtained from the district’s designated election official: Jack Dietrich-Crested Butte South Metropolitan District Offices- 280 Cement Creek Road or P.O. Box 1129, Crested Butte, CO 81224. Telephone 970-349-5480. Days of Operation: Mon.-Fri. Hours of Operation: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.  A Self-Nomination and Acceptance form that is not sufficient may be amended once at any time prior to 3:00 p.m. on Friday, February 29, 2008.  The deadline to submit a Self-Nomination and Acceptance is Friday, February 29, 2008. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, application for a mail-in ballot shall be filed with the designated election official no later than the close of business on Friday, May 2, 2008, except that, if the applicant wishes to receive the mail-in ballot by mail, the application shall be filed no later than the close of business on Tuesday, April 29, 2008. CRESTED BUTTE SOUTH METROPOLITAN DISTRICT  By/s/ Jack Dietrich, Designated Election Official
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of February 15, 2008. #021501
Town of Crested Butte
January 31, 2008
The Town of Crested Butte, Colorado (hereinafter referred to as the Owner and/or Town) will receive bids at the office of the Public Works Department, Town Hall, 507 Maroon Avenue, Crested Butte, Colorado for the Town of Crested Butte 4 Way Stop Intersection Improvements – 2008 until 1:00 p.m. on February 28, 2008.   All bids will be opened and read aloud at the Crested Butte Town Council Chambers immediately following the submittal deadline.  If delivered, Bids are to be delivered to the office of the Town of Crested Butte Public Works Department, Town Hall, 507 Maroon Avenue, Crested Butte, Colorado 81224 to the attention of Mr. Bob Gillie.  If mailed, the mailing address is P. O. Box 39, Crested Butte, CO 81224.
The Project generally consists of removal, relocation and reconstruction of the intersection of 6th Street and Elk Avenue including adjacent parking lots, landscape areas, new bus bay, and other features as shown on the plans.    The major items included in the project are as follows (a complete listing is in the Bid Schedule and on the Plans)
• Removals of parking area/ landscaping;
• Various removal items including 375 ft storm drain, light pole bases, misc. concrete;
• Relocation of existing utilities;
• Electrical trench with sand bedding and 6 junction boxes – 1,416 l.f
• 12" and 18" storm drain, inlets, and appurtenances – 539 l.f.;
• 2" and 4" Irrigation line – 1,100 l.f.
• Removal/milling of asphalt – 5,940 s.y.
• Concrete curb and gutter – 620 l.f.
• Concrete sidewalk – 2,042 s.y.
• Placement of Class 6 base material – 1,782 tons
• Asphalt (HBP) – 1,470 tons
• Concrete Retaining Wall – 617 s.f.
• Misc. concrete
• Installation/construction of new street light bases – 9 EA
The contractor shall provide Traffic Control associated with the construction.  The Town will provide Construction Surveying services and materials/quality assurance testing. All Bids must be in accordance with the Contract Documents on file with The Town of Crested Butte, 507 Maroon Avenue, Crested Butte, Colorado 81224. Contract Documents will be available after noon on February 4, 2008. Copies of the Contract Documents, complete with Construction Drawings and Specifications, may be obtained from the Town of Crested Butte Public Works Department, Town Hall, at 507 Maroon Avenue, 2nd floor, Crested Butte, Colorado, 81224 upon payment of a non-refundable fee of thirty-five dollars ($35.00) per set.  Make checks payable to the Town of Crested Butte.  No partial sets will be issued. The Contract Documents and Construction Drawings may be examined during normal business hours at:
1. Town of Crested Butte, Public Works office.
2. Plan Room –  Western Colorado Contractors Association 2470 F Road, Suite 14, Grand Junction, Colorado (970) 245-1384 
A pre-bid meeting will be held on February 14, 2008 at 1 P.M. in the Crested Butte Town Council Chambers, 507 Maroon Avenue, Crested Butte, Colorado.
Prospective Bidders may contact Mr. Bob Gillie with the Town of Crested Butte at (970) 349-5338 with questions pertaining to the scope of the project and information on this Invitation to  Bid.   Bids will be received as set forth herein and in the Bidding Documents. No Bid may be withdrawn within a period of forty-five (45) days after the date fixed for opening Bids.
The OWNER reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, to accept bids other than the lowest, and to waive any informalities and irregularities therein.
Bid security in the amount  of not less than 5% of the total Bid must accompany each Bid in the form of a certified check, cashier’s check or Bid Bond and made payable to the Town of Crested Butte.  The successful Bidder will be required to furnish a Performance Bond and a Labor and Material Payment Bond, both in the amount of 100% of the total Contract amount, in conformity with the requirements of the Contract Documents and on forms as provided by the Town.
Town of Crested Butte, Colorado (OWNER)
Robert H. Gillie
Title: Project Manager
Published in the Crested Butte News, Issue of February 1, 8 and 15, 2008 #020109.
Crested Butte Fire Protection District 
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, and particularly to the electors of the Crested Butte Fire Protection District of Gunnison County, State of Colorado. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an election will be held on the 6th day of May, 2008, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.  At that time three (3) directors will be elected to serve 4-year terms. If an eligible elector of the Crested Butte Fire Protection District is interested in serving on the board of directors, a Self-Nomination and Acceptance form may be obtained from the district designated election official:Michael M. Miller-Crested Butte Fire Station. 306 Maroon Avenue, P.O. Box 1009, Crested Butte, Colorado 81224. Telephone: 970-349-5333 ext 1. Days of Operation: Mon-Fri    Hours of Operation: 8 am to 5 pm. A Self-Nomination and Acceptance form that is not sufficient may be amended once at any time prior to 3:00 pm on Friday, February 29, 2008.  The deadline to submit a Self-Nomination and Acceptance form is Friday, February 29, 2008. Affidavit of Intent to be a Write-In Candidate forms must be submitted to the office of the designated election official by the close of business on Monday, March 3, 2008. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, application for a mail-in ballot shall be filed with the designated election official no later than the close of business on Friday, May 2, 2008, except that, if the applicant wishes to receive the mail-in ballot by mail, the application shall be filed no later than the close of business on Tuesday, April 29, 2008. CRESTED BUTTE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT
By/s/ Michael M. Miller, Designated Election Official
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of February 8 and 15, 2008. #020804
Regular Mt. Crested butte PLanning commission meeting
Wednesday, february 20, 2008 ~ 5:00 p.m.
town hall, 911 gothic road, Mt. Crested butte, Co
5:00 P.M. – Call to Order
5:05P.M.- Item 1: Public hearing on revisions to Chapter 21 zoning related to the way in which height is measured. Section 21-1 definitions and section 21-355 permitted exceptions to developments standards are being considered for amendments. Section 21-355.1 official topographic base map is propsed to be added to Chapter 21 zoning to allow for the creation of an official topographic map from which all building heights within Mt. Crested Butte will be measured.
Item 2: Recommendation to town council of an ordinance on revisions to Chapter 21 zoning related to the way in which height is measured. Section 21-1 definitions and section 21-355 permitted exceptions to development standards are being considered for amendments. Section 21-355.1 official topographic base map is proposed to be added to Chapter 21 zoning to allow for the creation of an official topographic map from which all building heights will be measured.
Item 3: Approval of February 6. 2007 Planning Commission meeting minutes. (Theresa Henry)
Item 4: Deisgn review: lots 12,13, and 14 Pitchfork; 400, 314, and 312 Horseshoe Drive, Astrid Matison. (Hunter Dale)
Item 5: Consideration and possible recommnedation to Town Council for approval of the Pinnacles Townhomes final plat, Inn Site 6, 720 Gothic Road, John Marks. (Hunter Dale)
Item 6: Consideration an possible recommendation to the Town Council of the amended condominium plat of units 45 and 46, Redstone Building, Evergreen Condominiums, Lot 11, 35 Emmons Road, Russ Mullins. (Carlos Velado)
Other Business
This preliminary agenda is placed in the newspaper to notify the public of tentative agenda items for the meeting date noted above.  The official posting place for the agenda is the bulletin board in the Mt. Crested Butte Town Hall entry.  Please refer to that official agenda for actual agenda items for the meeting date noted above.
If you require any special accommodations in order to attend this meeting, please call the Town Hall at 349-6632 at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting.
Plans for designs to be reviewed at the meeting are available for viewing in the Mt. Crested Butte Town Hall.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of February 15, 2008.  #021505



