Gunnison Legals


Pursuant to C.R.S. 37-92-302, as amended, you are notified that the following is a resume of all applications filed in the Water Court during the month of August 2008.
The names, address of applicant, source of water, description of water right or conditional water right involved, and description of the ruling sought are as follows:
CASE NO. 08CW99 (REL NO. 97CW92) Gunnison County, Gunnison River, Water District No. 4, Applicant: Saddle Ridge Ranch Estates Water Company, c/o Wilderson, O’Hayre, Dawson & Norris, P.C., 120 North Taylor – P.O. Box 179, Gunnison, Colorado 81230, (970) 641-3326; Type of Application: Application to Make Absolute in Part and For Finding of Reasonable Diligence in Part; Name of Structures: Saddle Ridge No. 5 Well, Saddle Ridge No. 7 Well, Saddle Ridge Pond and Meridian Ditch Supplement; Location:  Saddle Ridge No, 5 Well is located SW1/4SE1/4 Section 35, Township 13 South, Range 86 West, 6th P.M. at a point bearing 526 feet from the South Section Line and 2544 feet from the East Section Line of Section 35; Saddle Ridge No. 7 Well is located SW1/4SE1/4, Section 35, Township 13 South, Range 86 West, 6th P.M. at a point bearing 550 feet from the South Section Line and 2326 feet from the East Section line of Section 35; The Saddle Ridge Pond is located at a point whence the Northeast corner of Section 27, Township 13 South, Ranch 86 West, 6th P.M. bears South 71°7’ East 3130 feet.  The dam outlet point for the pond is in the NE¼NW ¼ Section 35, T 13 S, R 86 W, 6th P.M. at a point bearing 100 feet from the North Section Line and 2,500 feet, and The Meridian Ditch Supplement will divert at the point of diversion decreed to the Meridian Ditch, Ditch No. 226 in old Water District 59, as described below.  The decreed point of diversion of the Meridian Ditch is on the right bank of the Washington Gulch Creek, a tributary to the Slate River, a tributary of the Gunnison River, at a point at whence the Northeast corner of Section 27, Township 13 South, Ranch 86 West, 6th P.M. bears South 71°7’ East 3130 feet.  Drainage Basin: Slate River, a tributary of the East River, a tributary of the Gunnison River. Quantity:  39 gallons per minute for the Saddle Ridge No. 5 Well and 52 gallons per minute for the Saddle Ridge No. 7 Well; Saddle Ridge Pond is 4.0 acre feet and the Meridian Ditch Supplement is 0.25 c.f.s; Appropriation date:  Saddle Ridge No. 5 Well and Saddle Ridge No. 7 Well is May 16, 1999, Saddle Ridge Pond and Meridian Ditch Supplement is June 3, 1997;  Use: Saddle Ridge No. 5 Well and Saddle Ridge No. 7 Well are used for in-house domestic purposes on each of the 18 lots and Equestrian Center, and by livestock within the Equestrian Center.  Outside of SRRE, water will be used for in-house domestic purposes only on up to 20 residences; Saddle Ridge Pond is used for recreation, livestock watering, and augmentation purposes; Meridian Ditch Supplement is used to fill the Saddle Ridge Pond. Type of Structures: Wells, Pond, Ditch. Other:  Applicant requests an absolute water right in part and a finding of reasonable diligence.  The Application sets forth the actions taken toward the completion of appropriation and application of water to beneficial use as conditionally decreed. GUNNISON COUNTY.
YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED THAT you have until the last day of October 2008, to file with the Water Clerk, in quadruplicate, a Verified Statement of Opposition setting forth facts as to why a certain application should not be granted or why it should be granted only in part or on certain conditions.  A copy of such a Statement of Opposition must also be served upon the applicant or the applicant’s attorney and an affidavit of certificate of such service shall be filed with the Water Clerk, as prescribed by C.R.C.P. Rule 5.  (Filing fee:  $158.00; Forms may be obtained from the Water Clerk’s Office or on our website at  DARLEEN CAPPANNOKEEP, Water Clerk, Water Division 4, 1200 N. Grand Ave., Bin A, Montrose, CO  81401
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of September 19, 2008. #091916


Friday, September 19, 2008

8:00 a.m.    •    Call to order; determine quorum
8:05 a.m.    Leave for Site Visit
9:30 a.m.    Bear Ranch Site Visit, site visit/no action, request for the construction of a road to provide access to 17 – 35-acres tracts, located approximately 4.5 miles east of State Highway 133, north of County Road 12 (Kebler Pass)
The Planning Commission will meet in the Crested Butte Town Council Chambers. Crested Butte Town Hall, 207 Maroon Avenue, Crested Butte, CO
1:45 p.m.    •    Call to order; determine quorum
•    Unscheduled citizens: A brief period in which the public is invited to make general comments or ask questions of the Commission or Planning Staff about items which are not scheduled on the day’s agenda.
2:00 p.m.    Johnny Biggers, work session/no action, construction of a duplex; request for variance to the inner restrictive buffer setback adjacent to a wetland, in compliance with Section 11-107: Protection of Water Quality
3:00 p.m.    Michalek Subdivision, joint public hearing/no action, request for subdivision of 3.18-acres into 2 single-family lots, located approx. 6 miles north of the City of Gunnison, east of the Gunnison River
4:10 p.m.    Johnny Biggers, site visit/no action, construction of a duplex; request for variance to the inner restrictive buffer setback adjacent to a wetland, in compliance with Section 11-107: Protection of Water Quality
NOTE: Unless otherwise noted, all meetings are conducted in the Blackstock Government Center Meeting Room at 221 N. Wisconsin St. in Gunnison, across the street from the Post Office.  This is a preliminary agenda; agenda times may be changed by the staff up to 24 hours before the meeting date. If you are interested in a specific agenda item; you may want to call the Planning Department (641-0360) ahead of time to confirm its scheduled time. Anyone needing special accommodations please contact the Planning Department before the meeting.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of September 19, 2008. #091913



