Gunnison Legals

—Recreation Special Use Permits—
USDA Forest Service
Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre and Gunnison National Forests
Gunnison Ranger District, 216 North Colorado, Gunnison CO 81230

Date: April 24, 2009
Contact(s):  Ray Rossman, Outdoor Recreation Planner, (970) 642-4435
The US Forest Service is seeking public input on Special Use proposals that have been received by the Gunnison Ranger District.
Outfitter and Guide Services
SUMMIT TRAIL ADVENTURES INC is requesting a temporary use permit for a wagon train trip on portions of BLM and USFS.  Route runs from Luders Creek Campground (Rio Grande NF) to the Old Agency Work Center to Los Pinos Pass (private property) to Powderhorn (private property) to Red Bridge (private property) to the intersection of BLM road 3009 and US50. The trip will use approximately 20 individuals using 6 covered wagons and 12 individual horse riders from June 21st – 26th, 2009. 
Recreation Events
BUTTE BOULDERING BONANZA (formerly known as Mile and Half High) is requesting a special use permit for a climbing competition near Skyland Boulders along the Upper Loop Trail, Crested Butte. The event is planned for August 29th.  An estimated 75 climbers are expected to participate.
COLORADO 500 CHARITY MOTORCYCLE RIDE is requesting a special use permit for a Non-Competitive, Charity Invitational Dual Sport Motorcycle Ride to be held from Basalt to Mt Crested Butte to Lake City to Ouray and back, including Silverton, Telluride and Snowmass Village, using approximately 500 miles of Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management roads and trails.  The event is planned for August 18th – 22nd 2009.  An estimated 300 riders are expected to ride in the 33rd annual event.  Approximately 100 riders will be on USFS/BLM trails at any given time
CRESTED BUTTE MOUNTAIN RUNNERS is requesting a special use permit for a series of fun runs that take place in the Crested Butte area from May to September.  Fun runs include Green Lake (Grin and Bear It), Strand Hill, Walrod Gulch, Washington Gulch, Irwin/Dyke, Gothic/Trails, Almont Triangle, and Snodgrass.  An estimated 200 participants may use Forest Service roads and trails during these fun run events between May and September.
EAST RIVER FREE TRAPPERS is requesting a special use permit for a weekend mountain-man rendezvous that takes place in Washington Gulch.  The rendezvous is planned during August.  An estimated 75 participants may attend. 
FAT TIRE BIKE WEEK is requesting a permit for a week long mountain bike festival that takes place in the Crested Butte area.  The bike week event is planned for June 2009 and will use approximately 200 miles of Forest Service roads and trails.  There will be approximately 165 individual participants.
GUNNISON TRAILS is requesting a special use permit for a bike race in the Crested Butte area.  Race begins at Avery picnic area goes to Schofield Pass then on FS Trail 401 to the Copper Trailhead and returns to Avery picnic area.  Intermediate riders would return from Schofield Pass to Avery picnic area.  This one day event would take place on Wednesday August 6, 2009.  An estimated 50 participants will participate.
GUNNISON VALLEY HEALTH FOUNDATION is requesting a special use permit for their GUNNISON/CRESTED BUTTE FALL COLOR CLASSIC.  This ½ Marathon begins at the Irwin cut-off over Ohio Pass towards Highway 135.  Aide stations will be located approximately every two miles along the route. Coordination will be conducted with Gunnison.  This one day event would take place on Sunday September 27, 2009.  An estimated 200 participants will participate.
In order to make an informed decision on the issuance of these permits, the Gunnison Ranger District is accepting comments on the proposals.  Comments must be received within 30 calendar days of the publication of this legal notice in the Gunnison Country Times.  Comments may be submitted in writing to the following address:  Gunnison Ranger District, Attn: Ray Rossman, 216 N. Colorado Street, Gunnison, Colorado  81230.  Comments may also be submitted electronically to [email protected].  Additional information is available by contacting the Gunnison Ranger District at (970) 641-0471.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of May 1, 2009. #050104



HEARING DATE, TIME AND LOCATION:  The Gunnison County Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing FRIDAY, MAY 15TH, 2009 at  10:00 a.m. in the Planning Commission Meeting Room, 2nd Floor, Blackstock Government Center, 221 N. Wisconsin, Gunnison, Colorado, to hear public comment concerning a land use change permit application.  The applicant is Four Corners Commnet, LLC. The landowner is Taylor Park Trading Post, Inc.
