Gunnison Legals

Friday, March 21, 2008

8:45 a.m. • Call to order; determine quorum • Approval of Minutes • Unscheduled citizens: A brief period in which the public is invited to make general comments or ask questions of the Commission or Planning Staff about items which are not scheduled on the day’s agenda.        
9:00 a.m. •  Tomichi Creek Subdivision, work session/possible action, recommendation on PreliminaryFinal Plan for the subdivision of 23.5-acres into 20 single-family lots; located southwest of the City of Gunnison     
10:00 a.m. • Roper Subdivision, work session/no action, proposed subdivision for three single-family residential lots, located eight miles north of the City of Gunnison, east of the Gunnison River     
11:00 a.m. • Break     
11:15 a.m. • City of Gunnison – Trails Plan, work session/no action, request for the development of non-motorized trail network, in areas surrounding the City of Gunnison    
Noon • Lunch      
1:00 p.m.• Gunnison Energy Corporation, work session/no action, request for 16 vertical and directional gas wells on 10 well pads, located in northwest Gunnison County, Sections 17, 18, 19 and 20, Township 12 South, Range 89 West     
2:30 p.m. • Break      
2:45 p.m. • Crested Butte Fire Protection District, work session/possible action, recommendation to Board of Commissioners, request  to adopt the 2003 International Fire Code with amendments          
NOTE: Unless otherwise noted, all meetings are conducted in the Blackstock Government Center Meeting Room at 221 N. Wisconsin St. in Gunnison, across the street from the Post Office.  This is a preliminary agenda; agenda times may be changed by the staff up to 24 hours before the meeting date. If you are interested in a specific agenda item; you may want to call the Planning Department (641-0360) ahead of time to confirm its scheduled time. Anyone needing special accommodations, please contact the Planning Department before the meeting.  
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of March 21, 2008. #032103


—Upcoming Agenda Items—

Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Meeting to be held in the Commissioner’s Meeting Room at the Courthouse
• Workforce Linkage Fee Exemption Threshold
• Trails Discussion
• Boards and Commissions Interviews
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of March 21, 2008. #032107


Gunnison County, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the United States Forest Service (USFS) have temporarily closed a number of roads to all motor vehicles to protect Gunnison Sage-grouse during their mating season and to prevent road damage during wet spring conditions. These roads were closed March 15 and will reopen on May 15, 2008. Copies of the closure list and maps are available at Gunnison County Public Works, 811 Rio Grande Avenue; Gunnison County Administration Office, 200 E. Virginia Ave; Colorado Division of Wildlife Office, 300 W. New York; and the Bureau of Land Management/USFS Office, 216 N. Colorado; Gunnison, Colorado. These closures apply to all motor vehicles. Do