Gunnison Legals


Pursuant to C.R.S. 37-92-302, as amended, you are notified that the following is a resume of all applications filed in the Water Court during the month of November 2008.
The names, address of applicant, source of water, description of water right or conditional water right involved, and description of the ruling sought are as follows:
CASE NO. 2008CW139 (REF NO. 01CW198). Applicant: City of Gunnison, c/o Ken Coleman, City Manager, P. O. Box 239, Gunnison, CO 81230-0239. (Attorneys for Applicant: Timothy J. Beaton, Patricia M. DeChristopher, Moses, Wittemyer, Harrison and Woodruff, P.C., P. O. Box 1440, Boulder, CO 80306-1440, (303) 443-8782.) Application for Finding of Reasonable Diligence. Name of structure: O’Fallon Ditch. Legal description of the structure: Initial decreed point of diversion: East bank of the Gunnison River at a point whence the East quarter corner of Section 33, Township 51 North, Range 1 East of the N.M.P.M., bears North 85E East 1565 feet, Gunnison County, Colorado. Piloni Ditch headgate: Left bank of the Gunnison River at a point whence the Southwest corner of Section 24, Township 50 North, Range 1 West of the N.M.P.M., bears South 36E35’ West 1308 feet, Gunnison County, Colorado. Previous decrees: The O’Fallon Ditch water right was originally adjudicated in Civil Action No. 5289, by entry of a decree on June 20, 1957. The conditional water right was continued by finding of due diligence in Case No. 01CW198, by entry of a decree dated November 27, 2002. An alternate point of diversion for the O’Fallon Ditch was decreed on December 31, 1996 in Case No. 96CW056. Prior diligence findings were entered in Case Nos. 94CW180, 87CW138, 83CW13, W-153, W-755 and W-154. Source of water: Gunnison River. Date of initiation of appropriation: October 26, 1954. Amount: 10 cfs, CONDITIONAL. Use: Municipal purposes including, domestic, commercial, industrial, irrigation and fire prevention purposes. Outline of work and expenditures during the diligence period towards completion of appropriation and application of water to beneficial use: The alternate point of diversion for the O’Fallon Ditch decreed in Case No. 96CW56 (the Piloni Ditch headgate) would allow Gunnison to irrigate the Van Tuyl Ranch, which Gunnison operates as an irrigated hay meadow and well recharge area. Gunnison is currently engaged in discussions with Gunnison County, the other owner of Piloni Ditch water rights, to establish accounting and related mechanisms for both parties’ use of the Piloni Ditch. Gunnison has a pending change case (Case No. 07CW63) in Water Division No. 4 to transfer a portion of Gunnison Reservoir No. 4 to various small water storage sites, of which some percent will be used for future development on the Van Tuyl Ranch. Gunnison continues to make improvements to the well recharge area on the Van Tuyl Ranch that will be served by the O’Fallon Ditch diversions. Gunnison owns and operates the working Van Tuyl Ranch that achieves recharge by utilizing the ground as irrigated hay meadow. Additionally, during the diligence period, Gunnison incurred legal fees in an amount in excess of $61,000 related to filing statements of opposition and defense of Gunnison’s water rights against potential injury in Water Court, and to preparation and prosecution of Water Court applications to maintain Gunnison’s water rights. Name and address of owner of land upon which any new diversion structure or modification to any existing diversion structure is or will be constructed: Applicant. WHEREFORE, the City of Gunnison requests that the Water Court grant this application, find that applicant has exercised reasonable diligence, and continue the O’Fallon Ditch in the amount of 10 cfs. GUNNISON COUNTY.
YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED THAT you have until the last day of January 2009, to file with the Water Clerk, in quadruplicate, a Verified Statement of Opposition setting forth facts as to why a certain application should not be granted or why it should be granted only in part or on certain conditions. A copy of such a Statement of Opposition must also be served upon the applicant or the applicant’s attorney and an affidavit of certificate of such service shall be filed with the Water Clerk, as prescribed by C.R.C.P. Rule 5. (Filing fee: $158.00; Forms may be obtained from the Water Clerk’s Office or on our website at DARLEEN CAPPANNOKEEP, Water Clerk, Water Division 4, 1200 N. Grand Ave., Bin A, Montrose, CO 81401.

Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of December 12, 2008. #121204

the county commissioners of gunnison county
At the regular meeting of the County Commissioners of Gunnison County, held in the Commissioners’ Room in the Gunnison County Courthouse, the County Seat, on the 21st of October, 2008, vouchers were approved and warrants ordered drawn on the accounts as follows:
01 – General Fund    272,324.05
02 – Road & Bridge    130,016.24
03 – Social Services    35,097.48
10 – Airport Operations    39,556.42
12 – Sales Tax        32,300.44
25 – Library        2,935.61
30 – Mosquito District    28.89
32 – Sage Grouse Mitigation    0.06
41 – Airport Construction    885,600.38
43 – Capital Expenditures    3,272.21
50 – Sewer Districts    9,259.82
51 – Water District    6,604.84
52 – Landfill        38,667.34
70 – Housing Authority    5,909.82
72 – Assisted Living    3,040.65
80 – Internal Service – I    134,089.58
82 – Internal Service – II    19,430.43
90 – Internal Service – III    6,838.60
91 – Local Marketing Dist    118,866.67
92 – Transportation Dist    358,697.24
            Total    $2,102,536.77
01 – Doubletree Hotel – Lodging    357.00
01 – S Schroder – Meals & Lodging    376.74
01 – J Alarcon – Co Tr Immig Grant    50.00
01 – H Meyer – Co Tr Immig Grant    204.00
01 – United Cong Church – Implement    114.25
01 – WSC – Implementation    2,653.57
01 – R Wilkinson – Co Tr Immig Grant    200.00
03 – Ed Rosindale – Prof Svcs    187.50
02 – Terry Shanahan – Prof Svcs    219.12
03 – Human Services Expense    5,770.45
10 – Co Pub Health & Env – Bldg Mtce    170.00
52 – Co Public Health – Books    10.00
01 – M Peterson – Prof Svcs    75.00
03 – W Slope Ctr for Children – Travel    50.00
** – Chg Fd Finance – Travel    108.16
01 – Chg Fd Public Health – Postage    68.11
** – U S Postoffice – Postage     4,011.47
01 – Office of the District Atty – Pr Svcs    57,953.25
10 – Western Lbr Supply – Bldg Mtce    13.00
01 – Tyssenkrupp Elevator – Mtce Contr    2,684.65
** – City of Gunn – Utilities    9,661.76
01 – R Murdie – Meals    49.63
82 – Pitney Bowes – Equip Rental    3,024.00
** – Paper Clip – Office Supplies    4,643.50
** – Xerox – Rental Equipment    1,290.43
** – Sweitzer Oil – Fuel    27,500.77
** – Qwest – Telephone    1,907.79
** – Co Public Health – State Fees    3,501.25
01 – Gunn Vly Hosp – Cancer Control    1,167.41
01 – B & B Printers – Office Supplies    74.00
** – TDS Telecom – Long Distance    316.64
** – Gunn Ctry Pub – Advertising    3,300.82
** – Gunn Cty Electric – Utilities    543.58
** – Monty’s – Parts    3,317.10
80 – Hartman Bros – Shop supplies    54.31
80 – Drive Train – Parts    1,319.15
03 – Mesa County Sheriff – Prof Svcs    97.16
01 – Quill Corp – Refund of Expend    856.76
01 – West Pmt Ctr – Law Library    1,207.06
** – Fullmers Hardware – Op Supplies    999.20
** – Gunn Vly Fam Phys – Prenatal    1,430.00
01 – Govt Finance Officers – Dues    185.00
** – Master Petroleum – Fuel    1,499.54
80 – W Slope Connection – Shop supp    9.50
80 – Snap – on Tools – Training    160.00
80 – Holy Cross Energy – Utilities    27.57
80 – Wagner Eq Co – Repairs    3,179.49
01 – Ctr for Mental Health – Implement    1,700.00
** – Delta Montrose Elect – Utilities    442.52
01 – Co County Attorneys – Training    125.00
