Gunnison Legals


At the regular meeting of the County Commissioners of Gunnison County, held in the Commissioners’ Room in the Gunnison County Courthouse, the County Seat, on the 20th of January, 2009, vouchers were approved and warrants ordered drawn on the accounts as follows:
01-General Fund    349,276.90
02-Road & Bridge    49,627.09
03-Social Services    11,000.76
10-Airport Operations    44,136.36
12-Sales Tax    187,519.79
13-Land Preservation    165,227.05
25-Library    154,286.04
30-Mosquito District    455.36
32-Sage Grouse Trust    8.61
34-Risk Management    (89,755.99)
41-Airport Construction    279,997.98
43-Capital Expenditures    176,535.23
50-Sewer Districts    44,226.98
51-Water District    38,229.24
52-Landfill    13,852.82
70-Housing Authority    58,683.53
72-Assisted Living    3,040.65
80-Internal Service-I    129,416.29
82-Internal Service-II    62,466.17
90-Internal Service-III    33,492.50
91-Local Marketing Dist    186,375.78
92-Transportation Dist    94,610.62
                           Total    $1,992,709.76
03-Allied Interstate – A/P Misc.    257.73
03-Sarah Rais-Pr Svcs    117.25
02-Mark Lieberman-Rd Prmit Dep    664.20
25-Catering by Design-Books    22.75
25-Conde Nast Pub-Magazines    64.95
01-E White-Nurt Parent    50.00
01-V Mendez-Nurt Parent    50.00
01-A Ferran-Nurt Parent    50.00
01-A Ireland-Nurt Parent    50.00
01-N Benson-Nurt Parent    50.00
01-H Forrest-Nurt Parent    50.00
01-T Ritz-Nurt Parent    50.00
03-Red Lion Hotel-Travel    89.00
03-GC Multicultural-A/P Misc    350.00
01-Circus Train-Nurse FamPrtnr    599.25
**-Petty Cash Finance-Vehicles    36.84
**-Petty Cash R&B-Postage    329.59
01-Petty Cash Pub Health-Pstg    76.93
25-Petty Cash Library-Books    13.87
03-Petty Cash Hum Svcs-Pr Svcs    280.39
01-Office of the Dist Atty-Pr Svcs    63,018.00
**-Western Lumber – Bldg Imp    129.57
01-Thyssenkrupp Elev-Mtce Cont    2,937.01
**-City of Gunnison-Utilities    10,076.25
01-R Murdie-Meals    88.57
82-Pitney Bowes-Rental Eq    3,217.76
**-Paper Clip – Office Supp    8,620.73
**-Xerox-Mtce Contract    755.78
**-Sweitzer Oil – Fuel    28,221.61
25-Qwest – Long Distance    18.52
01-Co Pub Health-Lab Svcs    1,186.75
01-Gunn Vly Hosp-Cancer Control    598.35
01-Co Counties, Inc-Dues    11,929.00
01-Safeway – Prisoner Meals    165.18
01-B&B Printers-Office Supp    1,182.00
**-TDS Telecom-Long Distance    225.27
**-Gunn Country Pub-Advertising    298.91
**-Gunn County Electric-Util    1,048.77
80-Marble Wtr Co-Utilities    600.00
**-Monty’s Auto-Parts    3,176.83
80-MHC Kenworth-Parts    6,897.70
80-Hartman Bros-Shop supplies    155.27
03-Mesa Cty Sheriff-Pr Svcs    42.92
01-Cty Sheriffs of Co-Dues    3,508.29
**-Fullmer’s Hdwe-Bldg Mtce    1,818.52
01-G Vly Fam Phys-Light Program    592.00
01-J Reinman – Travel    356.85
**-Region 10-Dues    16,206.00
03-Six Points – H S Expense    217.30
80-Honnen Eq-Parts    2,924.33
**-Master Petroleum – Fuel    2,032.46
**-West Slope Connection-Eq    106.34
10-Gunn Glass-Bldg Mtce    103.20
80-Holy Cross Energy-Util    116.21
80-Wagner Equip-Parts    2,638.36
**-Delta Montrose Elect-Util    584.63
01-Gunn Fam Med Ctr-Pr Svcs    1,770.00
01-Std Tire-Volunteer Reimb    71.99
**-Alsco-Laundry    415.04
**-Blue Mesa Lumber-Op Supp    450.08
01-Co Cty Treas Assn-Dues    400.00