not park at the closures in a manner that blocks access through the closure gates. For additional information call Gunnison County Public Works at 641-0044; the Gunnison County Sage-grouse Conservation Coordinator at 641-7604; or the BLM at 641-0471. The cooperation of the public is required to successfully implement these road closures. The closures will aid in the preservation of the Gunnison Sage-grouse and may assist in reducing impacts on residents and visitors of Gunnison County from a possible Federal listing of the grouse under provisions of the Endangered Species Act. The public also should be aware of other closures in the Gunnison Basin that have been implemented to protect wildlife during this severe winter: The Colorado Division of Wildlife (CDOW) has implemented a Temporary Emergency Closure of all Hunting and Wildlife Related Activities, through May 15, 2008. The CDOW may be contacted at 970-641-7060 for additional information. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the United States Forest Service have closed some public lands to all public use, including motorized and non-motorized uses, also through May 15, 2008. Contact BLM or the USFS at 970-641-0471 for specific information on these closures.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of March 21, 28, April 4, 11, 18, 25 and May 2, 2008. #032104


—Gunnison County Commissioners Proceedings—

At the regular meeting of the County Commissioners of Gunnison County, held in the Commissioners’ Room in the Gunnison County Courthouse, the County Seat, on the 22nd of January, 2008, vouchers were approved and warrants ordered drawn on the accounts as follows:
01-General Fund    445,822.84
02-Road & Bridge    139,037.59
03-Social Services    21,915.82
10-Airport Operations    55,419.59
12-Sales Tax    193,485.73
13-Land Preservation    191,727.05
25-Library    18,035.13
30-Mosquito Control    409.21
34-Risk Management    (105,937.96)
41-Airport Construction    61,229.74
43-Capital Expenditures    126,702.46
50-Sewer Districts    21,328.20
51-Water District    7,175.49
52-Landfill    15,636.80
70-Housing Authority    60,986.18
72-Assisted Living    3,040.65
80-Internal Service-I    184,383.71
82-Internal Service-II    20,895.77
90-Internal Service-III    6,526.72
91-Local Marketing Dist    13,890.49
92-Transportation Dist    612,108.93
Total    $2,093,820.14
92-Colorado West Eq-Vehicles    536,030.00
03-Human Services Expense    5,160.81
12-John Ferrell-Bldg Imp    80.91
03-Psych Assoc – H S Expense    20.00
02-Brookway Irwin-Deposit    776.60
02-Chris Bruggeman-Deposit    300.00
02-CB South Metro Dist-Deposit    200.00
02-Garland Properties-Deposit    2,000.00
02-Mtn Home Builders – Deposits    500.00
01-R Stiner-Fee Refund    405.00
02-S Koury-Rental Eq    1,399.64
50-J Cillessen-ROA Clearing    128.93
01-Means of Egress-Training    90.00
01-Haqwthorne Suites GJ-Lodging    182.00
**-L Newman-CAPP Ins Claim    6,302.02
03-Columbine Svcs-Prof Svcs    25.00
01-Co Cty Weed Supv-Dues    50.00
01-Life Quality Inst-Healthy Aging    508.80
25-Town of Vail-Books    16.00