PARCEL LOCATION:  The proposed tower will be located at the Taylor Park Trading Post, 400 Ice Mountain Road, approximately 23 miles northwest of Gunnison, in Taylor Park.  The property is legally described as being located in the N/2NW/4 Section 21 and the NE/4NE/4 Section 20, Township 14 South, Range 82 West, 6th P.M.
PROPOSAL:  The request is for the construction and operation of a telecommunications facility, to provide wireless communication in the Taylor Park area.  The facility will include a 60’ freestanding monopole tower, with three cellular antennas, and two small cabinets at the base of the tower.
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION:  Interested persons are invited to submit verbal or written comments at the hearing, or to submit written comments by FAX (970) 641-8585, or by letter (to the County Planning Department, 221 N. Wisconsin, Suite D, Gunnison, CO  81230), so long as they are received by 5 p.m. the afternoon before the date of the meeting so that they may be submitted for the public record during the hearing.  A copy of the application is available in the County Planning Department, 221 N. Wisconsin, Suite D, Gunnison, CO; additional information may be obtained by calling the Planning Department (970) 641-0360.
ADA ACCOMMODATIONS:  Anyone needing special accommodations as determined by the American Disabilities Act may contact the Planning Department prior to the day of the hearing.
/s/ Neal Starkebaum
Assistant Director of Planning
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of May 1, 2009. #050105



At the regular meeting of the County Commissioners of Gunnison County, held in the Commissioners’ Room in the Gunnison County Courthouse, the County Seat, on the 24th day of March, 2009, vouchers were approved and warrants ordered drawn on the accounts as follows:
01-General Fund    219,575.10
02-Road & Bridge    5,918.35
03-Social Services    11,657.36
10-Airport Operations    49,673.67
12-Sales Tax    79,297.64
25-Library    (50.24)
32-Sage Grouse Trust    0.08
34-Risk Management    17,004.18
41-Airport Construction    184,188.94
43-Capital Expenditures    153,335.28
50-Sewer Districts    12,659.93
51-Water District    31,409.99
52-Landfill    5,101.05
70-Housing Authority    2,659.50
72-Assisted Living    3,040.65
80-Internal Service-I    53,541.01
82-Internal Service-II    21,816.49
90-Internal Service-III    32,336.22
91-Local Marketing Dist    126,687.02
92-Transportation Dist    95,144.14
                           Total    $1,104,996.36
43-Proforma Svc-Training    16,500.00
70-K Plambeck-Wkforce Fees    1,988.00
01-R Laudick – Meals    72.07
90-Health Ins Contrib    104.19
01-Delta Cty-Health Initi Imp    1,912.50
01-All About Bks-Bright Beg    238.25
01-N Hagan-ECC Co Tr Grant    260.00
01-J Maloney-Early Chldhd Exp    580.38
01-Montrose Print-Health Ini    900.00
01-Planning & Partn-Health Ini    416.20
01-S Van Aernern-Mls&Lodg    337.50