** – Gunn Fam Med Ctr – Light Prog    1,030.00
03 – Std Tire – H S Expense    125.00
01 – Marios – Meals    233.58
** – Alsco – Laundry    340.42
** – Blue Mesa Lbr – Equipment    212.31
80 – Safety Kleen – Rental Equip    1,288.98
** – Sherwin – Williams – Bldg Mtce    105.42
80 – Tomichi Tire – Tires    651.12
01 – Gunn Country Shopper – Adver    890.62
03 – Denver Post – Advertising    1,279.38
03 – Daily Sentinel – Advertising    436.70
80 – L Partch – Cell Phone    45.00
43 – J Stone – Travel    1,087.17
80 – Faris Machinery – Parts    116.73
80 – Roberts Enter – Trash Removal    43.50
01 – Rky Mtn Hardware – Bldg Mtce    68.05
01 – Am Planning Assn – Dues&Mtgs    643.00
01 – Co Counties Inc – Meetings    11.63
01 – Hinsdale County – Healthy Aging    2,308.76
** – City of Gunn Other – Sew Treat    9,182.45
80 – Hanson Eq – Parts    315.45
10 – Zep Mfg – Operating Supplies    242.76
01 – Gunn Cty Ext – Meetings    742.68
80 – Interstate Batteries – Parts    165.90
01 – Crystal Mtce – Operating Supplies    917.55
80 – Napa Auto Carbondale – Parts    30.51
02 – Fed Express – Postage    20.65
** – Roaring Fork Vly Coop – Fuel    1,690.65
92 – Alpine Express – Ground Transport    25,082.52
80 – Two Way Comm – Repairs    66.00
01 – WSC – Prof Svcs    10,000.00
01 – L Nienhueser – Travel    70.20
25 – Natl Geographic Kids – Magazines    19.95
80 – John Roberts Mtr Wks – Parts    71.21
01 – Gunn W Fed CU – Credit Union    11,086.16
01 – Chg Fd Sheriff – Postage    22.52
10 – Swire Coca Cola – Vending Mach    232.08
01 – Gunn Chamber – Teambuilding    50.00
01 – R Corbett – Cell phone    35.00
01 – Sodexho, Inc – Meetings    224.20
01 – Fuller Advertising – WIC Prog    284.00
** – Respond Systems – Op supplies    29.35
01 – Co State Univ – Prof Svcs    11,326.60
** – United Parcel Service – Postage    140.45
02 – Michael Collins – Prof Svcs    947.50
02 – N Star Surveying – Prof Svcs    1,610.50
12 – Bio – Environs – Business Park    516.25
25 – Motor Trend – Magazines    12.00
80 – CB True Value – Shop supplies    7.78
01 – High Country News – Subscript    47.00
01 – C Dawson – Health Init Imple    366.52
03 – Alpine Inn – Prof Svcs    118.00
** – Rental Service Corp – Rental Eq    1,190.00
01 – Gunn Country Partners – Imple    5,000.00
25 – Ingram Lib Svcs – Gooks    907.48
01 – Tyler Tech – Software Subscr    3,428.00
01 – Chematox Lab – Prof Svcs    29.50
** – McMahan & Assoc – Audit    16,050.00
** – GJ Pipe – Grounds Mtce    470.16
** – Gunn Construction – Rental Eq    780.00
03 – Days Inn – H S Exp    118.00
01 – Gunn Security – Bldg Mtce    687.39
01 – Farrells Rest – Tobacco Control    233.95
01 – Co Assessors Assoc – Dues    225.00
51 – Hach Co – Repairs & Mtce    3,743.95
01 – Sysco Fd Svc – Prisoner Meals    5,343.15
80 – Waste Mgt – Trash Removal    16.07
01 – Buena Vista Corr Ctr – Op Supp    54.50
01 – R Barnes – Meals    76.49
82 – J Guy – Travel    308.76
01 – M Roper – Cell Phone    100.00
01 – Verizon Wireless – Cell Phone    49.21
01 – Boss in Montrose – Rental Eq    37.70
01 – J – O – M Pharm Svc – Pharm Supp    2,269.44
01 – Cons Elect Dist – Op Supp    51.00
50 – USA Blue Bk – Op Supp    215.79
02 – J Metroz – Safety Recognition    25.00