**-Chg Fd R&B – Postage    226.62
01-Chg Fd Pub Health – Postage    57.41
25-Chg Fd Gunn Lib-Establishment    300.00
03-Chg Fd H S – H S Expense    112.49
25-Ch Fd CB Lib-Establishment    200.00
25-Ch Fd Literacy-Establishment    100.00
**-U S Post office – Postage    450.60
25-RE-aJ Sch Dist-Meals    14.65
01-Office of the DA – Prof Svcs    57,953.25
10-Western Lbr-Bldg Mtce    63.58
**-Thyssenkrupp Elevator-Mtce    4,654.92
**-City of Gunn Utilities    10,853.20
82-Pitney Bowes-Eq Rental    1,676.55
**-Paper Clip-Office Supplies    6,221.72
70-Xerox – Photocopies    210.16
**-Sweitzer Oil-Fuel    47,056.33
**-Qwest-Telephone    1,864.53
01-Co Pub Health Dept-Lab Svcs    684.96
**-Gunn Vly Hosp-H S Expense    1,201.17
01-Co Counties Inc-Dues & Mtgs    14,124.00
01-Safeway-Prisoner Meals    397.49
01-B&B Printers-Off Supplies    229.00
**-TDS Telecom-Long Distance    260.95
**-Gunn Country Pub-Advertising708.18
**-Gunn Cty Electric-Const Costs    111,755.03
**-Town of CB – Sales Tax Redist    15,403.01
80-Marble Wtr Co-Utilities    576.00
**-Monty's – Parts    5,533.18
80-MacDonald Eq-Parts    591.35
80-MHC Kenworth GJ-Repairs    2,041.87
80-Hartman Bros-Shop Supplies    14.88
80-Drive Train Ind-Parts    455.11
03-Gunn Cty Sheriff-Prof Svcs    14.60
01-West Pmt Ctr-Law Library     523.50
01-Gunn Cty Abstract-Deed Consol    6,718.00
01-Cty Sheriffs of Co-Dues & Mtgs    275.00
**-Fullmers-Safety Recognition    2,155.10
**-Gunn Vly Fam Phy-Prenatal    1,305.00
01-J Reinman-Travel    286.15
**-Reg 10-Dues & Mtgs    15,889.00
03-Six Points – H S Expenses    50.70
80-Honnen Eq-Parts    1,107.66
**-Mater Petroleum-Fuel    2,997.10
10-W Slope Connection-Eq Mtce    350.00
80-Gunn Glass-Parts    1,282.89
80-Snap on Tools-Shop Equip    1,325.00
80-Holy Cross Energy-Utilities    127.00
80-Wagner Eq-Parts    2,854.83
**-Delta Montrose Elect-Utilities    481.97
**-Gun Fam Med Ctr-Pris Med    910.00
03-Std Tire-H S Expenses    262.48
01-Mario's – Meals    39.35
52-Valco – Transportation    40.00
02-CARSE – Dues    30.00
**-Alsco-Laundry     748.16
01-Blue Mesa Lumber-Bldg Mtce    143.50
01-Club 20-Dues & Meetings    600.00
80-Gunn Garage Door-Bldg Mtce    281.35
01-Co Cty Treas Assn-Dues&Mtgs    400.00
50-Jerry Greene-Const Costs    490.00
80-Henry's Radio-Repair    124.00
80-Tomichi Tire-Tires    2,518.60
41-CDOT – Pr & Int    60,995.36
**-Gunn Country Shopper-Adv    148.48
01-Town of Mt CB-Reimb for Sher    28,000.00
12-Town of Marble-Sales Tax    119.27
01-Kintera Fundware-S/W Subscr    3,630.00
**-Newman Traffic Signs-Inv Matls    336.70
25-Gunn Metal Shop-Bldg Mtce    147.50
80-Roberts Enter-Trash Removal    43.00
**-Hinsdale County-Healthy Aging    5,182.59
**-City of Gunn Other-Sales Tax    88,395.85
**-Wylaco Supply-Shop supplies    450.45
03-Gunn Tire-H S Expenses    229.42
80-Zep Mfg – Shop supplies    147.73
01-Gunn Cty Ext-Office Supplies    948.23
80-Interstate Batteries-Parts    589.65
80-Rush Truck Ctr-Parts    648.80
01-Crystal Mtce-Op Supplies    54.50
01-CB/Mt CB Chamber of Comm    8,973.49
80-Napa Auto Crbndale-Parts    28.19