Pursuant to C.R.S. 37-92-302, as amended, you are notified that the following is a resume of all applications filed in the Water Court during the month of August 2008.
The names, address of applicant, source of water, description of water right or conditional water right involved, and description of the ruling sought are as follows:
CASE NO. 08CW90 (REL 02CW14) Gunnison County, Gunnison River, Water District No. 4, Applicant: Crested Butte. LLC., a Colorado limited liability company, c/o Wilderson, O’Hayre, Dawson & Norris, P.C., 120 North Taylor – P.O. Box 179, Gunnison, Colorado  81230, (970) 641-3326 and United States of America, c/o David W. Gelhert, Natural Resources Section, Department of Justice, 999-18th Street, Suite 945, Denver, CO 80202, (303) 312-7352; Type of Application: Application to Make Absolute in Part and For Finding of Reasonable Diligence.  Name of Structure: Crested Butte Ski Area Snowmaking System.  Location: At a point on the right bank of the East River from whence the Southwest corner of Section 13, Township 13 South, Range 86 West, 6th P.M., bears South 61 E 31’28” West a distance of 3959 feet. Drainage Basin: The East River, a tributary of the Gunnison River. Quantity/Appropriation date/Use: 6.0 c.f.s./ March 25, 1981/ Artificial snowmaking . Type of Structure: Artificial snowmaking system; Other: Applicants request the entry of a decree making absolute an additional 1.25 c.f.s of the 1.45 c.f.s. previously decreed to the Applicant United States of America as a conditional water right (Following the grant of this 1.25 c.f.s. as absolute, there will be a total of 5.8 c.f.s. decreed absolute by these applications, with 1.2 c.f.s. owned by Applicant Crested Butte Mountain Resort, Inc. and 4.6 c.f.s. owned by the United States). Applicants further request the entry of a decree to have the remaining .2 c.f.s. previously decreed to the United States as a conditional water right be continued on a conditional status and sets forth the actions taken toward the completion of appropriation and application of water to beneficial use as conditionally decreed.  GUNNISON COUNTY.
YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED THAT you have until the last day of October 2008, to file with the Water Clerk, in quadruplicate, a Verified Statement of Opposition setting forth facts as to why a certain application should not be granted or why it should be granted only in part or on certain conditions.  A copy of such a Statement of Opposition must also be served upon the applicant or the applicant’s attorney and an affidavit of certificate of such service shall be filed with the Water Clerk, as prescribed by C.R.C.P. Rule 5.  (Filing fee:  $158.00; Forms may be obtained from the Water Clerk’s Office or on our website at  DARLEEN CAPPANNOKEEP, Water Clerk, Water Division 4, 1200 N. Grand Ave., Bin A, Montrose, CO  81401
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of September 19, 2008. #091914



Pursuant to C.R.S. 37-92-302, as amended, you are notified that the following is a resume of all applications filed in the Water Court during the month of August 2008.
The names, address of applicant, source of water, description of water right or conditional water right involved, and description of the ruling sought are as follows:
CASE NO. 08CW97 (REL NO. 01CW256) Gunnison County, Gunnison River, Water District No. 4, Applicant: James Roy Alexander and Rosemary Alexander, c/o Wilderson, O’Hayre, Dawson & Norris P.C., 120 North Taylor – P.O. Box 179, Gunnison, Colorado  81230, (970) 641-3326; Type of Application: Application for Finding of Reasonable Diligence; Name of Structure: Alexander Spring. Location: Spring is located in the NE1/4NE1/4SW1/4 of Section 33, Township 48 North, Range 1 East, N.M.P.M. 2652 feet from the East line and 2278 feet from the South Line of Section 33. Drainage Basin: An unnamed tributary of Tomichi Creek. Quantity: 0.25 c.f.s.; Appropriation date: Approximately June, 1993; Use: Domestic and irrigation of ten acres. Type of Structure: Spring.  The application contains a summary of the efforts taken towards the completion of this appropriation.  GUNNISON COUNTY.
YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED THAT you have until the last day of October 2008, to file with the Water Clerk, in quadruplicate, a Verified Statement of Opposition setting forth facts as to why a certain application should not be granted or why it should be granted only in part or on certain conditions.  A copy of such a Statement of Opposition must also be served upon the applicant or the applicant’s attorney and an affidavit of certificate of such service shall be filed with the Water Clerk, as prescribed by C.R.C.P. Rule 5.  (Filing fee:  $158.00; Forms may be obtained from the Water Clerk’s Office or on our website at  DARLEEN CAPPANNOKEEP, Water Clerk, Water Division 4, 1200 N. Grand Ave., Bin A, Montrose, CO  81401
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of September 19, 2008. #091916


HEARING DATE, TIME AND LOCATION:  The Gunnison County Board of Commissioners will conduct a public hearing TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2008 at 8:50 A.M. in the Commissioners’  Meeting Room, 2nd Floor, Gunnison County Courthouse, 200 E. Virginia Gunnison, Colorado, to hear public comment concerning a proposed amendment to the Gunnison County Land Use Resolution. 
PROPOSAL:  The Gunnison County Planning Commission has recommended amendment of Section 3-105: Withdrawn and Inactive Applications, of the Gunnison County Land Use Resolution; the amendment would clarify that additional information regarding an application for a Land Use Change Permit must be submitted within six months after it is requested by the Planning Department, Planning Commission or Board of Commissioners.
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Interested persons are invited to submit oral or written comments at the hearing, or to submit written comments by FAX (970) 641-8585, or by letter (to the County Planning Department, 221 N. Wisconsin, Suite D, Gunnison, CO  81230), so long as they are received by 5 p.m. the afternoon before the date of the meeting so that they may be submitted for the public record during the hearing.  A copy of the proposed amendment is available in the County Planning Department, 221 N. Wisconsin, Suite D, Gunnison, CO; additional information may be obtained by calling the Planning Department (970) 641-0360.
ADA ACCOMMODATIONS: Anyone needing special accommodations as determined by the American Disabilities Act may contact the Planning Department prior to the day of the hearing.
/s/ Joanne Williams, Director of Planning
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of September 19, 2008. #091904



