Gunnison Legals

Gunnison County, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the United States Forest Service (USFS) have temporarily closed a number of roads to all motor vehicles to protect Gunnison Sage-grouse during their mating season and to prevent road damage during wet spring conditions. These roads were closed March 15 and will reopen on May 15, 2008. Copies of the closure list and maps are available at Gunnison County Public Works, 811 Rio Grande Avenue; Gunnison County Administration Office, 200 E. Virginia Ave; Colorado Division of Wildlife Office, 300 W. New York; and the Bureau of Land Management/USFS Office, 216 N. Colorado; Gunnison, Colorado. These closures apply to all motor vehicles. Do not park at the closures in a manner that blocks access through the closure gates. For additional information call Gunnison County Public Works at 641-0044; the Gunnison County Sage-grouse Conservation Coordinator at 641-7604; or the BLM at 641-0471. The cooperation of the public is required to successfully implement these road closures. The closures will aid in the preservation of the Gunnison Sage-grouse and may assist in reducing impacts on residents and visitors of Gunnison County from a possible Federal listing of the grouse under provisions of the Endangered Species Act. The public also should be aware of other closures in the Gunnison Basin that have been implemented to protect wildlife during this severe winter: The Colorado Division of Wildlife (CDOW) has implemented a Temporary Emergency Closure of all Hunting and Wildlife Related Activities, through May 15, 2008. The CDOW may be contacted at 970-641-7060 for additional information. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the United States Forest Service have closed some public lands to all public use, including motorized and non-motorized uses, also through May 15, 2008. Contact BLM or the USFS at 970-641-0471 for specific information on these closures.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of March 21, 28, April 4, 11, 18, 25 and May 2, 2008. #032104


Monday, May 5, 2008

    Commissioners Meeting Room at Courthouse

4:00 pm    • Black Canyon Water Quantification Litigation; Possible Executive Session
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of May 2, 2008. #050209


Revision Number 1
Gunnison County
811 Rio Grande, Gunnison, CO 81230

Sealed BID for the installation of approximately 6,960 linear feet of 10” ductile iron potable water main, valves, water services, fire hydrants and all appurtenances, and approximately 1,340 linear feet of 8” PVC sanitary sewer, manholes, sewer services and appurtenances.
Sealed bids will be received by Gunnison County Public Works Department at the office of the Gunnison County Public Works Department, 811 Rio Grande, Gunnison, CO 81230 until 3:00 p.m., (Local Time) on Thursday, May 15, 2008, and then at said office publicly opened and read aloud.
The CONTRACT DOCUMENTS may be examined or obtained at the following location.
Gunnison County Public Works Department
811 Rio Grande
Gunnison, Colorado 81230
Phone: 970-641-0044
Fax: 970-641-8120
on or after Monday, April 21, 2008, upon payment of $100.00 for each set.
A mandatory pre-bid conference will be held on Friday, May 9, 2008, 1:00 p.m.  A tour of the project will be conducted after the meeting.
Any BIDDER or non-bidder, upon returning the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS promptly and in good condition, will be refunded the payment.
/s/ Marlene D. Crosby
Assistant County Manager/Public Works Director
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issues of April 25 and May 2, 2008. #042502


Please take notice that four vacancies are being created, by term expiration, on the Board of Directors of the Upper Gunnison River Water Conservancy District:
Division    Division Area    Term
4    Taylor River    June, 2008
8    City of Gunnison    June, 2008
8    City of Gunnison    June, 2008
Applications for appointment as director will be accepted until May 23, 2008. Applications to fill the vacancies should be sent to The Honorable J. Steven Patrick, District Judge, Gunnison County Courthouse, 200 East Virginia, Gunnison, Colorado 81230, who will make the appointments.
A description of the geographical boundaries of the division listed
above may be obtained from the Upper Gunnison River Water Conservancy
District, 234 N. Main Street, Suite 3C, Gunnison, Colorado, 81230, (970)
641-6065, [email protected] or from the District’s website:
Applications must specify that the applicant has resided within the
District for a period of one year and resides in, is the owner of real
property within the Division for which s/he seeks appointment, and is
knowledgeable in water matters.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issues of April 25 and May 2, 2008. #042505