43-MTS Safety Prod-W Reg    5,056.00
10-DFW Airport-Training    2,900.00
03-Vital Statistics-H S Exp    18.00
01-Petty Cash PH – Postage    82.84
10-Petty Cash Airport-Eq Mtce    77.71
01-U S Postoffice-Postage    276.29
**-West Lbr – Bldg Mtce    1,142.78
10-Thyssenkrupp Elev-Eq Mtce    11,473.90
**-City of Gunnison – Utilities    13,351.88
01-Sec of State – Dues & Mtgs    60.00
**-Paper Clip – Office Supplies    4,937.50
82-Xerox – Rental Eq    546.00
**-Sweitzer Oil – Fuel    24,976.62
**-Qwest- Telephone    2,043.26
01-Co Public Health-Lab Svcs    1,370.75
01-G Vly Hosp-Cancer Contr    371.24
03-Co Counties Inc-Long Dist    24.18
01-Safeway-Prisoner Meals    381.29
**-B & B Printers-Office Supp    256.14
**-TDS Telecom-Long Dist    251.18
**-Gunn Ctry Pub-Adver    1,723.40
**-GCEA – Utilities    1,155.46
12-Town of CB – Sales Tax    18,041.65
**-Monty’s – Parts    3,145.59
80-MacDonald Eq-Parts    1,817.96
80-MHC Kenworth-Hvy Equip    2,270.70
80-Hartman Bros-Shop Supp    1,212.10
80-Drive Train Ind-Parts    590.25
01-Quill Corp-Op Supplies    90.18
03-Gunn Cty Sheriff-Pr Svcs    12.00
01-West Pmt Ctr-Law Library    573.60
**-Fullmers-Tools    1,250.88
**-G Vly Fam Phy-Co FP Ini    1,500.00
01-J Reinman – SB 94    176.35
**-Six Points    3,098.28
80-Honnen Eq – Parts    1,026.89
**-Master Petroleum – Gas    562.07
**-W Slope Connection – Parts    196.91
01-Gunnison Glass-Bldg Mtce    17.50
80-Gunn Auto Glass-Parts    635.32
80-Holy Cross Energy-Utilities    81.82
80-Wagner Eq – Parts    2,317.70
**-Delta Montrose Elect-Util    577.60
01-G Fam Med Ctr-Light Prog    1,220.00
01-Std Tire – Vol Fuel Reimb    25.59
01-Mario’s – Meals    53.75
**-Alsco – Laundry    305.84
**-Blue Mesa Lbr-Tools    746.67
01-Pueblo Cty Comm-Pr Svcs    35.00
80-Safety Kleen-Rental Equip    395.07
10-Sherwin-Williams-Bldg Mtce    35.22
80-Tomichi Tire – Repair    30.00
**-Gunn Country Shopper-Adv    980.48
01-Gunn Conservation District    500.00
01-Cattlemen’s Days    2,550.00
**-Town of Mt CB – Sales Tax    13,922.66
01-W Slope Fire-Mtce Contr    20.00
12-Town of Marble-Sales Tax    120.59
**-Newman Traffic Signs-Inv    2,667.65
80-L Partch – Cell Phone    45.00
43-J Stone – Travel    908.60
80-Roberts Ent-Trash Removal    43.00
01-Rky Mtn Hdwe-Eq Mtce    5.84
01-Co Counties, Inc-Dues    125.00
03-Hinsdale Cty-Admin    435.20
**-City of Gunnison-Sales Tax    52,698.63
10-Zep Mfg-Op Supp    198.82
01-Gunn Cty Ext-Office Supp    515.68
01-Crystal Mtce-Op Supp    139.54
02-R Harris – Cell Phone    45.00
**-Upper Gunnison River Wtr    27,430.00
02-M Crosby – Cell Phone    45.00
80-Roaring Fk Vly Coop-Fuel    1,182.49
92-Alpine Express-Grnd Transp    52,619.50
03-Keith Rusk – Prof Svcs    470.00
02-Rolland Eng-Engineering    140.00
**-Two Way Comm – DOW    445.30
92-Roderick Landwehr-Pr Svcs    75.00
80-N Fork Svc-Parts    54.20
10-K Lucas – Cell Phone    220.85
80-John Roberts Mtr Wks-Pts    264.12