DATE:    Thursday, September 25, 2008
TIME:      9:30 am
PLACE:    Gunnison County Commissioners’ Meeting Room
This meeting is open to the public.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of September 19, 2008. #091905


—Upcoming Agenda Items—
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Meeting to be held in the Commissioner’s
 Meeting Room at the Courthouse

• Warrants and Transfers
• Monthly Treasurer’s Report
NOTE: This is a list of items tentatively scheduled for the Commissioners’ agenda. Items may be added up to 24 hours prior to the meeting, or deleted at any time. A final agenda will be prepared after the publication deadline for the newspaper. For further information or confirmation of specific times on the agenda, please contact the County Administration Office at 641-0248.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of September 19, 2008. #091903



Pursuant to C.R.S. 37-92-302, as amended, you are notified that the following is a resume of all applications filed in the Water Court during the month of August 2008.
The names, address of applicant, source of water, description of water right or conditional water right involved, and description of the ruling sought are as follows:
CASE NO. 07CW116 Applicant: Murdie Homeowners Association/David Vanderhoofven, 6976 Robb Street, Arvada, CO 80004.  Amended Application for Ground Water Right, Surface Water Right, Storage Right, and Approval for Plan for Augmentation.  Background:  The Murdie Subdivision is situated in the Taylor Park area at an elevation of approximately 9580 feet, more specifically located in the NE1/4 of the NE1/4, Section 22, T14S, R82W, 6th PM Gunnison County, CO.  The Murdie Subdivision was originally platted by its developers in 1967 containing a total of 42 individual lots limited to 41 individual dwellings.  The Murdie Subdivision has historically been a seasonal use property with vacation cabins until recent years where a portion of lot owners have chosen to reside or vacation there on a year round basis.  It has derived its water supply from the Multhup Pipeline, Priority no. 657, adjudication date of October 28, 1965, case no. W-73, with an appropriation date of July 15, 1964.  The pipeline is decreed for the amount of 0.08 c.f.s. for stock and domestic purposes.  The Multhup Pipeline is located from whence the W1/4 corner of Section 23, T14S, R82W, 6th PM bears North 8°07” West, a distance of 2914.7 feet. (367890, 4296672).  The Multhup Pipeline, Priority no. 657 in the amount of 0.08 c.f.s., consists of a combination of a two and three in pipeline running a distance, from its point of diversion to the Murdie Subdivision storage tank, (absolute decree for the storage of 0.0614 acre-feet, case no. 85CW220), approximately 1 mile.  The pipeline drops down from its point of diversion to a point on Willow Creek where it supports a termination point with a shut-off valve and can be released directly into Willow Creek when not in use by the subdivision.  The water is turned on in May, depending on weather conditions, to serve the subdivision and shut off in mid October.  The operation of the pipeline to the subdivision is controlled by climatic conditions based on the high elevation of the pipeline and subdivision.  The infrastructure located within the Murdie Subdivision is placed at an approximate depth of 1.5 feet where operation of the water system is not possible due to the frost level, which exists in the range of 6 to 8 feet below ground surface.  Several homeowners who reside or vacation there on a year round basin have opted to drill individual wells based on the Pre. ’72 status of the Murdie Subdivision as no other water source is available during winter months.  The applicants are seeking a plan of augmentation for the purpose of drilling a community well to serve the subdivision replacing depletions from the Murdie Pond.  Water from the Multhup Pipeline was recently cited by the State Department of Health as being unsafe for human consumption and the Murdie H.O.A. is required to remedy the situation.  After detailed research, and considering the condition and length of the pipeline, the association made the decision to drill a well and operate the water system with the same infrastructure that is currently in place within the subdivision. The applicants acknowledge the need for a year round augmentation plan for future purposes, however, for now and for an indefinite time in the future, the subdivision will only be able to use the well during the same time frame as the Multhup Pipeline.  Given this, the applicants wish to keep the option open to allow for homeowners who choose to use the cabins during the winter months to have the ability to apply for and obtain an individual on-lot well.  Owner of land on which the well will be located:  The Murdie Well will be located on Lot 8, Blk, 3 of the Murdie Subdivision.  Owner is identified as Clarence D. Taylor ET AL, 202 Broken Arrow Dr., Sun City West, AZ 85375.  Owner has been notified by the “jdf290 1/06, Certificate of Notice” within 10 days after filing the application according to statute.  Application for a Ground Water Right: Murdie Well – NE1/4NE1/4 of Section 22, T14S, R82W, 6th PM.  100 feet from the north section line and 100 feet from the east section line.  Source:  Willow Creek, tributary to the Taylor River, tributary to the Gunnison River.  Appropriation Date:  08/31/2007.  Amount Claimed:  20 g.p.m or 0.044 cfs conditional and an annual appropriation not to exceed 16.08 acre-feet for use in up to 41 single-family dwellings most of which are used on a seasonal basis, and there exists 24 valid wells or well permits in place at present.  Application for Storage Right:  Murdie Pond – SW1/4NE1/4 of Section 22, T14S, R82W, 6th PM.  2,550 feet from the north section line and 1,382 feet from the east section line.  Source: Murdie Pond will be filled in priority by the Multhup Pipeline, Priority no. 657, adjudication date of October 28, 1965, case no. W-73, with an appropriation date of July 15, 1964.  The pipeline is decreed for the amount of 0.08 c.f.s. for stock and domestic purposes.  The Multhup Pipeline is located from whence the W1/4 corner of Section 23, T14S, R82W, 6th PM, bears North 8°07” West a distance of 2914.7 feet.  The Multhup Pipeline is tributary to Willow Creek, tributary to Taylor River, tributary to the Gunnison River.  Appropriation Date:  06/10/2008.  Amount Claimed:  3.829 acre-feet conditional for augmentation purposes for the Murdie Well. Application for Surface Water Right Adding New Uses on the Existing Multhup Pipeline:  Multhup Pipeline, Priority no. 657, adjudication date of October 28, 1965, case no. W-73. With an appropriation date of July 15, 1964.  The pipeline is decreed for the amount of 0.08 c.f.s. for stock and domestic purposes.  The Multhup Pipeline is located from whence the W1/4 corner of Section 23, T14S, R82W, 6th PM, bears North 8°07”, West a distance of 2914.7 feet.  Applicant seeks to add new conditional and absolute uses to the Multhup Pipeline, however, does not seek to enlarge the existing pipeline.  Source:  The Multhup Pipeline is tributary to Willow Creek, tributary to Taylor River tributary, to the Gunnison River.  Use:  Applicant seeks a conditional decree to fill the Murdie Pond in priority in addition to the existing domestic and stock of original decree in the amount of 0.08 c.f.s.  Applicant does not seek to increase the amount of the existing decree.  Appropriation Date:  06/10/2008.  Adjudication Date: 12/31/2008.  Applicant seeks an absolute decree for the irrigation to water up to 4 acres of lawn and garden within the subdivision.  A portion of the lot owners have historically used the Multhup Pipeline, as evidenced by the association’s minutes, to irrigate their lawns.  Date of Appropriation:  12/31/1986.  Adjudication Date:  12/31/2008.  Applicant seeks an absolute decree for fire protection. Date of Appropriation:  06/10/2008.  Adjudication Date:  12/31/2008.  Application for Approval of Plan for Augmentation:  Name of Water Rights to be Augmented:  This Plan of Augmentation will augment for all otherwise out-of-priority depletions from the Murdie Well and evaporative loss from the Murdie Pond.  Plan Assumptions and Source Data:  Applicant has made the following assumptions in the development of his plan for augmentation, which are based upon a report, included and made part of this application.  The demand for each residence is estimated to be 100 gallons per day (gpd) per person for a three and one-half person household.  The in-house demand for each has been calculated to average 0.033 acre-feet per month and total 0.40 acre-feet per year.  The total demand for 41 residences will be 1.34 acre-feet per month or 16.08 acre-feet per year.  Wastewater for dwellings is or will be treated by individual Disposal systems (ISDS).  In-house depletions are estimated to be 10% of demand and have been calculated to average 0.134 acre-feet per month and a total 1.608 acre-feet per year for the 41 residential lots.  Total Water Depletions from the Murdie Well have been calculated to be 1.608 acre-feet per year.  Note that these are conservative calculations as the proposed Murdie Well will only operate from May through mid October and several lot owners have individual household-use only wells already in place.  Applicant has sent to each lot and/or well owner within 600 feet, notice of its intent to file subject plan for augmentation.  Copies of these notices, attached Exhibit “A” are attached and on file with the Water Court. Potential Call.  Applicant realizes that calls upon Applicant’s diversions might arise on any stream reaches downstream of Applicant’s diversions.   Statement of Plan for Augmentation.  Augmentation for the Murdie Well serving domestic use for the 41 residential dwellings on the applicant’s property will be provided for by releases from the Murdie Pond decreed for a storage amount of 3.829 acre-feet with an appropriation date of June 10, 2008.  A piped outlet directly into Willow Creek by way of an existing channel will make releases from the Murdie Pond available on a year round basis as needed for any senior calls downstream.  The total consumptive use for the domestic use has been calculated to be 16.08 acre-feet for their total depletions, and 1.792 acre-feet for year round evaporative loss of the Murdie Pond, and 0.17 (5%) acre-feet in transit loss from the Murdie Pond outlet to Willow Creek, resulting in total annual depletions of 3.569 acre-feet.  The applicant acknowledges that augmentation water will be solely for applicant’s use.  Applicant has entered into a contract with the Upper Gunnison Water Conservancy District to purchase two acre-feet of water for out of priority depletions in the event of a Gunnison Tunnel call or a Redlands Power Canal call.  
The following chart sets forth a summary of the augmentation plan:
                             Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr   May   Jun   Jul     Aug  Sep    Oct   Nov   Dec   Total                 
Household use   1.34 1.34   1.34  1.34  1.34   1.34  1.34  1.34  1.34   1.34  1.34  1.34   16.08
Demand ( 41      
Household use   1.34  1.34  1.34  1.34  1.34   1.34  1.34  1.34  1.34   1.34  1.34   1.34   16.08
Depletions (41
Murdie Pond     0.00  0.00   0.00 0.00 .278  347  .363   .293  .251   .169   0.09    0.00     1.791
.775 surface
5% transit loss .0067 .0067 .0067 .0067.021 .024 .025  .021  .019   .015  .011.0067         .170
From pond
Outlet to
Willow Creek
Depletions        134  .134   .134  .134  .412  .481  .497  .427  .385 .303    .224 .134          3.569
Above 9000 feet  Town name Total Annual Evap. In inches  Total Annual Effective Precip
                             Taylor Park                                   34.750                                            0
                           Surface Acreage                           0.775

