Gunnison Legals


 Upcoming Agenda Items
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Commissioner’s Meeting Room at the Courthouse

• Colorado River Water Conservancy District Report
• Linkage Fee Areas Discussion
• Programming Initiatives Decision
• Office for Resource Efficiency; 2008 Goals Agreement
• Drug-Free Communities Grant
• Public Hearing; Application for Waiver of Standards, Pete Glatiotis (cont. from 2/19/08)
• Homeland Security Grant
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of February 29, 2008. #022901


2007 Annual Compensation Report
Gunnison County Personnel
Gunnison County, Colorado

Homebuyer Counselor    26,499.96 Administrative Assistant II    24,835.13 Literacy Technician    1,164.80 Hazmat Team Member    202.50 Heavy Equipment Operator II    43,837.03 Detention Deputy *    37,796.16 Administrative Ass't III    34,407.05 Library Aide    844.27 Ass't Director Of Library    37,707.81 Planning Dept Services Mgr    45,696.00 Administative Svcs Manager *    20,821.44 Detention Deputy    41,405.40 Recording Clerk    29,573.57 Patrol Sergeant *    61,560.63 County Attorney    112,719.78 Health Educator *    45,870.54 Undersheriff    71,957.39 Heavy Equipment Mechanic *    45,375.09 County Manager    97,024.65 Appraiser    37,646.87 Extension Agent    18,320.65 Detention Deputy *    11,738.94 Library Aide    1,236.44 Heavy Equipment Operator II *    43,963.74 District Foreman I *    63,069.08 Director Of Health & Human Svcs    85,251.70  It Support Specialist    43,932.00 Deputy Public Trustee    5,200.00 Account Clerk    33,456.00 Literacy Lead Instructor    5,450.35 Sirfi Grant Coordinator    16,392.11 Airport Duty Officer *    41,983.99 Administrative Ass't III *    43,205.79 Family Planning Physician's Asst    5,969.35 Nurse Practitioner    1,310.38 Facilities Maintenance Ass't    8,521.19 Heavy Equipment Operator II *    50,142.44 W/Ww Operator *    33,437.20 Marketing Director    81,658.00 County Commissioner              41,714.00 Victims' Advocate                4,500.00 Caseworker I              40,763.00 Facilities Maintenance Ass't *              31,410.62 Library Technician                   452.96 Detention Deputy *              20,993.07 Detention Sergeant *              45,723.83 Detention Deputy *              46,504.35 Heavy Equipment Operator II               50,017.22 Facilities Maint Supervisor              62,726.94 Cook              12,825.82 Ass't Finance Director *              61,636.79 Seasonal Maintenance Worker                 3,900.00 Landfill Gate Attendant *              14,081.84 Recycle Center Worker *              50,235.51 Seasonal Maintenance Worker *               2,118.85 Airport Director Of Operations *              47,211.96 Ass't Cnty Mgr/Interim County Mgr        129,414.89 Patrol Deputy *              45,088.57 Seasonal Maintenance Worker *               3,653.00 Heavy Equipment Operator II *              45,362.25 Grant Coordinator              12,527.22 Paralegal              50,666.52 Airport Manager              82,858.00 Recycling Site Manager *              39,369.03 Deputy County Attorney              78,013.20 County Clerk & Recorder              58,317.91 Patrol Deputy *              42,163.08 Library Aide                   965.85 Literacy Program Manager              37,814.69 Facilities Maintenance Tech              49,788.00 Senior Accountant *              40,258.03 Accountant              39,696.00 Detention Deputy *              20,459.46 Library Technician                1,861.48 Veterans Officer                3,600.00 Library Technician                2,984.75 Construction Manager *              23,232.54 Administrative Ass't II *                6,169.85 Recording Clerk              29,908.82 Investigator *              66,635.38 Temp Administrative Ass't                   407.76 Vehicle Licensing Technician              33,891.75 Library Aide                    41.10 Patrol Deputy              23,175.82 Airport Operations Specialist *              31,929.53 Library Technician                1,217.90 Public Health Director *                6,338.58 Detention Deputy              39,281.85 Library Technician                1,315.42 Seasonal Maintenance Worker                   182.00 Child Welfare Manager              61,284.00 Literacy Instructor                   294.18 Administrative Asst II              17,207.38 GIS Coordinator              53,303.14 Administrative Asst III              23,514.48 Caseworker I              13,184.00 District Foreman II *              47,846.52 Hazmat Team Member                   135.00 Literacy Instructor                7,711.61 Heavy Equipment Operator II *              48,633.41 Literacy Lead Instructor                3,059.22 Deputy Assessor              57,036.96 Residential Aide                   552.24 Detention Sergeant              44,576.00 Library Technician                4,283.81 Administrative Assistant III              28,841.64 Senior Resources Specialist              13,597.22 Patrol Lieutenant *              65,773.83 Caseworker III *              59,608.99 Landfill Gate Attendant *              11,997.76 Planning/Bldg/Eh Technician              37,599.13 Registered Dietician                4,125.42 Librarian              18,533.84 Case Aide *              25,353.24 Library Technician                   737.82 Seasonal Employee-Landfill                9,240.40 Public Health Nurse              45,840.82 Foreman-Spcl Projects              52,403.03 Seasonal Maintenance Worker *               4,921.19 Assessing Coordinator              36,596.00 Hazmat Team Member                   135.00 Senior Accountant *              37,788.01 Personal Property Technician              41,328.97  IT Director              24,482.35 Senior Appraiser              51,487.74 Seniors Van Driver                   899.57 Airport Director Of Admin *              60,212.77 Aircraft Firefighter                   820.68 Recording Clerk              32,513.90 Paralegal              53,071.20 Airport Operations Spcl *                9,248.75 Public Trustee              12,500.00 County Treasurer              58,500.00 Cook              16,031.58 Temporary Finance Ass't                2,802.86  IT Director *              50,656.78 Library Director *              56,063.88 Seniors Van Driver                5,493.61 Appraiser              36,278.09 Heavy Equipment Operator II *              45,278.56 Heavy Equipment Operator II *              31,265.39 District Foreman Ii *              64,262.03 Heavy Equipment Operator II *              50,793.78 County Assessor              