—county commissioners proceedings—
gunnison county

At the regular meeting of the County Commissioners of Gunnison County, held in the Gunnison County Courthouse, the County Seat, on the 18th of March, 2008, vouchers were approved and warrants ordered drawn on the accounts as follows:
01-General Fund    205,090.71
02-Road & Bridge    8,341.76
03-Social Services    15,755.91
10-Airport Operations    29,546.47
12-Sales Tax    394.85
25-Library    9,165.76
30-Mosquito control    51.63
34-Risk Management    8,505.24
41-Airport Construction    119.96
43-Capital Expenditures    280,874.68
50-Sewer Districts    8,397.55
51-Water District    2,671.73
52-Landfill    3,081.02
70-Housing Authority    32,915.13
72-Assisted Living    3,040.65
80-Internal Service-I    422,405.55
82-Internal Service-II    26,827.98
90-Internal Service-III    7,424.50
91-Local Marketing Dist    89,611.39
92-Transportation Dist    597,398.33
                           Total    $1,751,620.80
01-Ramada Plaza Hotel-Lodging    1,380.00
03-American School-Prof Svcs    220.00
01-Westin Westminster-Lodging    420.00
01-Rita Wiley-Nurturing Parent Exp    280.00
03-El Paso Cty Sheriff-Prof Svcs    119.00
70-O-Rourke Const-Wkforce Imp    8,320.00
70-Gregory Clariday-Wkforce Imp    781.00
70-Frank Fialkoff-Wkforce Imp Fee    5,036.00
70-Melinda Harper-Wkforce Imp Fee    6,349.00
70-Joel Olsen-Wkforce Imp Fees    5,036.00
01-Comfort Inn-Nurse Fam Ptnrship    336.00
43-JCS-Hinsdale County Equip    1,550.00
**-Chg Fd Finance-Op Supplies    33.25
**-Chg Fd R&B – Meals    233.24
01-Chg Fd Pub Health-Postage    68.35
25-Chg Fd Literacy-Programming    16.78
01-U S Postoffice-Postage    221.26
**-City of Gunn – Utilities    14,288.26
82-Pitney Bowes-Op Supplies    461.23
**-Paper Clip-Office Supplies    6,125.58
**-Xerox-Photocopies    612.32
**-Sweitzer Oil – Fuel    52,740.66
**-Qwest-Telephone    1,775.40
01-Co Dept of Pub Health-Lab Svcs    966.00
01-Safeway-Prisoner Meals    159.96
**-Gunn Country Pub-Advertising    845.26
**-Gunn Cty Electric-Utilities    2,622.12
**-Monty’s Auto-Parts    2,141.66
80-MacDonald Eq-Parts    9,202.61
80-Hartman Bros-Shop Supplies    125.51
80-Drive Train Industries-Parts    2,156.08
03-Mesa County Sheriff-Prof Svcs    2.16
**-Gunn County Sheriff-Prof Svcs    58.80
01-West Pmt Ctr – Law Library    489.50
**-Fullmers Hdwe-Tools    822.94
01-Gunn Vly Fam Physicians-Prenat    855.00
01-J Reinman – Travel    317.56
03-Human Services Expense    1,112.62
80-Honnen Eq-Parts    4,340.22
**-Master Petroleum-Fuel    2,284.75
80-West Slope Connection-Parts    17.50
80-Wagner Equip – Parts    5,681.99
01-Gunn Fam Med Ctr-Prof Svcs    755.00
**-Alsco-Laundry    329.05
**-Blue Mesa Lbr-Bldg Mtce    469.73
80-Safety Kleen-Rental Eq    764.75
80-Tomichi Tire-Repairs    418.00
**-Gunn Country Shopper-Advert    220.47
01-IAAO-Dues & Meetings    145.84
01-W Slope Fire & Safety-Eq Mtce    20.00
03-Daily Sentinel-Prof Svcs    60.68
43-J Stone – Travel    1,798.95
80-Faris Machinery-Hvy Equip    182,620.00
80-Roberts Ent-Trash Removal    43.00
80-Rky Mtn Hdwe-Tools    62.98
03-Hinsdale County-Admin    208.00
**-City of Gunn Oth-Sewage Treat    8,040.92
80-Gunn Tire Co-Tires    446.00
01-Thompson Pub Grp-Bks & Subsc    418.50
10-Zep Mfg-Operating Supplies    231.24
01-Gunn Cty Ext-Dues & Mtgs    346.40
80-Interstate Batteries-Parts    830.60
80-Rush Truck Ctr-Equipment     124,929.32
80-Doughty Steel-Repair    534.66
80-Federal Express-Parts    47.92
**-M Crosby – Meals    189.00
01-West Livestock Journal-Subscr    30.00
**-Roaring Fork Vly Coop-Fuel    1,973.53
92-Alpine Express-Ground Transprt    55,477.69
**-Two Way Comm-DOW Passthru    2,271.50
25-Brodart Co – Books    250.00
25-Am Library Assn-Dues & Mtgs    60.00
25-Atlantic-Magazines    19.95
25-Demco-Office Supplies    184.89
**-J Roberts Mtr Wks-Repairs    847.59
01-Gunn W Fed CU-Credit Union    15,124.83
10-Swire Coca Cola-Vending Mach    2,037.36
01-Sodexho, Inc – Meals    189.25
**-Respond Sys-Op Supplies    142.25
10-Wood Product Signs-Op Supp    240.00
10-UPS – Postage    52.22
80-Kois Bros Eq-Equipment    14,450.00
01-D Baumgarten – Travel    252.50
80-CB True Value-Parts    123.72
34-Gunn Health Care Ctr-Pr Svcs    1,150.00
01-Galls – Op supplies    930.62
43-Motorola – Montrose Cty Equip    221,038.50
01-Lasting Impressions-Op supp    89.99
80-D&M Wire Rope – Chains    1,872.20
01-A C Elliots Inc – Rent Land&Bldg    800.00
25-Ingram Lib Svcs-Books    2,051.01