Month       Total Monthly Total Effective Monthly Evap. Monthly Evap Net Evap Net Evap            
                Precipitation  Precipitation               Inches             Dist.         Inches     acre-feet
Jan                                           0.000                0.000              0.000       0.000       0.000
Feb                                           0.000                0.000              0.000       0.000       0.000
Mar                                           0.000                0.000              0.000       0.000       0.000
Apr                                           0.000                0.000              0.000       0.000       0.000
May                                          0.000                5.386              0.155       5.386       0.278
Jun                                           0.000                6.603              0.190       6.603       0.347
Jul                                            0.000                7.000              0.200       7.000       0.363
Aug                                          0.000                5.600              0.160       5.600       0.293
Sep                                          0.000                4.865              0.140       4.865       0.251
Oct                                           0.000                3.128              0.090       3.128       0.169
Nov                                          0.000                1.738              0.050       1.738       0.090
Dec                                          0.000                0.000              0.000       0.000       0.000
Totals               0.000               0.000               34.319             0.985      34.319      1.791              
*Annual Evaporation umbers from DWR
YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED THAT you have until the last day of October 2008, to file with the Water Clerk, in quadruplicate, a Verified Statement of Opposition setting forth facts as to why a certain application should not be granted or why it should be granted only in part or on certain conditions.  A copy of such a Statement of Opposition must also be served upon the applicant or the applicant’s attorney and an affidavit of certificate of such service shall be filed with the Water Clerk, as prescribed by C.R.C.P. Rule 5.  (Filing fee:  $158.00; Forms may be obtained from the Water Clerk’s Office or on our website at  DARLEEN CAPPANNOKEEP, Water Clerk, Water Division 4, 1200 N. Grand Ave., Bin A, Montrose, CO  81401
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of September 19, 2008. #091918


