Gunnison Legals

Date of Notice: April 15, 2009

Atmos Energy Corporation
GCA Exhibit No. 7 – Customer Notice
Atmos Energy Corporation (“Atmos Energy”)
1555 Blake Street, Suite 400
Denver, Colorado 80203
You are hereby notified that Atmos Energy has filed with the Colorado Public Utilities Commission of the State of Colorado (“PUC”), in compliance with the Public Utilities Law, an application for permission to file certain changes in tariffs, affecting all residential, commercial, interruptible and other consumers in its Colorado divisions to become effective May 1, 2009, if the application is granted by the PUC.
The purpose for this filing is to change rates by revising the Company’s existing gas cost adjustment tariff to reflect changes in the rates charged Atmos Energy by its suppliers for natural gas purchases.  The present and proposed natural gas rates are as follows:    

    Present Rates1    Proposed Rates2    Percentage Change
Class of Service by Division
Northwest/Central Colorado*
Residential    $1.03024    $  .69094    (33%)
Commercial & Public Authority    1.00447    .66517    (34%)
Interruptible-Small Service     .96439    .62509    (35%)
Interruptible-Large Service    .95933    .62003    (35%)
Interruptible Industrial Service      .96040    .62110    (35%)
Transportation    .13564    .13815    2%
Buena Vista – Residential    .99569    .65639    (34%)
Buena Vista – Commercial    .99304    .65374    (34%)

    Average Monthly Bill    Projected Average    Percentage Change
         Monthly Bill
Northwest/Central Colorado*
Residential    $    90.02    $   63.41    (30%)
Commercial & Public Authority    449.48    304.96    (32%)
Interruptible Industrial Service    5,333.47    3,578.16    (33%)
Buena Vista – Residential    82.97    56.57    (32%)
Buena Vista – Commercial    355.00    236.68    (33%)

    Prior Year’s Peak    Projected Peak Winter    Percentage
    Winter Month Bill    Month Bill    Change
Northwest/Central Colorado*
Residential    $   192.66    $   132.24    (31%)
Commercial & Public Authority         976.35    653.86    (33%)
Interruptible Industrial Service    26,631.94    17,352.09    (35%)
Buena Vista-Residential    177.48    118.87    (33%)
Buena Vista-Commercial    812.64    537.96    (34%)
*Notification Published in our Northwest/Central Rate Area Newspapers
The proposed and present rates and tariffs are available for examination at the business office of Atmos Energy Corporation located at 1555 Blake Street, Suite 400, Denver, Colorado, or at the Public Utilities Commission at 1560 Broadway, Suite 250, Denver, Colorado, 80202.
Anyone who desires may either file written objection or seek to intervene as a party in this filing.  If you only wish to object to the proposed action, you may file a written objection with the Commission.   The filing of a written objection by itself will not allow you to participate as a party in any proceeding on the proposed action.  If you wish to participate as a party in this matter, you must file written intervention documents under the Commission’s rules. 
Anyone who desires to file written objection or written intervention documents to the proposed action shall file them with the PUC, 1560 Broadway, Suite 250, Denver, Colorado, 80202 at least one day before the proposed effective date.
Members of the public may attend any hearing and may make a statement under oath about the proposed change whether or not a written objection or request to intervene has been filed.
Atmos Energy Corporation has filed a separate gas purchase report in accordance with Rule 4607 of the Commission’s Rules Regulating Gas Utilities and Pipeline Operators to begin the initial prudence review evaluation for the gas purchase year ended June 30, 2008.
Atmos Energy Corporation
Colorado-Kansas Division
By:  Gary L. Schlessman
1 As approved by PUC Decision No. C08-1144, Docket No. 08L-452G
2  WP 7
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of April 24, 2009. #042401



The Victim Assistance Law Enforcement (VALE) Board, Seventh Judicial District, announces the availability of local VALE funds authorized by Title 24,  Article 4.2, Colorado Revised Statutes. The VALE Board will hold its business and grant meeting on June 18, 2009, at 9:00 a.m. The meeting will be held at the Montrose County Sheriff’s Office’s Conference Room, 1200 North Grand, Montrose, Colorado. Applications must be submitted to the VALE Board Administrator, 1200 North Grand, #D, Montrose, CO 81401, by 4:00 p.m. on Friday, May 26th, 2009. Applications received after that time will not be considered. Incomplete applications and applications sent by fax will NOT be accepted.
ANTICIPATED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: Approximately: $50,000 ($20,000 to Training) ($30,000 to Equipment) the Board has the discretion to divide the $50,000 differently according to the grant applications.
CONTRACT/GRANT CYCLE: July 1, 2009 – December 31, 2009
ELIGIBILITY: The Board is authorized to enter into contracts for the purchase and coordination of victim assistance services with persons or agencies which the Board deems appropriate. The Board shall accept and evaluate applications related to the implementation of the rights afforded to crime victims pursuant to section 24-4.1-302.5 and the provision of services delineated pursuant to sections 24-4.1-303 and 304. Such moneys shall not be used for defraying the costs of routine and ongoing operating expenses.
In accordance with 24-4.2-103(5), the priority use for moneys in the fund shall be the implementation of the rights afforded to crime victims pursuant to section 24-4.1-302.5 and for the provision of the services delineated pursuant to sections 24-4.1-303 and 24-4.1-304 related to all crimes as defined by section 24-4.1-302; and
Equipment and Training as outlined in 24-4.2-105(4.3) C.R.S.; and
Scholarships to attend the annual COVA Conference.
INQUIRIES: For additional information and/or application forms, please contact Aimee Gonzalez at 970-275-4276.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of April 24, 3009. #042402