Regular Mt. Crested butte town council meeting
February 19, 2008 ~ 6:00 p.m.
Council chambers, Mt. Crested Butte, CO

5:00 – Work Session – Five Year Business/Financial Plan
Regular Meeting Call To Order
Roll Call
Approval Of February 5, 2008 Regular Meeting Minutes – ( These minutes will be ready for the next regular meeting)
Presentation – Governor’s Energy Office Regional Representative For Central Mountains And Western Slope – Joani Matranga
Discussion And Possible Consideration – Change To Adaptive Sport’s Donation Use
If you require any special accommodations in order to attend this meeting, please call the Town Hall at 349-6632 at least 48 hours in advance.  Public comment on these agenda items is encouraged.
This preliminary agenda is placed in the newspaper to notify the public of tentative agenda items for the meeting date noted above.  The official posting place for the agenda is the bulletin board in the Mt. Crested Butte Town Hall entry.  Please refer to that official agenda for actual agenda items for the meeting date noted above.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of February 15, 2008. #021504



TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, and, particularly, to the electors of the East River Regional Sanitation District of Gunnison County, Colorado. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a regular election will be held the 6th day of May 2008, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.  At that time three directors will be elected to serve 4-year terms on the Board of Directors of the East River Regional Sanitation District. Self-Nomination and Acceptance Forms are available from the District Manager at the East River Regional Sanitation District office at 350 Country Club Drive, Suite 112A, Crested Butte, Colorado 81224. Self-Nomination and Acceptance forms or letters are to be returned to the Board of Directors or its Designated Election Official at the East River Regional Sanitation District office, delivered to the attention of Frank Alfone, District Manager, not less than 67 days prior to the regular election (FEBRUARY 29, 2008).  NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that applications for absentee ballots may be obtained from the District Manager at the East River Regional Sanitation District office at 350 Country Club Drive, Suite 112A, Crested Butte, Colorado 81224.  Applications must be filed with the Board of Directors or its Designated Election Official at the East River Regional Sanitation District office, delivered to the attention of Frank Alfone, District Manager, no later than the close of business (5:00 p.m.) on the Friday immediately preceding the regular election (MAY 2, 2008), except that if an applicant wishes to receive an absentee ballot by mail, the application must be filed no later than the close of business (5:00 p.m.) on the seventh day before the election (APRIL 29, 2008).     
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of February 15, 2008. #021507

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