10 – Sign Guys & Gal! – Ranch R&M    68.00
92 – JCI – Const Costs    21,765.00
80 – JJ Keller & Assoc – Books    256.95
** – Amerigas – Utilities    2,966.00
** – Mtn States Employers – Training    500.00
01 – Fam Support Reg – Garnishees    215.00
** – Firebrand – P C Meetings    103.80
03 – IKON Office Solutions – Eq Mtce    313.48
03 – Delta Cty Sheriff – Prof Svcs    25.00
02 – S McCormick – Cell Phone    35.00
** – Superior Alarm – Mtce Contr    1,071.80
01 – Keefe Supply – Prisoner Meals    134.66
10 – J Devore – Cell Phone    45.00
82 – Dell Marketing – Sys Eq Imp    1,659.96
80 – Force America – Parts    477.49
** – Central Dist – Op Supp    510.48
01 – J McKenna – Emp Recognition    100.00
** – Dove Graphics – Imple    4,154.00
10 – CDOT – Div of Aeronautics – Mtgs    110.60
01 – Mesa Mechanical – Equipment    892.30
70 – NAHRO – Dues & Mtgs    100.00
51 – UNCC – Subscriptions    45.56
01 – Doubletree Hotel – Lodging    238.00
** – Pat’s Screen Printing – Imple    5,078.60
25 – Recorded Books – CD’s    31.00
01 – J Kelley – Nurse Fam Ptnrship    343.22
01 – R Reed – PC Mtgs    250.00
01 – Sanofi Pasteur – Op Supplies    5,216.75
03 – State Forms & Pub – Office Supp    25.43
25 – Sunset – Magazines    24.00
01 – Henry Schein – Prev Grant 2    606.70
01 – S Morrill – Travel    223.01
** – CDW Govt – Equipment    1,967.31
03 – Tenderfoot – H S Expense    359.70
12 – Syline Gen Contr – Cap Outlay    30,000.00
01 – Quartermaster – Op Supplies    79.99
01 – Hart Intercivic – Office Supp    63.04
82 – GL Computer Svc – Sys Eq Imp    868.91
82 – E Brown – Cell Phone    129.51
01 – R Morgan – WIC Program    147.42
01 – C Smith – Cell phone    45.00
01 – Co Fitness – Health Club Mbr    720.00
01 – Sprint – Long Dist    42.33
01 – MW Cancer Screening – Lab Svcs    454.59
80 – Wells Fargo Broker – Lease Pmt    97,481.64
** – CB News – Advertising    795.08
02 – A Moores – Cell Phone    45.00
** – Walmart – Office Supplies    231.95
01 – Stericycle – Op Supplies    415.17
03 – Wee Care – Child Care    2,466.74
25 – L Sego – Janitorial Svcs    300.00
02 – B Mazzuca – Travel    224.06
01 – CJZA Miller Prop – Office Rent    450.00
03 – P Zamora – Travel    224.51
10 – David Neff Design – Bldg Imp    6,213.65
10 – Ron’s Small Eng Repair – Eq Rep    40.00
03 – S Deetz – Travel    303.05
01 – AFLAC – Supplemental Policies    1,194.42
03 – R Brown – Travel & Cell phone    422.33
01 – Paragon Comput – Healthy Aging    641.40
** – Atmos Energy – Utilities    391.32
70 – CHFA – Interest Payments    210.58
** – Kroger – Operating Supplies    956.61
41 – Carter & Burgess – Prof Svcs    40,456.25
** – Paetec – Telephone    885.26
03 – Drug Testing – Pr Svcs    24.00
01 – K Stewart – Healthy Aging    317.76
02 – J Brekke – Cell Phone    45.00
01 – GMPCS Pers Comm – Sat Phone    58.92
03 – N Stevenson – Travel    74.05
10 – Delta Implement – Eq Repair    6,450.06
01 – Hometown Happenings – Advert    135.00
01 – Rita McDermott – Prof Svcs    120.00
** – CB Weekly – Advertising    191.50
01 – N Lypps – PC Mtgs    250.00
92 – Airplanners – Contract Help    5,600.00
** – NGS American – Admin Fees    4,030.50
91 – Gunn – CB Tourism – Contr Svcs    1,164.37
01 – J Stevenson – Landscaping    400.00
02 – Tracker Software – S/W Subsc    500.00