02-Fedex – Postage    23.77
80-Roaring Fork Vly Coop-Fuel    1,752.26
01-F-Bar Catering-Employee Fd    ,682.00
02-Rolland Eng-Engineering    4,562.50
92-Rod Landwehr-Prof Svcs    45.00
25-Brodart Co-Bk Rental    3,241.74
25-Am Lib Assn-Dues & Meetings    145.00
25-Wall St Journal-Magazines    249.00
25-Bon Appetit-Magazines    14.00
10-Am Assn Airport Exec-Dues    225.00
01-Co St Forest Svc-Contr Help    7,615.32
80-N Fork Svc-Shop Supplies    112.78
25-Bookworm-Books    13.50
80-John Roberts Mtr Wks-Parts    196.19
01-Co Municipal League-Dues    675.00
01-Gunn W Fed CU-Credit Union    15,634.45
01-Ch Fd Sheriff-Postage    10.58
01-Seton Name Plate Co-Bldg Mtce     158.99
10-Swire Coca Cola-Vending Mach    253.74
**-Co Dept of Health-State Fees    3,642.82
01-J Neill-Prof Svcs    50.00
01-Sodexho-Bioterrorism Grant    1,008.61
01-NW Co Council Govt-Dues    15,000.00
10-United Parcel Svc-Postage    199.28
01-El Paso Cty-Autopsy    200.00
01-Mid Am Research Chem-Op Sup    297.04
80-Kois Bros Eq-Parts    452.00
80-CB True Value-Bldg Mtce    71.65
52-KRW Consulting – Prof Svcs    4,575.49
01-Co Wtr Workshop    1,000.00
01-Galls – Op Supplies    252.59
**-Rental Svc Corp-Rental Eq    124.00
80-D&M Wire Rope – Chains    2,376.36
25-Ingram Lib Svcs-Books    2,099.54
01-Midwest Radar-Eq Mtce    520.00
43-Neinman Const-Grandstands    4,756.34
01-Tyler Tech-Permit Tracking    7,566.18
01-Chematox Lab-Prof Svcs    17.50
10-Co State Fire Fighters-Dues    106.00
01-Clerk of the Supreme Ct-Dues    450.00
51-GJ Pipe – Operating Supplies    863.15
01-All Weather Earthwks-Deposits    1,000.00
01-Triangle Fence-Equipment    918.00
02-G A Western Const-Const Cost    77,842.35
51-Treatment Tech-Op Supplies    951.66
**-H & H Towing-Ins Claim    2,462.00
03-AT&T – Long Distance    249.14
01-Paonia Auto-Eq Mtce    8.99
01-US Postmaster-Healthy Aging    41.00
01-Co Weed Mgt-Printing & Pub    915.00
02-Sam's Club-Operating Supplies    115.79
01-Gunn Security-Bldg Mtce    274.29
02-Governing-Books & Subscr    16.00
01-Sysco Fd Svc-Prisoner Meals    3,315.73
**-Waste Mgt – Utilities    59.29
51-Co Rural Wtr Assoc-Dues     360.00
10-NW Chapter AAAE-Dues    170.00
02-Montrose County-Prof Svcs    1,625.92
51-Am Waterwks Assoc-Dues    280.00
01-M Roper – Employee Fund    43.81
43-Verizon Wireless-Long Dist    34.74
**-Gunn Ctry Collision-Ins Claim    1,206.44
01-Boxx-Equipment Rental    37.70
80-Town & Cntry Auto-Parts    186.22
10-Sign Guys & Gal-Op Supplies    100.00
02-Lacy Construction-Deposits    1,000.00
02-Glenwood Med Assoc-Pr Svcs    30.00
01-Chamption Chem-Op Supp    54.10
25-Consumer Reports-Magazines    26.00
02-JJ Keller & Assoc-Training    159.61
52-Amerigas    2,955.52
10-Dars Cleaning Supp-Salt    595.60
01-Rocky's Gym-Health Club Mbr    121.00
**-Firebrand-Op Supplies    452.00
**-IKON-Equipment Rental    2,537.18
80-Tire Dist Sys-Tires    4,035.10
**-Superior Alarm-Mtce Contracts    480.00
02-J Fonken-Meals    95.40
01-Grainger-Eq Mtce    116.60
25-Ranger Rick-Bks    19.95
01-Piezan's Pizza-Nurturing Parent    278.88
