Crested Butte Legals


The Mt. Crested Butte Town Council will be appointing three (3) members to the Planning Commission at the Wednesday, April 2, 2008 Town Council meeting. All seats are expired two-year terms ending April 2010. Duties include architectural design review, recommendations to the Town Council on rezoning applications, variance requests, conditional use requests and formulating town planning policies.  Applicants must be qualified electors and residents of the Town and may apply by submitting a letter of interest to the Mt Crested Butte Town Hall, 911 Gothic Road, PO Box 5800, by Thursday, March 27 or by stating his/her interest at the April 2 Town Council meeting.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of March 21 and 28, 2008. #032106

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to law, an election will be held in the Town of Mt. Crested Butte, Colorado (the “Town”), on Tuesday, April 1, 2008.
The election will be held in the lawful polling place for each precinct designated by the Town Clerk. The polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on the day of the election. The precincts and polling places are as follows: Mt Crested Butte Town Hall, 911 Gothic Road, Mt Crested Butte, Colorado. Each person who has attained the age of eighteen years possessing the following qualifications is entitled to register to vote at all municipal elections: (a) The person is a citizen of the United States. (b) The person has resided in Colorado for thirty days and in the municipal election precinct for thirty days immediately preceding the election.  An otherwise qualified and registered elector who moves from the municipal election precinct where registered to another precinct within the same municipality within thirty days prior to the election may cast a ballot at the polling place in the precinct where registered. At the election, the eligible electors of the Town will vote on the following offices for which the following persons have been nominated: TOWN COUNCIL – FOUR YEAR TERMS (VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN THREE (3)): Susan Eskew, Gary Keiser, Andrew Gitin, Jim Sharpe, David Clayton, Bob Goettge. Any eligible elector of the Town may request an absentee ballot orally or in writing from the Town Clerk.  Applications for absent voters’ ballots shall be filed in writing and shall be personally signed by the applicant or a family member related by blood or marriage to the applicant.  The application may be in the form of a letter, which includes the applicant’s printed name, signature, residence address, mailing address if the applicant wishes to receive the absentee ballot by mail, and date of birth.  Such application must be filed with the Town Clerk by not later than the close of business on the Friday immediately preceding the election (March 28, 2008).  An absentee ballot may be cast by returning it (with identification, if required) to the Town Clerk by mail or in person, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, or as otherwise provided by the Municipal Election Code.  All absentee ballots must be in the hands of the Town Clerk not later than 7:00 p.m. on the day of the election.  Emergency absentee voting shall be permitted as provided in the Municipal Election Code. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Town Council of the Town of Mt. Crested Butte, Colorado, has caused this notice to be given as required by law this March 11, 2008. /s/ Donna Arwood. Donna Arwood, Town Clerk
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of March 14, 21 and 28, 2008. # 031414
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 2008 ~ 5:00 P.M

5:00 p.m. – Call to order.
5:05 p.m. – Item 1: Approval of March 19, 2008 Planning Commission Meeting minutes.  (Theresa Henry)
Item 2: Design Review:  James residence garage addition,  
26  Cinnamon Mountain Road, lot K-8 CVA 7, Gary Kneer.  (Bill Racek)
Item 3: Continued public hearing on an application submitted by CBMR and the Town of Mt. Crested Butte for Mountaineer Square North, the second phase of the town center PUD III.  The public hearing is for the consideration of a major alteration to a PUD III, rezoning of adjacent lands from business to PUD III, and a preliminary plan for subdivision.
Other business
This preliminary agenda is placed in the newspaper to notify the public of tentative agenda items for the meeting date noted above.  The official posting place for the agenda is the bulletin board in the Mt. Crested Butte Town Hall entry.  Please refer to that official agenda for actual agenda items for the meeting date noted above.
If you require any special accommodations in order to attend this meeting, please call the town hall at 349-6632 at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. Plans for designs to be reviewed at the meeting are available for viewing in the Mt. Crested Butte Town Hall.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of March 28, 2008. #032802
—Regular Town Council Meeting—
April 2, 2008 ~ 6:00 P.M.
Town of Mt. Crested BUtte,Colorado
Council Chambers

5:30 – Reception For Outgoing and New Town Council Members
Call To Order
Roll Call
Approval Of The March 18, 2008 Regular Meeting Minutes
Acceptance of Certification of Regular Municipal Election Results
Administration of Oath of Office to Newly Elected Council Members
Selection of Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem for Two-Year Terms
Discussion And Possible Consideration – Ordinance No. 1, Series 2008 – An Ordinance Amending Chapter 21 Zoning Of The Mt. Crested Butte Municipal Code Related To The Measurement Of Height Of Buildings – Second Reading
Discussion And Possible Consideration – Adoption Of Official Topographical Map
Consideration of Appointment of Two Council Members to the Mountain Express Transportation Committee For Terms of Two Years
Consideration of Appointment of Town Council Member to the Crested Butte/Mt. Crested Butte Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors
Consideration of Appointment of Town Council Member to the Center for the Arts Board of Directors
Consideration of Appointment of Town Council Member as Representative to Region 10
Consideration of Appointment of Town Council Member as Representative to Club 20
Consideration of Appointment of Town Council Member as Representative to The Colorado Association of Ski Towns
Consideration of Appointment of Town Council Member as Representative to The Marketing District
Consideration of Appointment of Two Town Council Members as Representatives To The RTA
Consideration of Appointment of Town Council Member as Representative To The Tourism Association Advisory Board
Consideration of Appointment of One Town Council Member  to DDA Board Of Directors
Consideration of Appointment of One Town Council Member To The Mt Crested Butte Planning Commission
Consideration of Appointment – Three Members Of The Public To The Mt Crested Butte Planning Commission For Expired Terms Ending April, 2010
If you require any special accommodations in order to attend this meeting, please call the Town Hall at 349-6632 at least 48 hours in advance.  Public comment on these agenda items is encouraged.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of March 28, 2008. #032801

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