Gunnison County, COlorado

At the regular meeting of the County Commissioners of Gunnison County, held in the Commissioners’ Room in the Gunnison County Courthouse, the County Seat, on the 19th of August, 2008, vouchers were approved and warrants ordered drawn on the accounts as follows:
01-General Fund    159,438.14
02-Road & Bridge    399,464.68
03-Social Services    19,312.72
10-Airport Operations    53,544.14
12-Sales Tax    11,300.27
25-Library    12,162.38
30-Mosquito District    12,076.50
34-Risk Management    9,905.00
41-Airport Construction    113,169.61
43-Capital Expenditures    150,744.39
50-Sewer Districts    35,435.23
51-Water District    9,851.80
52-Landfill    10,009.75
70-Housing Authority    4,880.93
72-Assisted Living    3,040.65
80-Internal Service-I    146,615.66
82-Internal Service-II    12,467.27
90-Internal Service-III    10,839.87
91-Local Marketing Dist    89,585.47
92-Transportation Dist    82,807.45
Total    $1,346,651.91
90-Refund Health Premium    28.09
01-Natl Rifle Assn-Dues    25.00
01-Dr Allan Wallis-Training    800.00
01-City of Centennial CCCMA-Meals    57.00
25-Wilkinson Library – Books    40.00
01-Wright Ranch-LUC Fee Refund    3,075.00
25-N Russell-Contract Temp Help    35.00
02-Benchmark Homebldrs-Refund    75.00
01-Co Bright Beginnings    6.25
**-Glenn Michel-Dup Pmt Refund    125.00
01-Thera Com-Pharm Supp    346.15
03-Comfort Inn-Prof Svcs    98.86
25-Fairfield Inn – Travel    220.00
03-Ramada Inn-Travel    324.00
01-Chg Fd Pub Health-Postage    21.81
10-Chg Fd Airport-Op Supp    27.45
**-Chg Fd Literacy-Programming    47.06
01-U S Postoffice-Postage    427.09
**-Western Lbr Supp-Bldg Mtce    953.75
**-City of Gunn-Utilities    11,880.05
82-Pitney Bowes-Op Supp    436.73
**-Paper Clip-Office Supplies    4,914.65
**-Xerox-Photocopies    617.68
**-Sweitzer Oil-Fuel    37,549.69
**-Qwest-Telephone    1,925.52
**-Co Dept of Pub Health-Lab Svcs    1,312.01
**-Gunn Vly Hosp-H S Expense    654.03
01-Safeway-Prisoner Meals    106.29
01-B&B Printers-Op Supp    69.00
**-TDS Telecom-Long Dist    269.40
**-Gunn Ctry Pub-Advertising    2,386.76
**-Gunn Cty Elect-Utilities    535.85
01-Town of CB – Books    10.00
**-Monty’s Auto – Parts    2,275.92
80-MHC Kenworth – Equip    3,166.19
80-Hartman Bros-Shop Supp    78.81
02-Quill – Office Supp    62.45
03-Gunn Cty Sheriff – Pr Svcs    16.80
01-West Pmt Ctr-Law Library    463.05
70-Gunn Cty Abstract-Pr Svcs    340.00
01-Cty Sheriffs of Co-Dues    100.00
**-Fullmer’s Hdwe-Bldg Imp    1,819.87
**-Gunn Vly Fam Phys-Prenatal    2,320.00
01-Day Timers-Reg 10 Grant Exp    20.57
**-Master Petroleum-Fuel    3,733.44
80-W Slope Connect-Inv Steel    188.80
01-Gunn Glass-Bldg Mtce    7.50
80-Holy Cross Energy-Utilities    30.81
80-Wagner Eq Co – parts    9,417.72
**-Delta Montrose Elect-Utilities    468.53
**-Gunn Fam Med Ctr-Pris Med    1,190.00
**-Standard Tire-Parts    443.25
80-D-A Lubricant Co – Oil    11,609.82
**-Alsco – Laundry    395.33
01-J Williams – Op Supp    31.90
**-Blue Mesa Lbr-Bldg Imp    901.56
01-Gunn Garage Door-Bldg Imp    85.80
**-Jerry Greene-Business Park    9,110.00
80-Henry’s Radio-Repairs    136.00
**-Sherwin-Williams-Bldg Mtce    417.50
80-Tomichi Tire-Tires    489.97
**-Gunn Country Shopper-Adv    891.73
01-West Slope Fire-Mtce Contracts    1,185.81
80-Newman Traffic Signs-Inv    35.11
01-Rhodes Upholstery-Eq & Furn    500.00
80-L Partch-Cell Phone    44.71
43-J Stone – Travel & Cell Phone    1,130.26
80-Faris Machinery – Parts    1,391.34
10-Gunn Metal Shop-Parts    103.24
01-Rky Mtn Hdwe-Landscaping    102.27
**-Co Dept of Local Affairs-Pr&Int    27,132.15
03-Hinsdale County – Admin    317.88
**-City of Gunn-Other-Sewage     12,316.74
80-Zep Mfg – Shop Supplies    205.76
01-Gunn Cty Ext-Eq & Furn    756.84
80-Interstate Batteries-Parts    64.95
02-R Harris – Cell Phone    45.00
10-W Cranor – Cell Phone    90.00
**-Fed Exp-Business Park    64.30
02-M Crosby – Cell Phone    45.00
80-Roaring Fork Vly Coop-Fuel    690.07
03-Human Services Expense    2,191.38
92-Alpine Express – Ground Trans    53,641.53
01-Maximus, Inc. – Prof Svcs    4,000.00
02-Rolland Eng-Engineering    2,010.00
**-Two Way Comm – Repairs    615.00
25-Outside-Magazines    16.00
25-Denver Post-Magazines    149.95
25-Time – Magazines    55.44
10-Holiday Inn-Lodging    636.65
01-PFC Products-Off Supplies    179.95
01-Co State Forest Svc-Contr Help    6,061.08
80-N Fork Svc – Parts    113.11
10-K Lucas – Cell Phone    45.00
01-Bookworm – Printing    17.25
02-GMCO Corp – Dust Retardant    157,318.00
80-Gunn Gravel&Earthmvg-Gravel    61,152.88
80-John Roberts Mtr Wks-Parts    528.53
25-Discover – Magazines    31.95
01-Gunn W Fed CU-Credit Union    11,130.06
10-Swire Coca Cola-Vending Mach    473.10
01-R Corbett-Cell Phone    35.00
10-O J Watson – Eq Mtce    243.08
10-D Fry – Cell Phone    35.00