01-Tyler Tech-Software Subscript    19,676.45
01-Hewlett Packard-Early Chldhd    1,453.00
**-McMahan & Assoc – Auditing    7,950.00
01-R Besecker-Op Supplies    219.00
01-City of Gunn Parks-Bright Beg    40.00
**-United Co-Gravel    162.90
01-L Lull – PC Mtgs    150.00
03-AT&T – Long Distance    1,071.80
**-Paonia Auto-Parts    43.36
**-Sam’s Club – Mbrship Dues    167.79
01-Psychological Resources-Pr Svcs    550.00
25-CB Electrical-Equip    212.12
01-Co Assessors Assn-Dues & Mtgs    1,154.00
51-Hach Co-Op Supplies    138.32
01-Sysco Fd Svcs-Prisoner Meals    3,427.05
**-Waste Mgt – Utilities    59.55
01-M Roper-Equipment Mtce    246.70
01-Boss-Equipment Rental    37.70
01-J-O-M Pharm Svc – Supplies    1,806.34
01-Consolidated Electrical-Op Supp    61.46
02-D Sethaler-Safety Recognition    100.00
01-PPCT Mgt Sys-Op supplies    43.00
80-Town & Country Auto-Parts    105.41
10-Stanley Sec Sol-Op Supplies    283.80
51-Am Waterworks-Training    400.50
02-Glenwood Med Assoc-Prof Svcs    94.00
01-Fred Pryor Seminars-Training    99.00
43-Internet Colo-Office Supplies    269.70
**-Amerigas – Utilities    6,457.63
01-S Glazer-PC Mtgs    150.00
01-Rocky’s Gym-H C Mbrship    150.00
01-Firebrand-Dues & Meetings    16.39
**-IKON – Rental Equipment    2,412.97
01-Superior Alarm-Mtce Contract    246.00
10-J Devore – Cell Phone Reimb    106.00
 82-Dell Marketing-Equipment     6,436.25
 01-Ag Journal-Subscriptions     40.00
01-NAEIR-Subscriptions    595.00
 25-J Thomas – Travel     185.00
02-Rhomar Ind-Other Materials    801.83
**-Central Dist-Op Supplies    784.16
**-Dove Graphics – Print & Publish    2,905.04
51-UNCC – Subscriptions    2.68
01-Simple Threads-Op Supplies    25.95
02-R Huffington-Safety Recognition    124.56
01-Leds, Inc-Software Subscript    4,365.18
25-Delta Systems – Books    1,445.02
01-Chief Supply Corp-Eq & Furn    689.00
01-N Starkebaum-Travel    672.75
25-Recorded Books-CD’s    62.00
01-J Kelley-Nurse Fam Partnership    179.48
01-Microflex-Operating Supplies    173.60
01-R Reed-PC Mtgs    375.00
01-Sanofi Pasteur-Op Supplies    250.90
01-J Starr – Meals    3.81
03-SSTABS-Dues & Meetings    550.00
03-State Forms & Pubs-Off Supp    141.90
**-Excel Mfg Inc – Parts    3,319.37
01-Henry Schein-Prev Grant 2    858.84
01-S Morrill – Travel    221.90
82-DCDW Govt – Op supplies    81.06
**-Tenderfoot-Unexp Grant Rev    52,556.34
01-Quartermaster-Op Supplies    263.88
01-Hart Intercivic-Software Subscr    8,112.00
**-GL Computer Svc-Sys Eq Impr    13,452.59
01-Streicher’s – Op supplies    130.97
01-WSC Search & Rescue    433.20
01-B Baker-Travel    338.08
01-C Smith – Travel    63.63
01-Co Fitness-H C Mbrship    585.00
01-Sprint – Long Distance    72.75
02-Co Labor & Emp-State Fees    75.00
01-Techno Ply-Op Supplies    925.82
01-Midwest Cancer Scrn-Lab Svcs    322.00
**-CB News-Advertising    666.86
**-Walmart – Op Supplies    572.86
01-Sullivan Green Seavy-Prof Svcs    1,108.00
01-Stericycle – WIC Program    203.94
25-L Sego – Janitorial Svcs    300.00
02-LaFarge West-Gravel    683.75
10-Ferguson Ent-Eq Mtce    16.78
25-New Moon Publishing-Magazines    34.95
01-Gunn High School-Office Supp    200.00
02-E Antonarez-Safety Recognition    25.00
02-Co LTAP-Trainign    225.00
25-Instyle – Magazines    16.25
01-AFLAC-Supplemental Policies    1,307.42
**-Bobcat of the Rockies-Equipment    1,429.44
25-Prevention-Magazines    21.97
25-Writer’s Digest-Magazines    18.96
25-NY Times – CB Bks    84.50
01-ATCO International-Op Supp    179.00
01-United Reprographic-Plat Supp    188.48
01-WSC Copy Ctr-Op Supplies    153.80
**-Atmos Energy-Utilities    20,007.90
70-CHFA-Int Pmt    210.58
**-Kroger-Prisoner Medical    1,644.54
**-McLeod USA – Telephone    887.44
03-N Stevenson – Travel    166.65
01-Hometown Hpngs-Prev Grant 2    90.00
03-Four Points Sheraton-Travel    140.00
01-Great N Am Comp-Op supp    219.27
01-R McDermott-Prof Svcs    120.00
25-Jim Thomas Const-Bldg Mtce    797.50
02-K Webb-Safety Recognition    25.00
01-N Am Weather Con-Cld Seeding    15,681.50
01-N Lypps-PC Mtgs    250.00
92-Airplanners-Contr Temp Help    5,890.64
90-NGS American-Admin Fees    4,379.30
01-Dr Leandra Lynch-Co Tr Imm     50.00
91-Gunn/CB Tourism-Contract Svcs    89,583.33
01-Labels Direct-Office Supplies    139.00
**-Wells Fargo Cr-Meals & Lodging    25,158.53
01-Pathology Grp-Autopsies    600.00
03-M Semlow – Travel    26.77
01-Globalstar-Satellite Hone    72.54
01-Intl Code Council-Office Supplies    51.50
80-Mun & Contr Eq – Parts    382.29