57,241.94 Detention Deputy *              44,890.56 Public Health Nurse II              30,225.46 Residential Aide                1,090.55 Librarian *              34,784.46 Essential Housing Prgm Mgr              42,184.00 Patrol Deputy *              47,805.39 Hazmat Team Member                   140.70 Equip Operator /Purchasing Agent *         48,773.28 Administrative Ass't III              41,430.00 Account Clerk              31,024.22 Appraiser              21,312.00  IT Director                   961.20 Literacy Lead Instructor                1,989.00 Personnel Director              72,063.62 Caseworker I *              15,032.27 Ass't Public Works Director              72,032.10 Admin Svcs Supervisor              45,574.18 District Foreman I *              58,497.60 Emergency Mgmt Manager              45,790.83 Heavy Equipment Operator II *              54,666.36 Administrative Ass't III              32,813.53 County Sheriff              75,763.40 Library Technician                1,413.60 Patrol Deputy *              45,091.90 Finance Director              82,962.68 Heavy Equip Operator III                   611.48 Deputy Director- Human Svcs              26,182.55 Planner I              45,024.00 Fleet Manager *              73,534.40 Temp Leap/Npp Facilitator                6,310.66 Eligibility Technician              14,950.62 Multicultural Resource Coord              42,353.17 Mapping/Planning Svcs Manager             69,532.70 Heavy Equipment Operator II *              44,248.89 Heavy Equipment Operator II *              56,559.48 Heavy Equipment Operator I *              37,243.35 Seniors Van Driver                4,134.71 Temp Npp Mediator                2,319.10 Librarian *              20,178.77 Mtn View General Ass't *                3,699.68 Construction Supervisor *              31,644.90 Airport Operations Specialist                   163.30 Library Director              49,167.16 Detention Deputy                1,216.80 Library Technician                9,879.39 Vehicle Licensing Technician              37,320.00 Airport Operations Specialist *              10,393.05 Eligibility Technician              30,296.36 Admin Ass't I/Residential Aide              15,127.12 Housing Case Manager              30,382.85 Finance Assistant                5,282.83 Intermittent Airport Worker                9,583.38 Heavy Equipment Mechanic              31,222.42 Juvenile Div Program Manager              47,444.52 Patrol Deputy *              47,897.93 Detention Deputy              37,056.00 Rodeogrounds Facility Manager *             60,717.28 Library Technician                2,399.43 Library Technician                   832.97 Appraiser               39,385.40 Library Technician                2,503.11 Library Aide                1,515.56 Administrative Ass't I                1,766.41 Heavy Equipment Operator II *              44,043.07 Heavy Equipment Operator II              43,837.02 Transfer Clerk *                3,383.13 Caseworker III              50,112.00 Administrative Ass't III              37,906.00 Health Educator              12,049.20 Patrol Deputy *              45,223.74 Heavy Equipment Operator II *              18,748.51 Deputy Clerk              43,910.76 Case Worker II              30,814.71 Victim Assistance Coordinator *              50,359.99 County Assessor                1,075.27 Seniors Van Driver                3,673.61 Administrative Ass't III              34,395.75 Literacy Lead Instructor                8,901.76 Airport Operations Specialist *              32,067.30 GIS Technician              37,885.39 Administrative Ass't II              23,162.59 Ass't Planning Director              65,254.19 Administrative Ass't II              25,636.80 County Commissioner              58,139.02 Heavy Equipment Operator II *              50,685.49 Environmental Health Official              55,375.22 Vehicle Licensing Technician              30,397.15 Eligibility Technician              11,170.00 Custodian              13,783.54 Senior Resources Program Mgr              44,524.80 West Region Coord-Homeland Sec             69,609.42
Property Transfer Technician              30,984.70 Marketing Coordinator              32,445.00 Patrol Deputy *              49,299.05 Deputy Coroner                   905.00 County Commissioner              41,714.00 Landfill Foreman *              58,553.09 Heavy Equipment Mechanic *              43,212.08 Utilities Manager *              51,066.20 Property Transfer Technician                3,471.44 Librarian              35,619.62 Facilities Maintenance Tech              35,549.18 Literacy Instructor              14,666.63 Eligibility Technician                7,375.41 Property Transfer Technician              12,356.86 Facilities Maintenance Ass't *                4,544.37 County Coroner              32,925.77 Landfill Gate Attendant              17,902.56 Ass't Manager-Rodeo Grnds *              23,668.07 Eligibility Supervisor              38,241.27 Health Educator              33,025.47 Gis Technician *              21,585.28 Finance Assistant                5,330.02 Heavy Equipment Operator II *              43,347.77 Detention Deputy *              34,908.60 Facilities Maintenance Ass't                4,535.31 Seniors Site Manager                4,145.30 Airport Dir Of Operations *              26,558.13 Library Technician                   653.60 Accountant              38,536.43 Planning Director              86,295.12 Detention Deputy *              44,865.06 Airport Duty Officer *              37,264.74 Recycling Technician *              37,481.83 Deputy Coroner                   150.00 Housing Authority Director              71,338.80 Legal Assistant              36,613.39 Building Inspector              59,405.76 County Health Officer                1,580.40 Residential Aide                   811.84 Appraiser              37,280.00 Nursing Svcs Supervisor              57,985.51 Alt Svcs Program Manager              50,676.00 Weed Program Coordinator *              48,457.18 Administrative Asst II              32,085.74 Detention Captain              58,394.66 Case Aide              34,631.71 Library Technician              10,335.18 Interpreter                6,161.23      Report Total          8,897,002.54
* Earnings Of Employee Include Overtime Pay And/Or Conversion Of Sick Leave/Vacation/Comp Time Accruals. In Addition To Compensation Listed Above, Employees Receive An Average Of 22.1% Of Such Compensation. In Fringe Benefits.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of February 29. 2008. #022904