03-Gunn Comb Courts-A/P Misc    232.00
80-Safety Kleen-Rental Eq    187.76
**-Jerry Greene-Engineering    16,545.00
01-Henry’s Radio-Repairs & Mtce    18.80
80-Tomichi Tire-Tires    1,156.00
41-CDOT-Pr & Int    60,995.36
**-Gunn Country Shopper    314.42
50-Schmalz Const-Sewer Sys Imp    30,400.00
01-IAAO-Dues & Mtgs    175.00
01-Town of Mt CB-Law Enforce    28,000.00
01-Blackbaud Fundware-Software    4,753.75
80-L Partch-Cell Phone    45.00
43-J Stone – Cell Phone    75.00
80-Roberts Ent-Trash Removal    42.50
01-Rky Mtn Hdwe-Tools    42.55
01-Am Planning Assn-Dues    575.00
03-Hinsdale County-Admin    1,011.84
**-City of Gunn-Sewage Trtment    5,070.26
80-Hanson Eq-Parts    249.15
80-Wylaco Supp-Shop supplies    77.80
**-Gunn Tire-Repairs & Mtce    30.00
01-Gunn Cty Ext-Postage    126.00
80-Interstate Batteries-Parts    258.85
10-Mtn Equip-Eq Mtce    68.70
02-R Harris-Cell Phone    45.00
80-Napa Auto-Parts    22.89
02-Federal Express-Postage    17.65
80-Roaring Fork Vly Coop-Fuel    677.40
92-Alpine Express-Grnd Trans    70,346.30
92-Rod Landwehr-Pr Svcs    705.00
92-Vly Ins Agency-Ins    3,238.00
25-Am Artist-Magazine    29.95
25-Demco-Op Supp    222.52
25-Gaylord Bros-Office Supp    41.63
80-West Implement – Parts    51.99
10-Am Assn of Airport Exec-Dues    225.00
02-Gunn Gravel-Gravel    690.44
80-John Roberts Mtr Wks-Parts    251.35
01-Co Mun League-Dues    250.00
01-Gunn Sportsman’s Assn-Dues    1,080.00
01-Gunn W Fed CU-Cr Union    11,147.11
01-Petty Cash Sheriff-Postage    18.05
10-Swire Coca Cola-Vend Mach    521.66
**-Co Dept of Health LF-Fees    4,348.21
01-R Corbett-Cell Phone    35.00
80-O J Watson-Parts    102.65
80-Paul Taramarcaz-Gravel Inv    9,000.00
01-Jackie Neill-Pr Svcs    50.00
01-Sodexho Inc-Meetings    230.69
25-AAUW – Programming    200.00
**-United Parcel-Postage    259.07
80-Kois Bros-Parts    223.90
**-CB True Value – Chains    119.55
52-KRW Consulting-Pr Svcs    1,570.31
01-High Country News-Subsc    37.00
34-Archuleta Const-CAPP Ins    3,500.00
12-Gunn Health Care Ctr-Eq    14,362.94
01-Galls Inc-Op Supp    45.84
82-RSC Eq Rental-Op Supp    543.31
43-Motorola-San Miguel Cty Eq    49,320.00
43-Spallone Const-Const Costs    111,226.95
01-Co Emerg Mgt-Training    135.00
01-A C Elliots Inc-Land Rent    800.00
25-Ingram Lib Svcs-Books    473.15
01-Co Coroners’ Assn-Dues    900.00
80-Ace Eq & Supp-Shop Eq    16,990.00
01-Reinman Const-Equipment    13,000.00
52-SWANA – Dues    171.00
01-Tyler Tech-Software    10,764.00
02-J&S Contractors Sup-Oth Matls    1,440.00
01-Paonia Auto-Veh Mtce    29.74
03-Human Services Expense    2,131.38
01-Gunn Security-Eq Mtce    254.60
02-Farrell’s-Op Supplies    44.00
01-Co Assessors Assn-Dues    1,160.00
01-Sysco Fd Svc-Prisoner Meals    5,360.67
80-Waste Mgt-Trash Removal    17.03
01-Buena Vista Corr-Office Supp    28.25
51-Co Rural Wtr Assn-Training    195.00
10-NW Chapter AAAE-Dues    170.00
01-Rky Mtn Rose-Office Supp    46.50
01-M Roper-Cell phone    83.50
01-Verizon Wireless-Cell Phone    49.21
**-Consolidated Elect-Op Supp    124.87
52-Sign Guys & Gal!-Sign Matls    630.00
03-Garfield County-Pr Svcs    286.94
43-Internet Co-Office Supp    539.40
**-Amerigas-Utilities    2,988.76
10-Dars-Op Supplies    216.96
01-Fam Support Reg-Garnishees    215.00
01-Firebrand-Tobacco Control    174.64