01-D Moore – Travel    126.71
**-Respond Sys-Op Supp    96.80
**-United Parcel Svc – Postage    131.46
01-El Paso County-Autopsy    200.00
02-Michael Collins-Pr Svcs    947.50
01-Do Dept of Pub Safety-Pr Svcs    38.50
52-KRW Consulting-Prof Svcs    2,273.30
34-Archuleta Const-Ins Claim    7,700.00
01-C Dawson-Health Initi Imple    209.36
80-W Slope Radiator – Repairs    145.00
03-Alpine Inn – H S Expenses    50.51
01-Galls Inc – Op supplies    623.20
**-Rental Svc Corp-Rental Eq    870.99
01-WSC Copy Center-Off Supp    41.10
01-Lasting Impressions-Op Supp    19.99
43-Spallone Const-Construction    147,940.53
25-Ingram Lib Svcs-Books    2,883.80
30-Co Mosquito Control-Prof Svcs    12,076.50
01-Reinman Const-Rental Eq    1,325.00
01-Tyler Tech-Software    4,743.00
01-Delta County Ind-Advertising    50.29
01-City of Gunn Parks-Oth Contrib    1,000.00
**-United Co – Gravel & Sand    3,016.26
**-Gunn Construction-Rental Eq    738.00
02-G A Western-Construction    156,571.73
03-AT&T – Long Distance    921.15
80-Paonia Auto – Parts    25.86
03-Days Inn – H S Expenses    147.00
**-Gunn Security – Op Supp    487.37
**-APWA – West Slope – Training    810.00
01-Sysco Fd Svc – Prisoner Meals    4,510.33
**-Waste Mgt – Utilities    37.47
01-Buena Vista Correct-Op Supp    44.95
01-M Roper – Op Supp & Phone    117.27
01-Verizon Wireless-Cell Phone    49.21
01-Boss in Montrose-Eq Rental    37.70
01-Cons Electrical-Bldg Mtce    19.70
25-Marmot – Eq & Furn    238.80
80-Sign Guys – Sign Matls    180.00
10-Std Signs – Runway Mtce    7,473.82
01-Champion Chemical – Op Supp    289.60
02-Fred Pryor Seminars-Training    128.00
**-Amerigas – Utilities    4,529.00
01-Fam Support Registry-Garnish    215.00
**-IKON Office Sol-Rental Eq    2,484.96
03-Delta County Sheriff-Pr Svcs    15.00
80-Tire Dist Sys-Tires    156.25
02-S McCormick-Cell Phone    35.00
10-Superior Alarm- Bldg Mtce    152.50
10-J Devore – Cell Phone    90.00
02-J Fonken – Meals    81.50
01-Apex Software-Software Subsc    1,110.00
**-Grainger-Bldg Mtce    126.87
82-Dell Marketing-Equipment    2,139.44
70-Co NAHRO – Dues    60.00
**-Central Dist-Eq Mtce    635.42
01-Dove Graphics – Op Supp    325.00
10-Lohf, Shaiman-Prof Svcs    172.00
10-Ideal Mfg – Eq Mtce    147.90
12-Mesa Mechanical-Equipment    2,641.24
01-WSC Conf Svcs – Meetings    305.00
92-Charlier Assoc-A/R    13,615.50
51-UNCC-Subscriptions    57.62
02-Simple Threads-Safety Recog    128.00
90-Co State Treas-Unemp Benefits    4,956.00
25-C Primus – Travel    201.00
80-Lighthouse-Equipment    1,003.04
25-Audio Ed-CD’s    16.00
25-Recorded Books-CD’s    91.45
01-J Kelley-Nurse Fam Ptnrship    425.64
01-R Reed-PC Mtgs    625.00
**-Schmueser Gordon-Engineering    6,550.35
03-State Forms-Off Supp    161.77
80-Excel Mfg – Parts    768.39
01-Henry Schein-Bioterrorism     880.71
01-J Vreeke-Oth Rev    21.70
01-S Morrill – Cell Phone    150.00
01-CDW Govt-Equipment    272.31
01-Quartermaster-Op Supp    119.97
01-Hart Intercivic-Off Supp    13,916.13
01-Co Dept of Labor-Boiler Insp    250.00
03-Holiday Inn-Travel    486.00
50-J Dot Barry-Prof Svcs    143.28
01-C Worrall-Bioterrorism Grant    124.98
01-C Smith – Travel    170.74
01-Co Fitness-H C Mbrship    840.00
01-Sprint – Long Distance    35.31
01-Techno Ply – Op Supp    2,800.80
25-MacWorld-Magazines    34.97
01-Midwest Cancer Screen-Lab Svc    869.40
**-CB News-Advertising    1,656.60
02-A Moores-Cell Phone    45.00
**-Walmart-Op Supplies    816.59
10-S Spitzmiller-Cell Phone    35.00
34-Sullivan Green Seavy-Pr Svcs    2,205.00
80-Alpine Surveying-Pr Svcs    2,381.00
25-L Sego – Janitorial Svcs    300.00
01-Pfizer – Pharmacy Supplies    0.30
01-Central Rest Product-Op Supp    64.12
51-Evergreen Analytical – Lab Svc    248.00
**-David Neff Design-Bldg Mtce    904.12
03-Dynamics Research Corp-Pr Svc    2,160.00
82-WSC Computers-Sys Software    850.00
01-AFLAC-Supplemental Policies    1307.42
80-Bobcat of the Rockies-Parts    122.92
01-P Rice – Accts Rec    29.30
10-West Wastewtr Tech-Bldg Mtce    300.00
25-New York Times-CB Books    88.50
25-O,The Oprah Mag-Magazines    19.48
03-R Brown-Travel&Cell Phone    320.37
01-United Repro Supply-Plat Mach    109.95
01-Moore Wallace-Printing    726.86
01-Katie’s Cookery-PC Mtgs    250.75
25-Woman’s Day-Magazines    12.00
25-People en Espanol-Magazines    16.97
43-San Miguel Cty-W Reg Training    1,080.58
**-Atmos Energy-Utilities    1,600.29
70-CHFA – Interest Pmt    210.58
**-Kroger – Op Supp    373.46
41-Carter & Burgess-Accts Pay    113,098.00
01-K Stewart-HCBS Grant Exp    11.70
02-J Brekke-Cell Phone    45.00
01-GMPCS Pers Comm-Sat Phone    58.92
**-R McDermott-Programming    292.27
01-Emb Sportswear-Oth Rev    9.70
01-CB Weekly-Advertising    159.50
01-N Lypps-PC Mtgs    625.00
92-Airplanners – Contract Help    5,967.38