The Gunnison County Public Works Department is soliciting bids for Highway 135 Widening Project. The Project generally consists of shoulder widening of approximately 1650 L.F. of Colorado Highway 135 for the relocation of the County Road 730 Intersection. The principal quantities of work are 1897 C.Y. of Unclassified Excavation, 1650 C.Y. of Aggregate Base Course Class 1, 400 C.Y of Aggregate Base Course Class 6, 640 Ton of Hot Mix Asphalt (paid for by the S.Y.), and Traffic Control. The project is located approximately 2 miles north of Gunnison, Colorado.
Bid proposals will be accepted until 2:00 p.m. on May 7, 2009, at the office of Gunnison County Public Works, 811 Rio Grande, Gunnison, Colorado 81230.
No bids may be withdrawn for 30 days from the opening thereof.
Proposals will be compared and judged on the basis of total contract price, the contractor’s qualifications and experience, and compliance with requirements. Each Bid must be accompanied by a Certified Check or Bank Draft on a responsible bank, or a satisfactory Bid Bond executed by the Bidder and a recognized Colorado Licensed Surety Company payable to Gunnison County, in an amount equal to 5% of the total bid. The contract will require the successful bidder to provide 100% Payment and Performance Bonds within fourteen (14) days of the receipt of the notice of award. Prior to the time the final contract is awarded, the Gunnison County Public Works Department reserves the right to enter into further negotiations with any contractor submitting a bid.
A conditional or qualified bid will not be accepted.
The Gunnison County Public Works Department reserves the right to reject any and all bids; to change, add to or amend the specifications; to waive any informality; to accept the bid for the contract which, in its judgment, best serves the interests of the Gunnison County Public Works Department.
Contract Documents will be available April 20, 2009 at 8:00 a.m. at the office of Marlene D. Crosby, Assistant County Manager/Public Works Director at 811 Rio Grande Avenue Gunnison, Colorado, 970-641-0044. A mandatory pre-bid conference will be held a 1:00 p.m. April 29, 2009 at the office of Gunnison County Public Works at 811 Rio Grande Avenue Gunnison, Colorado.
Marlene D. Crosby
Assistant County Manager / Public Works Director     
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issues of April 17 and 24, 2009. #041704


—invitation to bid for ground transportation operator—

INVITATION TO BID FOR GROUND TRANSPORTATION OPERATOR:  Sealed proposals  will be received by Gunnison Crested Butte Regional Airport, 519 West Rio Grande, Gunnison, CO 81230, 970-641-2304 until 12:00 noon April 24, 2009, for the right to operate an on-airport public utilities commission passenger carrier concession  at Gunnison Crested Butte Regional Airport. 
Prospective bidders may obtain a set of the bid package at the above address or by contacting the Administration Office at 970-641-2304. 
DBE’s are encouraged to respond.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issues of April 17 and 24, 2009. #041703


—invitation to bid for rental car concession—
INVITATION TO BID FOR RENTAL CAR CONCESSION:  Sealed proposals  will be received by Gunnison Crested Butte Regional Airport, 519 West Rio Grande, Gunnison, CO 81230, 970-641-2304 until 12:00 noon April 24, 2009, for the right to operate one of three rental car concessions at Gunnison Crested Butte Regional Airport. 
Prospective bidders may obtain a set of the bid package at the above address or by contracting the Administration Office at 970-641-2304. 
DBE’s are encouraged to respond.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issues of April 17 and 24, 2009. #041702


Colorado law requires the county assessor to hear objections to real property classification and valuation beginning no later than May 1, 2009.  Objections to real property valuations must be postmarked, emailed*, delivered, or presented in person no later than June 1, 2009. 
Colorado law requires the county assessor to begin hearing objections to personal property valuations no later than June 15, 2009.  Objections to personal property valuations must be postmarked, emailed*, delivered, or presented in person no later than June 30, 2009. 
*all emails are time-stamped by the county server.  The county assessor’s office encourages emails as the most expedient and resource-saving method to file an objection.  All emails receive an immediate acknowledgement of receipt. 
Contact the Gunnison County Assessor’s office for more details.
Gunnison County Assessor
221 N. Wisconsin St., Suite A
Gunnison,  CO 81230
(970) 641-1085
[email protected]
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issues of April 17 and 24, 2009. #041701

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