**-Ikon-Rental Equipment    1,902.17
92-Tire Dist Sys-Veh Mtce    1,040.00
**-Superior Alarm-Mtce Contract    360.00
10-J Devore-Cell Phone    90.00
02-J Fonken-Meals    71.74
25-Ranger Rick-Magazines    19.95
01-Piezan’s-Nurt Parent Exp    370.81
01-Nat’l Assn of Counties    400.00
02-J Callahan – Travel    111.40
10-Central Dist-Op Supplies    1,336.21
51-UNCC-Subscriptions    6.70
80-Duckworks-Parts    96.14
80-Tire Centers – Tires    13,938.00
01-Hospice – Office Supplies    50.00
25-Audio Editions – CD’s    87.93
25-Recorded Books-Books    31.00
10-ID Edge-Op Supplies    194.67
01-J Kelley-Nurse Fam Ptnrship    273.84
01-Information Tech-Software    3,986.00
01-R Reed-PC Mtgs    250.00
**-Schmueser Gordon-Engineering    4,835.00
01-Tom’s Elect Mtr-Eq Mtce    801.43
01-Rky Mtn Frames-Team Bldg    84.00
01-Henry Schein-Prev Grant 2    943.53
03-Montrose Cty Sheriff-Pr Svcs    17.00
01-S Morrill-Cell Phone    145.20
82-CDW Govt-Software    7,050.67
**-Skyline Gen Cont-Cap Outlay    33,654.00
01-Quartermaster-Op Supp    185.88
**-Community Banks-Pr & Int    187,872.32
82-E Brown-Cell Phone    95.74
01-C Smith – Cell Phone    45.00
01-Co Fitness-Health Club Mbr    1,572.00
01-Sprint-Long Distance    42.97
25-Parents-Magazines    10.00
01-MW Cancer Screening-Lab Svc    450.80
**-Wells Fargo – Lease Pmts    180,903.03
**-CB News-Advertising    1,817.68
02-A Moores-Cell Phone    90.00
**-Walmart-Observatory    1,217.25
**-Co Counties Casualty-Ins    51,030.00
01-Stericycle-Op Supplies    484.29
10-Ferguson Ent-Eq Mtce    2,833.03
70-Mt CB Wtr-Utilities    556.44
10-David Neff Design-Bldg Mtce    2,631.62
03-S Deetz-Office Supplies    35.81
82-WSC Computer-Sys Software    425.00
01-AFLAC-Supp Policies    1,194.42
80-Bobcat-Parts    654.04
02-Meteorlogix-Rental Eq    4,224.00
**-R Brown-Travel    278.56
01-Katie’s Cookery-Nurt Parent     272.00
01-WSC Copy Ctr-Off Supp    40.10
**-Atmos – Utilities    14,997.05
70-CHFA-Interest Pmt    210.58
**-Kroger-Prisoner Medical    1,620.80
03-Drug Testing-Pr Svcs    24.00
01-K Stewart-HCBS Grant    25.16
02-J Brekke-Cell Phone    45.00
10-Ray Trucking-Ranch R&M    5,780.00
01-GMPCS-Sat Phone    58.92
80-Go West Unlimited-Heavy Eq    2,333.10
01-Four Points-Lodging    552.00
52-Dex Media-Advertising    1.66
01-R McDermott-Pr Svcs    120.00
01-CNA Surety-Pr Svcs    680.00
01-M Marks-Off Supp    57.98
01-Plumbmaster-Mtce Contracts    1,118.82
92-CB Weekly-Advertising    77.50
01-N Am Weather-Pr Svcs    15,745.00
01-N Lypps-PC Mtgs    250.00
92-Airplanners-Contract Help    5,600.00
**-NGS American-Admin Fees    4,012.20
91-Gunn/CB Tourism-ContractSvc    179,217.62
02-Tracker – Software    500.00
70-Pitchfork – HOA Dues    32.40
**-Wells Fargo Cr –Meals&Lodge    12,697.58
01-Crystal Vly Echo-Advertising    100.00
92-Co Assn Transit Agency-Dues    355.25
01-Write On!-Prev Grant 2    90.00
03-M Semlow-Travel    303.05
01-Globalstar-Sat Phone    109.29
03-Lori Winblood-A/P Misc    153.34
10-Golden Eagle-Trash Removal    567.00
03-Paternity Testing-Pr Svcs    288.00
01-Co Chapter ICC-Training    520.00
01-Printrite-Printing & Publishing    313.20
01-A&B Mechanical Svcs-Eq Mtce    722.50
25-Thomason Healthcare-Books    59.95
51-Winwater Works-Equip    32,889.47
43-Hinsdale Cty Sheriff-Equip    900.00
03-L G Printing-Books    147.50
**-Drug Testing-Pr Svcs    790.00
80-K Biesemeyer-Eq Rental    225.00