**-NGS American-Admin Fees    4,039.46
91-Gunn/CB Tourism-Contract Svcs    89,583.33
10-Pinyon Mesa Auto-Bldg Mtce    6,557.38
01-J Stevenson – Landscaping    509.35
01-A Falsetto – Travel    65.65
70-Pitchfork – HOA Dues    32.40
**-Wells Fargo Cr Cd-Meals&Lodg    21051.98
25-Body & Soul-Magazines    14.95
01-Crystal Vly Echo-Advertising    45.00
03-M Semlow-Travel & Cell Phone    122.49
01-Globalstar-Sat Phone    145.71
70-Gunn Vly Survey – Pr Svcs    500.00
03-B Greenwood-Travel    623.69
10-Golden Eagle-Trash Removal    209.25
03-Paternity Test Corp-Prof Svcs    144.00
80-Denver Ind Sales-Parts    3,060.65
80-Duraco Industries-Parts    271.50
01-Printrite-Printing    55.70
01-Pitkin Hist & Comm-Bldg Rent    25.00
25-Penworthy-CB Bks    228.21
10-A&B Mech Svcs-Eq Mtce    334.06
01-Backflow Consult-Eq Mtce    120.25
80-Triple Cross Towing-Parts    75.00
25-Blackstone Audiobks-CD’s    150.00
25-Southern Living-Magazines    21.97
80-Goodwin Septic-Bldg Mtce    2,400.00
**-Drug Testing-Prof Svcs    1,105.00
72-Wells Fargo Bank-Pr & Int    3,040.65
25-Co Lib Consort-Postage    638.75
70-Gunn Real Est-Homeless Prev    300.00
01-R&S Northeast-Pharmacy Supp    2,368.12
01-I Billick-PC Mtgs    250.00
01-Bank of the West-Off Supp    20.00
**-AT&T Mobility    621.86
01-Alpine Orthopaedics-Pr Svc    42.00
82-Tuck Comm-Eq Mtce    142.50
01-Montrose Cty-Health Init Imp    2,431.16
92-CB South Prop Own-Eq & Furn    1,135.50
**-Qwest Bus Svcs-Long Dist    417.72
02-High Mtn Trucking-Eq Rent    4,095.00
02-Semmaterials-Asphalt & Rd Oil    70,845.21
70-Arthur Gallagher-Pr Svcs    1,300.00
01-Gunn Vly Floorcover-Bldg Imp    202.82
25-Audiofile-CD’s    20.00
01-Cochran Fish&Wildlife-Pr Svcs    6,550.00
01-Nelco-Off Supp    218.58
**-Laudick Auto – Eq & Furn    542.26
92-Truex Mgt Svcs-Prof Svcs    5,000.00
01-Bonded Bus Svcs-Garnishees    951.36
01-M Wacker-Prev Grant 2    124.12
01-Emp Sec Dept – Garnishees    170.00
03-Take Away-Gen Assist    15.00
82-Lenovo-Equipment    2,660.44
51-City of GJ – Lab Svcs    62.15
01-R Karas-PC Mtgs    500.00
01-Co State Univ-Health init Imp    2,845.45
03-M Cheever – Cell Phone    90.00
01-Sage Resources-Pr Svcs    5,928.79
80-Boom-a-Rang – Shop Supplies    77.00
01-Bank of America – Garnishees    1,302.60
82-Guaranteed Recycling-Disp Fees    759.05
01-K Garren-Implementation    200.00
01-Hinsdale Cty Pub Health-Pr Svcs    56.88
01-Co Legal Svcs-Co Tr Immig Grant    418.00
01-T&A Ent – Janitorial Svcs    4,100.00
01-Alpine Cleaning – Janitorial Svcs    4,900.00
01-Montrose Mem Hosp-Autopsies    500.00
80-Fastenal Ind – Parts    266.93
10-Time Warner – Utilities    69.95
01-D Owen – PC Mtgs    125.00
80-Budget Line – Trash Removal    3.00
01-J Messner – PC Mtgs    125.00
01-M Birnie – Cell Phone    70.00
**-W Slope Maint – Janitorial Svcs    634.00
03-J Mason – Cell Phone    137.47
25-Glamour-Magazines    12.00
70-Timothy Albers-Pr Svcs    195.00
25-Ode – Magazines    19.95
01-K Bemis – WIC Program    92.51
01-Kirsten Daily – Landscaping    735.00
01-S Lumb-PC Mtgs    250.00
03-Deborah Harris-Prof Svcs    136.80
03-L Oltmann – Travel    265.70
03-Atmos – Energy Assistance    48.17
01-G Howard-Healthy Aging Grant    80.74
**-Stampede Pest&Weed-Pr Svcs    2,428.87
01-Roshambo – Implementation    45.00
01-Accurint-Software    60.00
01-Omni Institute-Dues & Mtgs    75.00
03-A Harris-Travel & Cell Phone    841.70
01-Intermtn Pathologists-Autopsy    3,475.00
82-M Lee-Travel    454.85
90-Lincoln Natl – Life Ins Prem    1,745.75
01-Security Transport-Pr Svcs    656.56
01-Main St Clinic-Light Program    100.00
80-Gunn Auto Glass-Parts    317.63
**-Gunn Shipping – Postage    182.35
01-M Mugglestone – Prof Svcs    1,965.90
10-Premier Tech-Bldg Imp    1,676.40
90-ACE-USA – Life Ins Premiums    244.30
25-Barker Rinker-Prof Svcs    4,776.96
01-R R Donnelley – Postage    195.81
10-C Cadwell – Cell Phone    35.00
01-Facility Solutions Grp-Op Supp    $521.64
10-K Gant – Cell Phone    35.00
80-Fluid Tech-Parts    7,793.70
10-R Willis – Cell Phone    35.00
01-Staples Bus Adv – Off Supp    496.42
25-J Hillebrandt-CB Bks    35.49
01-Greenhouse Landscape-Tm Bldg    420.00
01-Concept Design-Op Supp    337.50
01-Bob Huckins Const-Permit Ref    420.00
80-Grand Junction Peterbilt – Parts    589.62
52-Toxco – Haz Waste Collect    266.00
01-M Anderson-Nurt Parent Exp    310.58
70-S Jessoe-Homeless Prevention    1,000.00
03-Vail Marriott-Travel    2,023.00
01-R Scott Jackson-Off Supp    21.92
10-John Bean Tech-Equipment    22,880.00
01-Adams Vacuums-Eq Mtce    93.40
Total    $1,346,651.91
The above and foregoing is a condensed statement of the Commissioners’ Proceedings at the regular meeting held in the Commissioners’ Room in the County Courthouse in Gunnison, Colorado on the 19th of August, 2008. A. D.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of September 19, 2008. #091901