10-Swire – Vending Machines    867.20
10-Traf-o-teria Sys-Op Supp    158.48
01-Gunn Chamber-Visitors’ Ctr    2,500.00
01-R Corbett-Cell Phone    35.00
41-O J Watson-Equipment    95,801.00
01-Jubilee House    2,500.00
01-Rocky Mtn Biological Ctr    375.00
**-United Parcel Svc – Postage    162.83
01-El Paso Cty – Autopsy    200.00
01-K Bemis – WIC Program    63.80
**-Co Pub Safety-Fingerprints    233.00
41-N Star Surveying-Pr Svcs    1,320.00
80-Kois Bros Equip – Parts    154.23
01-D Baumgarten – Travel    236.50
80-CB True Value – Parts    17.97
52-KRW Consulting – Prof  Svc    751.68
01-Co Water Congress-Dues    579.00
01-Colorado Water Workshop    250.00
01-C Dawson – Health Initi Imp    89.60
01-R Wojdakowski-Meals    238.85
01-Galls-Operating Supplies    1,416.80
**-RSC Eq Rental-Equipment    7,413.94
43-Motorola – Delta Eq    45,508.66
80-Buckhorn Geotech-Pr Svcs    880.50
43-Spallone Const-Constr Costs    83,760.96
80-D & M Wire Rope – Chains    3,198.36
01-tyler Tech-Permit Tracking    10,679.00
01-City of Gunn Parks-Imple    525.00
**-United Co-Gravel & Sand    196.15
80-Paonia Auto-Parts    12.52
**-Sam’s Club-Dues    140.00
10-Gunn Security – Op supplies    110.00
01-Sysco Fd Svc-Prisoner Mls    4,670.74
80-Waste Mgt-Trash Removal    17.03
02-Montrose Cty-Pr Svcs    2,183.81
01-M Roper – Cell Phone    45.00
01-Verizon Wireless-Cell Phone    98.42
**-Boss – Equip Mtce    488.91
01-J-O-M Pharm-Pharm Supp    1,984.15
**-Consolid Elect Dist-Op Supp    79.18
01-F Vader – Cell Phone    35.00
02-Xerox – Mtce Contracts    231.61
10-Stanley Security-Op Supp    49.84
01-Champion Chem – Op Supp    60.48
**-Amerigas – Utilities    2,671.00
01-Saferide of Gunnison County    625.00
01-Access Elevator-Mtce Cont    450.00
01-Fam Supp Reg – Garnishee    215.00
01-Firebrand – Meals    116.35
**-Ikon – Rental Equipment    920.05
**-Tire Dist Sys-Veh Repair    3,601.95
01-Adapive Sports Center CB    250.00
02-S McCormick – Cell Phone    35.00
01-Superior Alarm-Pr Svcs    300.00
10-J Devore – Cell Phone    45.00
02-Kay Peterson-Cook – Meals    40.00
01-CB Heritage Museum    625.00
80-Force America-Hvy Eq    2,918.41
01-NAEIR – Dues    875.89
**-Central Dist – Op Supp    689.09
01-Dove Graphics-Office Supp    19.00
01-Seventh Judicial Dist-SB 94    316.20
10-Lohf Shaiman -Pr Svcs    258.00
01-Mesa Mech-Bldg Mtce    1,317.79
01-WSC Conf Svc-EarlyChldhd    345.00
03-Signal Peak Tire-H S Exp    325.00
51-UNCC – Subscriptions    6.16
80-duckworks – Parts    58.07
80-Lighthouse-Parts    322.25
01-Hospice of the Gunn Valley    1,250.00
01-N Starkebaum – Travel    317.70
01-J Kelley-Nurse Fam Ptnrship    165.77
01-R Reed-PC Mtgs    375.00
50-Schmueser Gorden-Eng    4,886.56
01-J Starr – Travel    81.83
03-State Forms – Office Supp     17.60
03-Human Services Expense    796.14
12-Town of Pitkin-Sales Tax    213.00
80-Excel Mfg – Parts    643.47
01-Henry Schein-Prev Grant 2    463.66