01-Natl Assn of Counties-Dues    400.00
02-J Callahan-Travel    99.72
**-Central Dist Co-Op Supplies    1,369.66
82-Mail Boxes, Etc-Postage    6.75
01-Dove Graphics-Printing    298.00
10-Front Range Fire App-Equip    15,715.12
**-Signal Peak Tire-Equip Usage    625.00
82-Insight-Replacement Equipment    571.45
51-UNCC-Subscriptions    8.54
80-Duckworks Auto-Parts    18.37
80-Tire Centers-Tires    6,718.14
52-Harbor Freight – Bldg Mtce    168.27
25-Pat's Screenprint-Programming    146.02
03-Co BW Ins Agency-H S Expense    42.34
80-KWIKI Tire-Tires    122.00
25-Yoga Journal-Magazines    35.90
25-Recorded Bks-CD's & Cassettes    31.00
01-J Kelley-Nurse Fam Partnership    214.86
01-Info Tech-Software Subscript    2,454.00
01-R Reed-PC Mtgs    250.00
10-Tom's Elect Mtr Svc-Eq Mtce    140.78
01-J Starr-Travel    756.60
03-State Forms-Office Supplies    25.20
25-The New Yorker-Books    21.97
12-Town of Pitkin-Sales Tax    127.50
01-Long Bldg Tech-Bldg Mtce    180.73
80-Excel Mfg-Parts    1,664.06
01-Henry Schein-Prevention Grant    395.92
82-CDW Govt-Op Supplies    148.41
01-The Print Shop-Printing    15.00
**-Community Banks-Mortgage    187,872.32
52-Co Assn for Recycling-Dues    150.00
01-R L Polk-Books    220.00
25-Sports Illustrated-Magazines    39.75
01-B Baker-PC Mtgs    17.82
03-La Quinta Inn-H S Expense    85.00
01-Dummins-Mtce Contract    596.50
01-Total Media-Office Supplies    59.01
01-Co Fitness-Health Club    1,320.00
01-Sprint-Long Distance    60.26
01-V Hildreth-Meals    251.97
25-Ms.-Magazines    30.00
01-Midwest Cancer Screening-Lab    386.40
25-Taste of Home-Magazines    14.98
**-Wells Fargo-Lease Payments    180,903.03
**-CB News-Advertising    450.17
**-Walmart-Shop Supplies    521.56
**-Co Cnties Casualty-Ins&Bonds    81,952.00
01-Sullivan Green Seavy-Pr Svcs    2,779.50
01-Stericycle-Op Supplies    205.23
25-L Sego-Janitorial Svcs    375.00
01-Lexis-Nexis-e-file & serve    11.20
01-Feather Petroleum-Gas    111.40
82-New Horizons CLC-Training    1,795.50
01-CJZA Miller Prop-Office Rent    450.00
**-Mt CB Wtr & Sewer-Utilities    1,034.90
25-People-Magazines    116.07
03-P Zamora-Travel    19.94
80-Co LTAP-Training    150.00
10-David Neff Design-Eq Mtce    2,407.63
01-M Sewolt-Nurturing Parents    26.95
01-Peak Internet-Op Supplies    120.00
01-D Purnell-Office Supplies    15.70
25-Adoptive Families-Magazines    24.95
82-WSC Computer-Sys S/W Subscr    425.00
01-AFLAC-Supp Policies    1,301.12
02-Meteorlogix-Rental Equipment    3,873.68
25-Prevention-Magazines    21.97
25-O The Oprah Magazine    21.97
03-State Farm Ins-H S Expenses    80.94
01-United Reprog Supp-Mtce Cont    2,240.00
**-Katie's Cookery-Meals    332.00
**-Atmos Energy-Utilities    10,584.21
70-CHFA-Interest Payment    210.58
01-Trinity Electric-Bldg Improve    330.00
**-Kroger-Prisoner Medical    1,630.68
25-P Duba – Travel    30.30
**-McLeod USA-Telephone    998.70
03-Drug Testing-Prof Svcs    23.00
01-R Magruder-Office Supplies    16.79
03-Anita Grana-H S Expense    400.00
01-K Stewart-Region 10 Grant Exp    51.41
03-Erik Cooper-Title XX Trng    750.00