70-Williams Eng-Prof Svcs Rk Creek    3,856.80
25-Lexis-Nexis-Books    42.80
10-Golden Eagle – Trash Removal    337.50
03-Paternity Testing-Prof Svcs    144.00
80-Denver Ind Sales-Inv Other Matl    826.03
50-Ind Chem Lab-Op Supplies    420.49
01-Publis Safety Ctr-Op Supplies    55.98
01-T Violett-PC Mtgs    75.00
80-A&B Mech Svc-Bldg Mtce    202.84
01-CB Mtn Resort-Prof Svcs    1,458.60
**-Skyline Steel-Inventory Culverts    3,682.53
25-Home – Magazines    14.00
01-A-1 Collection Agency-Garnish    951.36
25-Blackstone Audio-CD’s    115.50
80-Thompson Dist-Shop Supplies    458.94
01-Gunn Rotary – Dues & Meetings    127.00
01-Co Dept of Reg Agencies-Dues    125.00
**-Drug Testing-Prof Svcs    544.00
02-K Biesemeyer-Safety Recognition    25.00
01-Chg Fd Immigration-Co Tr Imm    91.98
72-Wells Fargo Bank-Pr & Int    3,040.65
01-Triad Resource Group-Prof Svcs    95.00
01-R & S Northeast-Pharmacy Supp    1,276.70
01-I Billick – PC Mtgs    375.00
**-AT&T Mobility-Cell Phones    2,004.90
82-Tuck Comm Svc-Eq Mtce    41.00
03-Cindy Smock-Title XX Trianing    900.00
90-Health Ins Contrib    355.27
01-Montrose Cty-Health Initi Imp    2,131.47
82-GIS Colorado-Subscriptions    45.00
25-Country Living-Magazines    12.99
25-Dwell-Magazines    19.95
**-Qwest Bus Svcs-Long Distance    387.86
01-High Mtn Trucking-Bldg Mtce    4,987.50
25-C Sparks – Training    300.00
70-Arthur Gallagher-Financing Cost    1,300.00
01-The Bean-Co Tr Immig Grant    42.00
01-Cochran Fish&Wildlife-Pr Svcs    6,550.00
**-Laudick Auto-Parts    109.78
82-Vigil Networks-Software Subscr    32.12
**-Western State College-Dues&Mtg    1,015.00
01-Emp Security Dept-Garnishees    170.00
01-M Mykol-Meals    47.11
51-City of Grand Junction-Lab Svcs    91.11
01-R Karas-PC Mtgs    250.00
01-Co State Univ-Health Init Imp    1,467.78
01-Sage Resources-Prof Svcs    5,156.33
01-R Richards – PC Mtgs    150.00
80-Boom-a-rang-Shop Supplies    70.00
01-Co Assn Tax Appraisers-Dues    150.00
01-Radio Colo Network-Advertising    300.00
03-M Eden – Travel    370.36
01-T&A Enterprises-Janitorial Svcs    4,100.00
01-Alpine Cleaning-Janitorial Svcs    4,900.00
80-Fastenal Industrial – Parts    290.45
10-Time Warner Cable-Utilities    69.95
01-D Owen-PC Mtgs    250.00
01-Gunn Motorsports-Veh Mtce    123.00
03-W Slope Casa-Title XX Training    50.00
25-K Wieseman-Training    300.00
01-L Parachini – PC Mtgs    150.00
01-J Messner-PC Mtgs    375.00
01-Krames-Prev Grant 2    303.12
80-Hellman Mtr Co-Parts    169.16
**-West Slope Maint-Prof Svcs    730.00
01-Duft Elect-Bldg Mtced    377.08
01-Gentle Touch Dental-Reg 10 Grnt    180.00
25-M Thompson-Contract Help    68.00
80-IBS Inc – Shop Supplies    29.11
01-Allied Ins-Ins & Bonds    100.00
**-Workplace Resource-Eq & Furn    2,921.51
01-S Lumb-PC Mtgs    375.00
01-D Harris-Prof Svcs    465.50
03-L Oltmann-Dues & Mtgs    63.61
03-Atmos Energy-Energy Assist    511.28
01-Phamatech Inc – Lab Supplies    48.75
01-G Howard – HCBS Grant Exp    56.56
01-Accurint-Software Subscript    30.00
03-A Harris – Travel    827.40
01-FNC – Invest Commissions    300.82
82-M Lee-Eq & Furn under $500    66.43
25-K Lovejoy-Contract Help    105.00
90-Lincoln Natl-Life Ins Premiums    1,965.09
43-AT&T Mobility    80.53
80-Javelina Trading-Shop Supplies    104.24
03-Youthzone-Prof Svcs    240.00
01-C Pagono – Travel    348.20
01-J Mears-Bldg Mtce    2,140.00
25-McGraw-Hill – Books    89.81
**-Gunnison Shipping-Postage    99.91
01-Molly Muggleston-Prof Svcs    1,183.78
80-Shopkey – Subscriptions    250.00
01-C Bryndal – PC Mtgs    150.00
92-Co West Equip-Vehicles    536,030.00
80-Saddleback Matls-Inv Oth Matls    2,660.00
43-Stewart Anderson-W Reg CERT    3,750.00
01-Co Ctys Treas Assn-Dues    75.00
10-Premier Tech-Bldg Improve    3,299.76
25-E Linser-Contract Help    55.00
01-Weidner Inc-Prof Svcs    18,135.70
80-Partsmaster-Shop Supplies    415.78
03-Co NW Comm – Child Care    1,238.35
25-More – Magazines    20.58
25-M Fenerty – Meals    32.35
41-Co Public Health-Const Costs    119.96
01-Shawn Harvey DDS-Pris Med    135.00
03-Co Gov H S Fin Off – Dues    160.00
01-P Cunningham-Prof Svcs    640.00
90-ACE-USA – Life Ins Premiums    673.90
                           Total    $1,751,620.80
The above and foregoing is a condensed statement of the Commissioners’ Proceedings at the regular meeting held in the Commissioners’ Room in the County Courthouse in Gunnison, Colorado on the 18th of March, 2008. A. D.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of May 2, 2008. #050205