01-Rockler-Tools    36.03
82-CDW Govt – Op Supplies    1,390.36
01-Skyline Gen Contractor-Eq    316.48
01-C Worrall – Cell Phone     70.00
01-Gunn Wtrshed School-Meals    652.05
01-B Baker – Travel    317.70
01-C Smith – Cell Phone    45.00
01-Co Fitness-Health Club Mbr    1,209.00
01-Sprint – Long Distance    48.39
01-Techno Ply-Op supp    1,851.20
01-MW Cancer Screen-Lab Svc    444.65
**-CB News-Advertising    1,067.61
01-High C\try Citizens Alliance    250.00
02-A Moores-Cell Phone    45.00
**-Walmart – Op supplies    562.76
10-S Spitzmiller- Cell Phone    140.00
**-Sullivan Green Seavy-PrSvc    24,200.79
01-Comfort Inn-Lodging    148.64
50-Alpine Surveying-Pr Svcs    2,564.75
**-Ferguson Ent-Bldg Mtce    180.44
01-Lexis-Nexis-e-file & Serve    70.70
01-Gunn H S – Mini Fd Court    125.00
82-New Horizons – Training    1,487.50
51-Evergreen Analyt-Lab Svcs    1,220.00
02-Co LTAP – Training    45.00
10-David Neff Design-R&M    5,012.85
03-S Deetz – Office Supp    249.51
82-WSC Computers-Sys S/W     425.00
01-AFLAC – Supp Policies    1,495.67
03-R Brown – Travel    5.41
01-Curves – Prevention Grant 2    240.00
01-Garlic Mike’s-Disc Spending    341.25
01-WSC Copy Ctr-Off Supp    40.10
**-Atmos Energy-Utilities    18,089.16
70-CHFA-Interest Payment    421.16
01-Kroger – Prisoner Medical    1,505.91
**-Paetec-Telephone    78.78
02-J Brekke-Cell Phone    45.00
01-GMPCS – Satellite Phone    112.89
01-Plumbmaster-Equip Mtce    273.09
92-CB Weekly – Advertising    477.00
01-N Am Weather – Pr Svcs    10,551.50
01-N Lypps – PC Mtgs    375.00
92-Airplanners-Contract Help    6,216.33
**-NGS American-Admin Fees    4,062.96
91-G/CB Tourism-Contract Svc    126,685.67
01-Pub Safety Whse-Grant Exp    2,631.65
**-Wells Fargo-Mls&Lodging    14,325.55
01-Crystal Vly Echo-Adver    45.00
03-M Semlow – Travel    85.15
01-Cindy’s Sewing-Op Supp    15.00
01-Globalstar-Satellite Phone    72.36
01-E Pedersen-Prev Grant 2    70.32
80-Mun & Contractors-Parts    595.52
10-Golden Eagle-Trash Remov    522.25
01-Co Dept of Agriculture-WIC    100.00
01-Gunn Area Restorative Just    2,000.00
01-MW Co MHC    2,750.00
**-A&B Mech – Eq Mtce    1,421.13
92-CB Mtn Resort-Meals    279.14
51-Winwater Wks-Equipment    25,834.16
10-Rky Mtn Ind-Eq Mtce    346.77
01-Office for Resource Effic    3,125.00
43-Hinsdale Cty Sheriff-Equip    960.00
72-Wells Fargo Bank-Pr & Int    3,040.65
01-I Billick – PC Mtgs    375.00
01-Gunn Vly Animal Welfare    375.00
**-AT&T Mobility-Cell Phone    478.64
82-Tuck Comm Svc-Mtce Cont    11,260.80
82-GIS Colorado-Dues    45.00
03-L Rascon – Cell Phone    45.00
**-Qwest Business Svc-L Dist    476.24
01-Cochran Fish&ldlife-PrSvc    6,666.67
**-Laudick-Parts    441.20
92-Truex Mgt Svc-Pr Svcs    5,600.00
01-Gunn/Hinsdale Youth-Ptnrs    2,000.00
01-M Wacker-Tobacco Control    422.40
01-Emp Sec Dept-Garnishee    170.00
01-Paradise Animal Welfare    125.00
10-Hilton Seattle Airpt-Lodging    710.37