01-Chg Fd Co Trust Immig    108.82
03-Co Welfare Fraud Coun-Dues    20.00
72-Wells Fargo -Mortgage Pmt    3,040.65
90-Triad Resource Grp-Emp Assist    1,197.51
92-S Truex-Travel    104.36
01-S Hensley-Early Chldhd Exp    59.94
01-I Billick-PC Mtgs    250.00
01-Bank of the West-Off Supp    14.75
**-AT&T Mobility-Cell Phone    461.41
82-Tuck Comm Svc-Eq Mtce    41.00
01-Montrose Cty-Health Init Imp    2,500.45
01-CB South Prop Owners-Rent    1,800.00
03-L Rascon-Travel    77.25
80-Marble Wtr Bd-Utilities    490.00
**-Qwest Business Svcs-L D    441.80
82-I-Cubed Info-Op Supp    425.00
01-Rky Mtn Poison-Bright Beg     5.00
01-Co Dept of Ag-Dues    100.00
01-Co Cty Clerks Assn-Dues    200.00
80-Country Garage Dr-Bldg Mtce    451.50
80-Laudick Napa Auto-Parts    332.79
92-Truex Mgt – Pr Svcs    5,600.00
01-Emp Sec Dept-Garnishees    170.00
51-City of GJ-Lab Svcs    153.50
01-R Karas-PC Mtgs    250.00
03-M Cheever-Travel    110.57
01-Sage Resources-Pr Svcs    3,970.74
80-Boom-a-rang-Shop Supp    67.50
01-T&A Enterprises-Janitor Svcs    4,100.00
01-Alpine Cleaning-Janitor Svcs    4,900.00
80-Fastenal Ind-Parts    254.22
01-D Owen-PC Mtgs    250.00
01-M Zubkova-Nurse Fam Ptnr    22.08
25-Blind Faith-Eq    119.45
01-J Messner-PC Mtgs    250.00
25-Powder – Magazines    10.97
80-W Slope Maintenance-Pr Svcs    385.00
03-K Bemis-Travel    191.88
01-Allied Ins-Ins & Bonds    100.00
02-Mark Lucas Const-Rd Permit    1,200.00
01-S Lumb-PC Mtgs    125.00
03-Intervention-Pr Svcs    624.00
01-G Howard-HCBS Grant Exp    28.08
01-Accurint-Software    30.00
03-A Harris-Cell Phone    59.07
01-Intermtn Pathologists-Autopsy    3,600.00
01-FNC-Investment Fees    742.91
82-M Lee-Cell Phone    35.00
90-Lincoln Natl Life-Ins Prem    1,906.64
80-Javelina Trading Co-Shop Supp    104.24
80-G Reichle-Eq Rental    225.00
80-Gunn Auto Glass-Parts    541.20
25-McGraw-Hill-Books    90.23
51-Gunn Shipping-Postage    73.34
01-M Mugglestone-Pr Svcs    1,327.24
01-Co Dept of Pub Health-Fees    260.00
01-Weidner-Pr Svcs    8,000.00
90-ACE-USA-Life Ins    295.30
10-C Cadwell-Cell Phone    35.00
01-Staples – Off Supp    686.71
80-GJ Peterbilt-Parts    1,112.51
52-Toxco-Haz Waste Collection    266.00
03-Sherry Ruble-Pr Svcs    600.00
82-R&B Office Svcs-Sys Eq Imp    91.44
41-Concrete Wks of Co-Const     219,002.62
01-N Saleme-Nurt Parent Exp    63.88
01-Dr Sherry Niccoli-Prenatal    500.00
01-J Grant-Early Childhd Exp    25.76
01-Park Cty Sheriff-Pris Housing    2,475.00
03-R Haga – Travel    53.88
01-K Gazunis-Disc Spending    142.19
80-A Nicolas Fam Ptnr-Gravel    10.00
01-Intl City/Cty Mgt-Dues    899.64
25-Gunn Cty Library District    150,000.00
01-OMB Guns-Equipment    893.00
82-Lewan & Assoc-Sys Eq Imp    40,841.80
80-Girardi Towing-Parts    1,000.00
70-Office Solutions-Prof Svcs    44.80
01-CB Medical Ctr-Light Prog    50.00
80-JRW, Inc-Eq Mtce    3,002.89
82-Global Cable-Pr Svcs    1,454.00
03-Love & Logic Inst-Training    300.00
01-USGS-Pr Svcs    11,250.00
90-Sun Life Fin-Stop-Loss Prem    26,243.02
01-Main St Gym-Health Club Mbr    195.00
82-Mitchell & Co-Software    6,105.00
02-M Crosby-Cell Phone    45.00
01-LEDS-Off Supp    428.79
52-Co Assn Recycling-Dues    150.00
25-Lexis Nexis-Pr Svcs    17.75
25-Showcases-Off Supp    210.60
01-C Worrell-Cell Phone    35.00