Pursuant to C.R.S. 37-92-302, as amended, you are notified that the following is a resume of all applications filed in the Water Court during the month of August 2008.
The names, address of applicant, source of water, description of water right or conditional water right involved, and description of the ruling sought are as follows:
CASE NO. 08CW92 (REL NO. 08CW25, 01CW179) Applicant: Ed Lehrburger/Gunnison Heights Homeowner’s Association, 1635 Hudson Street, Denver, CO 80220.  Application for Change of Water Right:  Gunnison Heights Well No 1 – From Previous decree:  01CW179, Division 4 District Court.  Decreed point of diversion:  Q10 N.W., Q40 N.W. Q160 N.E. Section 3, T49N, R1W, NMPM.  2234 feet from the East section line and 231 feet from the North section line.  Source:  Gunnison River Alluvium.  Appropriation Date:  04/17/1984.  Amount:  72.4 acre-feet annually (.1 c.f.s.).  Historic Use:  Domestic use for existing homes within the subdivision attached to the application on file with the Water Court is a map showing exact location of Gunnison Heights Well No.1 along with exact location of point of diversion.  Proposed Change:  An accurate location of the point of diversion has never been filed with the Water Court.  This application is to change the location to its exact location.  Previous filings did not have the exact location.  Original well permits were filed in 1982, before G.P.S.  Change in point of diversion:  NW1/4NE1/4 of Section 3, T49N, R1W, NMPM.  231 feet from the north section line and 2234 feet from the east section line.  Source:  Gunnison River.  Appropriation Date:  04/17/1984.  Amount Claimed: .1 cfs for domestic use.  GUNNISON COUNTY.
YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED THAT you have until the last day of October 2008, to file with the Water Clerk, in quadruplicate, a Verified Statement of Opposition setting forth facts as to why a certain application should not be granted or why it should be granted only in part or on certain conditions.  A copy of such a Statement of Opposition must also be served upon the applicant or the applicant’s attorney and an affidavit of certificate of such service shall be filed with the Water Clerk, as prescribed by C.R.C.P. Rule 5.  (Filing fee:  $158.00; Forms may be obtained from the Water Clerk’s Office or on our website at  DARLEEN CAPPANNOKEEP, Water Clerk, Water Division 4, 1200 N. Grand Ave., Bin A, Montrose, CO  81401
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of September 19, 2008. #091915

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