01-GMPCS-Satellite Phone    58.92
80-Delta Implement-Parts    11.87
52-DEX Media-Advertising    0.30
01-R McDermott-Prof Svcs    30.00
01-Wheatland Fire Eq-Equipment    322.92
25-Scientific American-Books    34.97
25-Art in America-Books    39.95
25-Jim Thomas Const-Bldg Mtce    110.00
01-M Marks – Travel    144.53
01-CB Weekly6-Prevention Grant    265.00
01-N Am Weather Con-Cld Seed    8,574.50
01-N Lypps-PC Mtgs    250.00
92-Airplanners-Contract Help    5,876.10
90-NGS American-Admin Fees    4,077.95
**-Tracker Software-Shop Equip    5,450.93
01-A Falsetto-Dues & Meetings    20.00
25-Your Big Backyard-Books    19.95
70-Pitchfork-Dues    32.40
**-Wells Fargo Cr-Meals & Lodge    14,450.31
25-Field & Stream-Magazines    19.97
25-Men's Journal-Magazines    9.95
03-M Semlow-Travel    264.68
25-Harpers – Magazines    40.00
01-Globalstar-Satellite Phone    72.76
03-B Greenwood-Travel    151.80
01-Quartz Creek Exc-Op Supp    535.00
10-Golden Eagle-Trash Removal    297.50
03-Paternity Test-Prof Svcs    144.00
52-Varra Co-Gravel & Sand    170.40
50-Ind Chem Lab-Op Supp    1,255.48
01-Printrite-Printing    311.17
01-OMB Police Supply-Op Supp    115.94
10-Blueglobes-Runway Mtce    147.06
25-Cooking Light-Books    38.91
01-A&B Mech Svc-Bldg Mtce    890.00
01-Plak Smacker-Gunn Dental Init    459.92
25-Thomson Healthcare-Books    59.95
10-Backflow Cons-Equip Mtce    201.60
91-Marble Tourism Assn-Passthru    6,276.00
01-Offcenter Designs-Advertising    52.50
01-A-1 Collection – Garnishees    891.99
25-Good Housekeeping-Magazines      10.83
82-ESRI-Software Subscription    7,900.00
**-Drug Testing – Prof Svcs    1,803.00
80-K Biesemeyer-Equip Rental    225.00
01-Co Emergency Mgt-Training    155.00
01-Chg Fd Immig-Co Tr Imm Grnt    95.28
72-Wells Fargo-Mortgage Pmt    3,040.65
25-Co Lib Consortium-Postage    722.50
03-Gunn Real Estate-H S exp    1,000.00
80-L Taramarcaz-Rental Equip    225.00
90-Triad Resource Grp-Emp Assist    1,123.20
92-S Truex-Meals & Lodging    217.03
01-r & S Northeast-Pharm Supp    2,379.20
01-I Billick – PC Mtgs    250.00
01-E Ferchau-Deposit    2,390.00
**-AT&T Mobility-Cell Phones    2,147.43
01-Montrose Cty-Health Initi Imp    2,534.03
01-CB South Prop Own-Land Rent    1,800.00
01-Co Code Consulting-Pr Svcs    625.00
03-L Rascon-Travel    26.20
**-Qwest Business Svcs-Long Dist    351.16
82-M Pelletier-Travel    108.83
01-Gunn Vet Clinic-K-9 Mtce    155.92
25-Linda's Courier Svc-Postage    500.00
01-J & W Catering-Meals    659.00
01-Co Dept of Agric-Dues    100.00
01-Co Cty Clerks Assn-Dues    1,120.00
**-Laudick Napa Auto-Shop Equip    1,301.05
92-Truex Mgt Svcs-Prof Svcs    5,000.00
01-H Channell-Travel    302.72
01-M Wacker-Tobacco Control    209.52
01-Emp Sec Dept-Garnishees    170.00
02-Pro Com-Prof Svcs    171.50
25-Business Week-Books    49.97
01-J Cochran – Meals & Lodging    109.80
02-City of GJ – Training    225.00
01-R Karas – PC Mtgs    250.00
25-M Zanga – Programming    22.44
01-Sage Resources-Prof Svcs    6,225.08
01-Apex Nutrition-Prev Grant 2    220.00
70-Palisade Apts-Homeless Prev    182.00
01-T&A Ent-Janitorial Svcs    4,100.00