10 – Mocha’s – Training    96.00
** – Wells Fargo Cr – Mls&Ldging    21,262.43
01 – Write On – Advertising    290.00
03 – M Semlow – Cell Phone    45.00
01 – Globalstar – Sat Phone    109.29
01 – Lexisnexis – Op Supplies    740.00
10 – Golden Eagle – Trash Removal    209.25
01 – KBUT – Implementation    661.50
01 – W Elk Search & Rescue – DOW    3,813.00
01 – Gunn Area Restorative – Imple    4,500.00
** – A&B Mechanical – Bldg Imp    10,207.00
82 – Software Spectrum – Software    6,784.44
91 – Marble Tourism Association    2,428.35
01 – Offcenter Designs – Adv    350.00
02 – Stripe a Lot – Paint    31,747.63
01 – Office for Resource Efficiency    3,000.00
** – Drug Testing – Prof Svcs    3,871.00
01 – Chg Fd Co Tr Imm Grant    80.00
72 – Wells Fargo Bank – Pr & Int    3,040.65
90 – Triad Resource Grp – Emp Assist    1,116.96
01 – Dr T Bonney – Prenatal    500.00
92 – S Truex – Travel    241.06
01 – R & S Northeast – Pharm Supp    1,841.35
01 – I Billick – PC Mtgs    125.00
01 – Gunn Valley Animal Welfare    375.00
** – AT&T Mobility – Cell Phone    686.93
82 – Tuck Comm Svc – Eq Mtce    136.00
01 – Montrose Cty – Health Init Imp    2772.35
** – Qwest Business Svcs – LD    495.79
01 – Gunn Vet Clinic – K – 9 Trng    105.00
01 – Cochran Fish&Wildlife – Pr Svcs    6,550.00
** – Laudick Napa Auto – Parts    140.81
92 – Truex Mgt Svcs – Prof Svcs    5,000.00
01 – M Wacker – Prev Grant 2    315.32
01 – Emp Sec Dept – Garnishees    170.00
01 – R Karas – PC Mtgs    250.00
03 – M Cheever – Travel & Cell Phone    378.51
01 – Sage Resources – Prof Svcs    5,981.75
80 – Boom – a – rang – Shop Supplies    56.00
01 – Apex Nutrition – WIC Program    2,060.00
01 – Bank of America – Garnishees    695.72
01 – Co Legal Svcs – Co Tr Imm Grant    209.00
01 – T & A Enterprises – Janitor Svcs    4,100.00
01 – Alpine Cleaning – Janitorial Svcs    4,900.00
80 – Fastenal Ind – Shop Supplies    82.56
10 – Time Warner Cable – Utilities    69.95
52 – Envirosolve – Haz Waste    23,348.00
80 – R&B Supply – Shop Supplies    124.43
01 – D Owen – PC Mtgs    250.00
01 – J P Cooke Co – Op Supp    63.05
01 – K McFarland – Training    409.00
92 – Comm Banks of Co CB – A/R    300,000.00
01 – J Messner – PC Mtgs    125.00
01 – M Birnie – Cell Phone    75.00
82 – Mitchell & Co – Prof Svcs    188.00
01 – W Slope Maint – Janitorial Svcs    345.00
01 – Camfil Farr – Op Sup    658.13
03 – J Mason – Cell Phone    45.00
01 – K Bemis – WIC Program    754.78
01 – K Daily – Landscaping    300.00
01 – S Lumb – PC Mtgs    250.00
03 – Atmos Energy – Energy Assist    457.81
01 – Griffith Ctrs for Children – Pr Svcs    1,839.54
01 – G Howard – Healthy Aging Grant    53.82
** – Stampede Pest & Weed – Pr Svcs    3,733.51
01 – Roshambo – Advertising    470.00
01 – Continuing Legal Ed – Books    91.00
01 – Accurint – Software Subscription    30.00
01 – Positive Promos – Cancer Contr    554.32
03 – A Harris – Travel & Cell Phone    270.68
01 – Intermtn Pathologists – Autopsy    5,550.00
01 – FNC – Invest Comm/Fees    599.38
82 – M Lee – Cell Phone    70.00
90 – Lincoln Natl – Life Ins Premiums    1,648.71
80 – Gunn Auto Glass – Parts    671.69
51 – Gunn Shipping – Postage    119.92
01 – M Mugglestone – Prof Svcs    4,180.63
01 – Co Pub Health – State ISDS Fees    880.00