—Upcoming Agenda Items—
Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Meeting to be held in the Commissioner’s Meeting Room at the Courthouse
• Homeland Security Grant
• Emergency Declaration Resolution
• Townhome Application; River Neighborhood, Skyland, Lot RNQ-2, River Neighborhood Skyland
• Lot Cluster Approval; Irwin Townsite, Lots 1-4/15-18, Seth Daniel Morrison
• Affordable Housing/Inclusionary Zoning, Possible Executive Session
• Code Enforcement; Formal Direction to Yellow Dog, LLC to Remove Signage and to Discontinue Building Activity and Use of the Recreational Vehicle Park, Possible Action, Possible Executive Session
• Crested Butte Temporary Animal Shelter Discussion
• Snowcat Access; Elkton Cabins by RecVac, Inc.
• Final Plan and Plat; Shady Island Subdivision
• Pomponio Subdivision Approval, Minor Impact
• Revise Public Works Department Fee Schedule
• Resolution; Bull Mountain Pipeline, Road Maintenance Agreement, Mitigation Funding Agreement
• Consent Agenda:
      • Acknowledgement of County Manager Signature; Victim Assistance and Law Enforcement Fund Grant Application
      • Acknowledgement of County Manager Signature; Gunnison County Early Childhood Resources Funding Application
      • Acknowledgement of County Manager Signature; Colorado Heritage Planning Grant Program (CHPGP) Application, Energy Action Plan
      • Ratification of Correspondence; Gunnison County Metropolitan Recreation    District, Support for Library District Funding
NOTE:  This is a list of items tentatively scheduled for the Commissioners’ agenda.  Items may be added up to 24 hours prior to the meeting, or deleted at any time.  A final agenda will be prepared after the publication deadline for the newspaper.   For further information or confirmation of specific times on the agenda, please contact the County Administration Office at 641-0248. 
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of May 2, 2008. #050203