01-Alpine Cleaning-Janitorial Svcs    4,900.00
03-Wells Fargo-H S Exp    1,155.75
01-Montrose Mem Hosp-Lab Svcs    154.60
80-Fastenal Ind – Shop supplies    446.17
10-Time Warner Cable-Utilities    69.95
70-Rock Creek Studio-Pr Svcs    900.00
03-Elk Ave Fam Dent-H S Exp    165.00
51-Water Treatment Ch-Op Supp    1,168.27
01-D Owen-PC Mtgs    250.00
03-Energy Outreach Co-En Assist    68.75
01-Gunn Motorsports-Eq Mtce    75.00
25-Vegetarian Times – Magazines    19.95
01-J P Cooke Co-Op Supplies    67.09
25-Budget Travel-Magazines    12.00
80-WF Communic-Shop Equip    3,360.00
01-K McFarland – Travel    349.67
01-Weather Mod Assn- Cld Seeding    75.00
80-Budget Line-Trash Removal    270.00
01-J Messner-PC Mtgs    125.00
80-Hellman Mtr Co-Parts    375.00
25-Powder Magazine-Magazines    10.97
01-M Birni­e-Misc    3,082.89
25-Mothering-Magazines    22.95
01-W Slope Mtce-Janitorial Svc    345.00
03-J Sisson-Travel    154.06
01-Payflex-Flex Comp Admin Fees    282.00
01-K Bemis-WIC Program    27.65
01-Workplace Resource-Eq&Furn    54.75
02-Mark Lucas Const-Deposit    1,000.00
01-S Lumb – PC Mtgs    250.00
03-Intervention-Prof Svcs    360.00
82-Pixxures-Prof Svcs    1,933.75
03-L Oltmann-Equip Mtce    200.14
03-Atmos-Energy Assistance    399.99
01-Phamateck Inc-Lab Supplies    32.50
01-Accurint-Software Subscript    30.00
**-Elk Ave Med Ctr-H S Expense    50.00
01-Intermtn Patholog-Autopsies    6,075.00
01-FNC-Investment Commission    3,528.90
82-M Lee-Meals    354.60
90-Lincoln Nat'l-Life Ins Premium    1,241.56
80-R Pettijohn-Parts    58.77
01-Delta Cty Coroner-Autopsy    900.00
03-Brookside Custom Hms-HS Exp    1,900.00
03-CB Lodging-H S Expense    1,300.00
03-Columbine Hotel-H S Expense     1,000.00
25-KVLE-Programming    480.00
82-Lifespan Tech-Disposal Fees    998.00
82-CGAIT-Dues    300.00
01-Co Search & Rescue-Dues    50.00
13-Trust  Public Land-Cap Outlay    11,500.00
13-Aspen Vly Land Tr-Cap Outlay    15,000.00
80-Daniels Chevrolet-Vehicles    45,366.00
01-C Pagano-Office Supplies    15.14
02-McCarthey Ind-Other Matls    1,118.00
80-Mtn States Eng-Bldg Mtce    173.28
80-G Reichle-Equip Rental    225.00
50-Woody Watson-Op Supplies    478.50
01-Jen Orth-Early Childhood Exp    1,708.95
70-Jayhawk Const-Accts Rec    1,895.20
01-Creative Perspectives-Hlth Init    5,275.00
01-Janice Welborn-Healthy Aging    385.00
01-Co Dept of State-Dues    180.00
41-McGraw Will Const-Advertising    176.00
43-Co Gov Emerg Mgt-Dues&Mtg    155.00
92-Alpine Express-Grnd Transport    64,695.40
01-James Mears-Snow Removal    2,110.00
03-Mesa Cty Sheriff-Pr Svcs    43.64
01-El Centro Florist-Misc    97.00
92-CASTA – Dues    215.00
01-Cochran Fish&Wildlife-Pr Svcs    6,550.00
Total    $2,093,820.14
The above and foregoing is a condensed statement of the Commissioners’ Proceedings at the regular meeting held in the Commissioners’ Room in the County Courthouse in Gunnison, Colorado on the 22nd of January, 2008. A. D.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of March 21, 2008. #032102

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