10 – Premier Tech – Eq Mtce    69.00
90 – ACE – USA – Life Ins Premiums    258.30
10 – C Cadwell – Cell Phone    35.00
10 – K Gant – Cell Phone    35.00
03 – Shred it Denver – Prof Svcs    75.00
10 – Siemens – Eq Mtce    885.88
01 – Staples – Office Supp    93.49
80 – GJ Peterbilt – Parts    1,013.50
52 – Toxco – Hazardous Waste Collect    532.00
03 – S Ruble – Pr Svcs    7,280.00
03 – Garfield Cty Sheriff – Prof Svcs    154.08
03 – C Gonzalez – Travel    53.35
70 – Homeless Prevent    700.00
70 – Resident Check – Prof Svcs    96.00
70 – Luke Danielson – Restricted Don    1,000.00
52 – Pro Shed – Bldg Improvements    8,782.50
03 – Maria Call – Prof Svcs    217.02
01 – Forensics Source – Op Supplies    14.89
41 – Concrete Wks of Co – Constr    845,114.13
25 – Antiques & Collecting – Mag    38.00
01 – N Salemme – Nurt Parent Exp    290.99
01 – Dr S Niccoli – Prenatal Program    500.00
01 – Haberman Painting – Bldg Imp    4,500.00
01 – J Grant – Early Childhd Exp    232.83
80 – Fed Pulblishing – Books    178.50
01 – Character Devt Sys – Prof Svcs    177.10
80 – Montrose Ford – Parts    278.06
03 – Abbie O’Regan – Prof Svcs    120.00
03 – D Delany – Travel    546.57
01 – Homewood Stes – NurseFam Ptnr    158.00
70 – Williams Eng – Prof Svcs    390.00
70 – Schmueser Gordon – Prof Svcs    2,654.00
43 – Hinsdale Cty Sheriff – Equip    1,100.00
80 – K Biesemeyer – Rental Eq    225.00
10 – D Fry – Cell Phone    35.00
02 – G A Western – Const Costs    91,820.52
52 – KRW Consulting – Prof Svcs    168.00
02 – Newman Traffic – Sign Matls    72.41
80 – G Reichle – Eq Rent    225.00
01 – Safeway – Prisoner Meals    122.94
52 – United Co – Transportation    130.00
01 – CB Heritage Museum    3,000.00
01 – WSC Search & Rescue – Trng    100.80
            Total    $2,102,536.77

The above and foregoing is a condensed statement of the Commissioners’ Proceedings at the regular meeting held in the Commissioners’ Room in the County Courthouse in Gunnison, Colorado on the 21st of October, 2008. A. D.

Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of December 12, 2008. #121201

DECEMBER 18, 2008

Blackstock Government Center Meeting Room
221 N. Wisconsin Street, Gunnison, CO
DATE:    December 18, 2008
PLACE:    Blackstock Government Center Meeting Room
    221 N. Wisconsin Street
    Gunnison, CO
1. 8:30am    ●    Work session – Gunnison Sage-grouse/Grazing Project
2. 3:00pm    ●    Adjourn
NOTE: This agenda is subject to change, including the addition of items up to 24 hours in advance or the deletion of items at any time. All times are approximate. Regular Meetings, Public Hearings, and Special Meetings are recorded and ACTION MAY TAKEN ON ANY ITEM. Work Sessions are not recorded and formal action cannot be taken. Two or more Gunnison County Commissioners may attend this meeting. For further information, contact the County Administration at 641-0248. If special accommodations are necessary per ADA, contact 641-0248 or TTY 641-3061 prior to the meeting.

Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of December 12, 2008. #121202


Pursuant to C.R.S. 37-92-302, as amended, you are notified that the following is a resume of all applications filed in the Water Court during the month of November 2008.