                           Total    $1,992,709.76
The above and foregoing is a condensed statement of the Commissioners’ Proceedings at the regular meeting held in the Commissioners’ Room in the County Courthouse in Gunnison, Colorado on the 20th of January, 2009 A.D.
NOTE:  The Commissioners’ Proceedings will no longer be published in both newspapers each month, but will be published alternate months in the Crested Butte News and the Gunnison Country Times.  They are available as well at
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of March 20, 2009. #032001


—Preliminary AGENDA: Friday, March 20, 2009—

8:45 a.m.   
• Call to order; determine quorum
• Approval of Minutes
    • Unscheduled citizens: A brief period in which the public is invited to make general comments or ask questions of the Commission or Planning Staff about items which are not scheduled on the day’s agenda. 9:00 a.m.    Swan, public hearing/no action, request for detached secondary residence larger than 3,500 square feet on a 35-acre parcel; located on Tract 1 Double Tree Ranch; 8775 County Road 730, approx. 8.5 miles from Highway 135, west of Ohio Creek Road
10:15 a.m.    Break
10:30a.m.     Warren Wilcox, public hearing/no action, request for long-term asphalt batch/concrete batch  plant at the existing McCabe’s Lane community gravel pit, approximately 3 miles west of the City of Gunnison, 1.4 miles south of Highway 50, east of County Road #32 (McCabe Lane)
Lunch    Work session/Planning Commission orientation/training: Rocky Mountain Land Use Institute video-training support and related discussion by staff
1:30 p.m.    Work session: Update on timeline for scheduling review and recommendation on Draft 4, proposed amendments to Gunnison County Special Development Project Regulations
2:00 p.m.     Work session:
    • review finalized draft work plan implementing facilitator Greg Dale’s recommendations from the planning retreat and training;
    • review of table of contents for proposed Planning Commission handbook;  additional follow-up to discussions about administrative processes and related items from planning retreat
2:30 p.m.    • Discussion of  language/possible amendment of the Gunnison County Land Use Resolution’s locational and residential density standards (Sections 10-102.A and 10-103.A), exempting subdivisions with fewer than four residences
    • Discussion of language/possible amendment of  the “adjacent parcels” language of the Land Use Resolution’s Residential Density standard (10-104.A.4), including the possibility of evaluating density of non-adjacent parcels in determining allowed densities of proposed subdivisions
NOTE: Unless otherwise noted, all meetings are conducted in the Blackstock Government Center Meeting Room at 221 N. Wisconsin St. in Gunnison, across the street from the Post Office.  This is a preliminary agenda; agenda times may be changed by the staff up to 24 hours before the meeting date. If you are interested in a specific agenda item; you may want to call the Planning Department (641-0360) ahead of time to confirm its scheduled time. Anyone needing special accommodations, please contact the Planning Department before the meeting.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of March 20, 2009. #032009

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