Gunnison Legals

—Upcoming Agenda Items—
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Meeting to be held in the Commissioner’s
Meeting Room at the Courthouse

NOTE: This is a list of items tentatively scheduled for the Commissioners’ agenda. Items may be added up to 24 hours prior to the meeting, or deleted at any time. A final agenda will be prepared after the publication deadline for the newspaper. For further information or confirmation of specific times on the agenda, please contact the County Administration Office at 641-0248.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
• HB 1177 Roundtable Update
• Gunnison/Hinsdale Board of Human Services (separate agenda)
• Lot Cluster Agreement and Declaration; Lots 34-49, Block 19, LaVeta Placer, #567992 and #573380; Michael L. Bennett
• Historic Preservation Commission; Vacancy Discussion
• Townhome Application; Rose Townhomes; Lot RNT-4, Skyland River Neighborhood; Todd Walker
• Buckhorn Ranch Filing 2B; Notice of Default of Development Improvements; Possible Action; Stallion Park Project Update; Possible Executive Session
• Planning Commission Recommendation Regarding Adoption of the 2003 International Fire Code with Amendments within the Crested Butte Fire District, and Amendments to the Crested Butte Fire Protection District Guidelines and Standards
• Consent Agenda:
– Acknowledgment of County Manager Signature; Funding Request Form; Metropolitan Recreation District; Redistribution of Conservation Trust Funds to Gunnison County
– Acknowledgment of County Manager Signature; Public Officials Liability for Special Service Districts Confirmation of Material Information Form for Renewal Policies Only; Gunnison County Housing Authority; United States Liability Insurance Group; Effective
– Acknowledgment of County Manager Signature; Colorado Discretionary Aviation Grant Application; Colorado Department of Transportation, Division of Aeronautics; Electronic Fingerprint Machine, Automated Gate and Blower Head for the 1998 H Truck; $132,000
– Certification of Non-Acceptance of Tobacco Industry Funds and Resources; Department of Health and Human Services Grant Funding Requirement
– Petition for Abatement or Refund of Taxes; CB Condos, LLC; 1.767A NE4NE4 SEC 26 13S86W #570152; Tax Year 2007
– Petition for Abatement or Refund of Taxes; Bryce Miller, etal; Lot 35 Summit Residential Filing 3 #519217 #577642; Tax Years 2006 and 2007
– Petition for Abatement or Refund of Taxes; High Cimmaron, LLC; 212.42 AC TR Sec 31 47N6W #559914, Tax Year 2007
– Petition for Abatement or Refund of Taxes; Horse Meadows, LLC; Lots 1-10 Horse
Meadows Subdivision Plat #571788; Tax Year 2007
– Petition for Abatement or Refund of Taxes; Charles B. Lutz, etal; Lot C-2 Prospect at Mt. Crested Butte Phase 1; Tax Year 2007

Note: This is a list of items tentatively schedules for the Commissioner’s agenda. Items may be added up to 24 hours prior to the meetting, or deleted at any time. A final agenda will be prepared after the publication deadline for the newspaper. For further information or confirmation of specific times on the agenda, please contact the County Administration Office at 641-0248.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of September 12, 2008. #091205



HEARING DATE, TIME AND LOCATION: The Gunnison County Planning Commission and Board of County Commissioners will conduct a public hearing FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10TH, 2008 at 6:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall of the Marble Community Church, 122 Main Street, Marble, CO, to hear public comment concerning the proposed formation and designation of a Special Geographic Area for Natural Beauty of the Upper Crystal River Valley and the adoption of regulations unique to that Special Area.
APPLICANT: The Special Area designation has been initiated by the Upper Crystal River Caucus. 
LOCATION:  The proposed Special Area boundary is based on the watershed of the upper Crystal River, within Gunnison County.  The proposed Special Area boundary is the same as the geographic area identified as the boundary for the Upper Crystal River Master Plan, adopted by Gunnison County.  The Town of Marble is not included in the proposed Special Area.
PROPOSAL:  The applicant seeks approval of the creation of a Special Geographic Area, pursuant to Section 1-110 of the Gunnison County Land Use Resolution, allowing for the adoption of specialized land use regulations.  The Upper Crystal River Caucus identifies the purpose of the Special Area as being the preservation of the natural beauty of the Upper Crystal River Valley. The proposed regulations include square footage limits on individual structures, the addition of ridgeline vantages, and deadlines and enforcement provisions for completion of construction on building permits.
Additional information about the proposed Special Area and a copy of the proposed regulations may be obtained by contacting the Gunnison County Planning Department, 221 N. Wisconsin St. in Gunnison, (970) 641-0360.
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION:  The public is invited to submit oral or written comments at the hearing, or to submit written comments by FAX (970) 641-8585, or by letter (to the Planning Department, 221 N. Wisconsin St., Ste. D, Gunnison, CO  81230) or by email to [email protected].
ADA ACCOMMODATIONS:  Anyone needing special accommodations as determined by the American Disabilities Act may contact the Planning Department prior to the day of the meeting.
/s/  Neal Starkebaum
Assistant Director
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of September 12, 2008. #091209


Upper Gunnison River Water activity enterprise

The Board of Directors of the Upper Gunnison River Water Activity
Enterprise will conduct a special board meeting on Monday, September 22, 2008, at 8:25 pm. at the District offices, 234 North Main Street, Suite 3B (Main Place Building).  The public is encouraged to attend the
meeting.  An agenda will be posted at the District Office prior to the meeting.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of September 12, 2008. #091212


Upper Gunnison River Water Conservancy District

The Board of Directors of the Upper Gunnison River Water Conservancy
District and will conduct its regular board meeting on Monday, September
22, 2008, at 5:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at the District offices,
234 North Main Street, Suite 3B (Main Place Building), Gunnison,
Colorado.  The public is encouraged to attend the meeting.  An agenda
will be posted at the District office prior to the meeting. 
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of September 12, 2008. #091211

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