The names, address of applicant, source of water, description of water right or conditional water right involved, and description of the ruling sought are as follows:
CASE NO. 2008CW142 (REF NO. 99CW182). APPLICATION TO MAKE CONDITIONAL WATER RIGHT ABSOLUTE AND FOR FINDING OF REASONABLE DILIGENCE Name, address and telephone number of applicant: Crystal Creek Homeowners Association, c/o Ernest Angelo, President, 12500 County Road 742, Almont, CO 81210. Copies of all pleadings to: Charles B. White, Esq., Petros & White, LLC, 1999 Broadway, Suite 3200, Denver, CO 80202 (303) 825-1980. Name of structure: Summerville Ditch Enlargement. Description of conditional water right: A. Original decree: Decree entered on November 12, 2002, Case No. 99CW182, District Court, Water Division 4. B. Location: The headgate of said ditch is located on the south bank of the Taylor River, a tributary of the Gunnison River, in the NE1/4 NW1/4 SW1/4 of Section 9, Township 15 South, Range 83 West, 6th P.M., at a point 1100 feet from the west section line and 2250 feet from the south section line. This location places the headgate on Crystal Creek’s property. C. Source: Taylor River, a tributary of the Gunnison River. D. Appropriation date: October 20, 1999. E. Amount: 60 c.f.s., conditional. F. Use: Piscatorial and recreational use in a trout fishery. G. Terms and conditions. Applicant’s conditional water right for the Summerville Ditch Enlargement was adjudicated in Case No. 99CW182, Water Division No. 4 subject to the conditions and limitations as set forth in ¶¶ 15(a)-(f) of that Ruling and Decree. Those conditions and limitations are incorporated here by this reference. Evidence of reasonable diligence: During the diligence period, the Applicant expended significant sums developing the conditional water right for the Summerville Ditch Enlargement. Applicant’s efforts to develop the conditional water right and apply the water to beneficial use during the diligence period support a finding of reasonable diligence. The application contains a detailed outline of the activities performed during the diligence period and is available for inspection and/or copying at the office of the Water Court. This is not intended to be all-inclusive and may be supplemented by additional evidence during any hearing in this matter. Water right made absolute: The conditional water right for the Summerville Ditch Enlargement was diverted in priority and applied to beneficial use in the amount of 56 c.f.s. for the decreed piscatorial and recreational purposes in accordance with the conditions and limitations set forth in ¶¶ 15(a)-(f) of the Ruling and Decree in Case No. 99CW182. A. Rate of diversion: On June 24, 2008, Applicant diverted and measured 60 c.f.s. at the headgate of the Summerville Ditch Enlargement. Of the amount diverted, 56 c.f.s. was diverted for piscatorial and recreational purposes in the Summerville Ditch Enlargement. The remaining 4 c.f.s. was applied to beneficial use for irrigation purposes pursuant to the water rights described in paragraph E below. During the remainder of the period from May 1 to September 30, 2008, diversions pursuant to the Summerville Ditch Enlargement water right did not exceed 35 c.f.s. During the period of October 1, 2007 to April 30, 2008, diversions pursuant to the Summerville Ditch Enlargement water right did not exceed 15 c.f.s. B. Satisfaction of Colorado Water Conservation Board instream flow right: On June 24, 2008, the minimum streamflow right adjudicated in Case No. 87CW257, Water Division No. 4, in the amount of 100 c.f.s. (5/1-9/30) was satisfied immediately below the headgate of the Summerville Ditch Enlargement. The USGS gage station on the Taylor River below Taylor Park Dam (Station 09109000) recorded a rate of flow of 619 c.f.s. on June 24, 2008. There are no significant diversions between the USGS gage station and the headgate of the Summerville Ditch Enlargement. Additional water is contributed to the Taylor River above the Summerville Ditch headgate from Lottis Creek. C. Diversion in accordance with Schedule A of Decree in Case No. 86CW203: Pursuant to paragraph 6 of the Schedule “A” Accounting Conditions attached to the decree in Case No. 86CW203, Water Division No. 4, “[o]utflows that occur from Taylor Park Reservoir that exceed patterns set forth in paragraph 22 of the Decree shall not be considered as a release from water stored under either UVWUA [irrigation priority] or Gunnison District water storage rights.” For the month of June, paragraph 22 of that Decree provides for an outflow from Taylor Park Reservoir of 500 c.f.s. On June 24, 2008, outflows from Taylor Park Reservoir were measured at the USGS gage station to be 619 c.f.s. D. Return of Water to