Friday, February 29, 2008

8:45 a.m. • Call to order; determine quorum
• Approval of Minutes
• Unscheduled citizens: A brief period in which the public is invited to make general comments or ask questions of the Commission or Planning Staff about items which are not scheduled on the day’s agenda.
9:00 a.m. • Bull Mountain Natural Gas Pipeline, SG Interests I Ltd., continued joint public hearing/no action, request for Bull Mountain Natural Gas Pipeline; a proposed 20-inch diameter buried steel natural gas pipeline and related aboveground facilities within a 50-foot right-of way (ROW) on Bureau of Land Management (BLM) public lands and National Forest System (NFS) lands, Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre and Gunnison (GMUG) National Forests, northwest Gunnison County
10:30 a.m.• Break
10:45 a.m.• Continued Hearing
Noon • Lunch
1:30 p.m. • Continued Hearing
3:00 p.m. • Break
3:15 p.m. • Continued Hearing
NOTE: Unless otherwise noted, all meetings are conducted in the Blackstock Government Center Meeting Room at 221 N. Wisconsin St. in Gunnison, across the street from the Post Office.  This is a preliminary agenda; agenda times may be changed by the staff up to 24 hours before the meeting date. If you are interested in a specific agenda item; you may want to call the Planning Department (641-0360) ahead of time to confirm its scheduled time. Anyone needing special accommodations, please contact the Planning Department before the meeting.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of February 29, 2008. #022902

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