Friday, May 2, 2008

8:30 a.m.    • Call to order; determine quorum
• Approval of Minutes
• Unscheduled citizens: A brief period in which the public is invited to make general comments or ask questions of the Commission or Planning Staff about items which are not scheduled on the day’s agenda.
8:45 a.m.   Work session/possible action  w/ Board of Commissioners to discuss possible schedule of joint review of amendments to Special Development Project Regulations
9:00 a.m.   Gary Garland/Larkspur Hockey Rink, continued public hearing/work session/ possible action, request for an amendment to the approved uses on the Recreation Parcel, Larkspur Subdivision, to include the use of an enclosed hockey rink, located on Lot R1, Larkspur Subdivision, south of the Town of Crested Butte
10:00 a.m.   Break
10:15 a.m.   Gary Garland/Larkspur Hockey Rink,  continued public hearing/work session/ possible action, request for an amendment to the approved uses on the Recreation Parcel, Larkspur Subdivision, to include the use of an enclosed hockey rink, located on Lot R1, Larkspur Subdivision, south of the Town of Crested Butte, request for direction to staff on drafting of recommendation
11:00 a.m.   Bill Wegert, work session/no action, request for the installation of a residential wind turbine, located at 2833 County Road 17 (Antelope Creek Road)
Noon   Lunch
12:15 p.m.   Sky Ranch at Ute Trail,  work session/no action, request for amendment to land use change permit application for the expansion of the camp facility, located at 1329 Highway 149, approximately 43 miles southwest of Gunnison, 11 miles north of Lake City
1:00 p.m.   Whetstone Business Park, work session/possible action, business/residential park south of Crested Butte, continued work session/possible action on draft recommendation to Board
2:45 p.m.   Break
3:00 p.m.   Whetstone Park Preliminary Plan, business/residential development south of Town of Crested Butte on Highway 135, continued work session/possible action on draft recommendation to Board
NOTE: Unless otherwise noted, all meetings are conducted in the Blackstock Government Center Meeting Room at 221 N. Wisconsin St. in Gunnison, across the street from the Post Office.  This is a preliminary agenda; agenda times may be changed by the staff up to 24 hours before the meeting date. If you are interested in a specific agenda item; you may want to call the Planning Department (641-0360) ahead of time to confirm its scheduled time. Anyone needing special accommodations, please contact the Planning Department before the meeting.
Published int the Crested Butte News. Issue of May 2, 2008. #050201

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