Taylor Park River: As required by paragraph 5(e) of the decree in Case No. 99CW182, all the water diverted at the Summerville Ditch Enlargement, except for evaporation and transit losses and consumption by the surrounding vegetation incidental to carriage of water in the Ditch Enlargement, was returned to the Taylor River within Applicant’s property. E. Summerville Ditch Irrigation: Applicant’s diversion and beneficial use of the Summerville Ditch Enlargement for piscatorial and recreational use was “in addition to and not in substitution for the use of water under existing irrigation rights decreed to the Summerville Ditch and Summerville Ditch No. 2 under priority 265 in the amount of 1.25 c.f.s. (subject to the terms of a change decree in Case No. 79CW259), priority 454 in the amount of 6.75 c.f.s., and priority 655 in the amount of 1.5 c.f.s.” On June 24, 2008, 4 c.f.s. of the 60 c.f.s. diverted at the headgate of the Summerville Ditch Enlargement was used for irrigation purposes pursuant to the Applicant’s water rights in the Summerville Ditch and Summerville Ditch No. 2. Names and addresses of owners of land upon which any new diversion or storage structure or modification to any existing diversion or storage structure or existing storage pool will be constructed or upon which water is or will be stored: Applicant. WHEREFORE, the Applicant respectfully requests that this Court enter a decree making partially absolute the conditional water right decreed in Case No. 99CW182 for the Summerville Ditch Enlargement in the amount of 56 c.f.s. for piscatorial and recreational purposes. Applicant further requests that the Court enter a decree finding reasonable diligence for and continuing in full force and effect the conditional Summerville Ditch Enlargement water right, in any amounts not otherwise made absolute. GUNNISON COUNTY.
YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED THAT you have until the last day of January 2009, to file with the Water Clerk, in quadruplicate, a Verified Statement of Opposition setting forth facts as to why a certain application should not be granted or why it should be granted only in part or on certain conditions. A copy of such a Statement of Opposition must also be served upon the applicant or the applicant’s attorney and an affidavit of certificate of such service shall be filed with the Water Clerk, as prescribed by C.R.C.P. Rule 5. (Filing fee: $158.00; Forms may be obtained from the Water Clerk’s Office or on our website at DARLEEN CAPPANNOKEEP, Water Clerk, Water Division 4, 1200 N. Grand Ave., Bin A, Montrose, CO 81401.

Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of December 12, 2008. #121205


Pursuant to C.R.S. 37-92-302, as amended, you are notified that the following is a resume of all applications filed in the Water Court during the month of November 2008.
The names, address of applicant, source of water, description of water right or conditional water right involved, and description of the ruling sought are as follows:
CASE NO. 2008CW136. Applicant: Terri Wenzlaff, 269 County Road 13, Gunnison, CO 81230. Application for Change of Water Right: Alabama Spring: From previous decree – Date Entered: 03/08/1989, Case No. 89CW67/95CW106. Decreed Point of Diversion: Approximately 1,600 feet from the west section line and 200 feet from the South section line in section 16, T51N, R4E, NMPM. Source: Halls Gulch and the Gunnison River.  Appropriation Date: 03/08/1989. Amount claimed 0.01 cfs for domestic use to a single dwelling cabin. Proposed Change: Correcting decree to actual location due to surveying error using maps from pre-1936, needed to use post-1936, thus being in Section 21. Change in Point of Diversion: NE ¼ SE ¼ of Section 21, T51N, R4E, NMPM. 2,427 feet from the south section line and 2,323 feet from the west section line. GUNNISON COUNTY.
YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED THAT you have until the last day of January 2009, to file with the Water Clerk, in quadruplicate, a Verified Statement of Opposition setting forth facts as to why a certain application should not be granted or why it should be granted only in part or on certain conditions. A copy of such a Statement of Opposition must also be served upon the applicant or the applicant’s attorney and an affidavit of certificate of such service shall be filed with the Water Clerk, as prescribed by C.R.C.P. Rule 5. (Filing fee:  $158.00; Forms may be obtained from the Water Clerk’s Office or on our website at DARLEEN CAPPANNOKEEP, Water Clerk, Water Division 4, 1200 N. Grand Ave., Bin A, Montrose, CO 81401.

Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of December 12, 2008. #121203

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