51-City of GJ – Lab Svcs    61.40
01-R Karas-PC Mtgs    375.00
01-Adirondack Direct-Eq Mtce    53.16
03-M Cheever-Training    316.70
01-Apex Nutrition-Prev Grant 2    2,500.00
01-Bank of America – Garnishee    618.65
01-Gunnison County Fd Pantry    2,400.00
01-Hinsdale PH-Health Init Imp    89.76
01-Colorado Legal Services    1,000.00
01-T&A Ent – Janitorial Svcs    4,100.00
01-Alpine Cleaning-Janitor Svcs    4,900.00
01-Montrose Mem-Cancer Cont    56.00
80-Fastenal Ind – Parts    476.79
10-Time Warner – Utilities    69.95
41-A & S Const-Cont Retainage    27,000.00
01-D Owen – PC Mtgs    375.00
01-K McFarland – Travel    539.45
01-ICLEI USA – Dues    600.00
01-J Messner – PC Mtgs    125.00
01-Proforce Law Enf – Equip    827.90
82-Mitchell & Co-Pr Svcs    2,858.92
**-W Slope Mtce-Janitor Svcs    1,300.00
01-Gunn Vly Observatory    250.00
03-J Mason – Cell Phone    45.00
01-7th Judic-Voices forChildren    250.00
01-Coal Creek Wtrshed Project    750.00
01-S Lumb-PC Mtgs    375.00
03-Intervention-IV-EFosterCare    816.00
01-G Howard-HCBS    35.75
03-Roshambo-Office Supplies    12.00
01-Accurint-Software Subscript    30.00
01-Elk Ave Med-Light Program    100.00
03-A Harris – Travel    250.05
90-Lincoln Natl -Life Ins Prem    1,975.76
82-CGAIT – Dues    300.00
01-C Pagano – Travel    317.70
51-Gunnison Shipping-Postage    11.83
01-M Mugglestone-Pr Svcs    4,373.68
10-Premier Tech-Bldg Imp    4,757.85
01-Weidner, Inc-Pr Svcs    1,000.00
80-Partsmaster-Shop supplies    222.67
90-ACE-USA-Life Ins Prem    264.80
01-CB Mtn Theatre    125.00
01-R Yegge-Meals & Lodging    205.73
10-C Cadwell – Cell Phone    35.00
10-K Gant – Cell Phone    35.00
10-R Willis – Cell Phone    280.00
01-Staples – Office Supplies    771.22
80-GJ Peterbilt – Parts    2,119.13
52-Toxco, Inc-Haz Waste Coll    532.00
03-Sherry Ruble-Pr Svcs    2,000.00
01-Fox Lawson-Pr Svcs    487.50
41-Concrete Wks-Retainage    60,005.14
01-Dr Sherry Niccoli-Prenatal    500.00
80-Montrose Ford – Parts    203.69
01-Senter, Goldfarb-Pr Svcs    3,909.07
01-Park Cty Sheriff-Pris Hous    1,260.00
10-Max Fire Apparatus-Op Sup    2,591.12
01-Flying Burritos-Meals    378.00
90-Sun Life Financial-Stop Loss    26,130.35
01-Main St Gym-H C  Mbr    240.00
34-Business Controls-Pr Svcs    300.14
01-Crystal River Heritage Assn    2,000.00
01-Literact Action-Co Tr Immig    2,176.61
92-Margo Levy-Pr Svcs    830.00
01-Clean King – Eq    1,794.00
01-Gunnison River Festival    700.00
10-Hyatt Regency-Lodging    525.23
10-Intl Av Snow Symp-Dues    500.00
01-R Dukeman – Meals    23.63
01-Am Solutions  Bus-Off Supp    1,839.40
01-Delta Cty-Election Reimb    188.16
03-R Bonanno – Travel    1,045.00
52-Co Pub Health-State Fees    150.00
01-McBride Dale Assoc-Pr Svcs    10,000.00
01-Johnstone Supply – Tools    $54.99
01-C Lambert – Travel    271.49
92-Black Hills Stage-Grnd Trns    17,231.44
02-Dept of Labor-State Fees    600.00
                           Total    $1,104,996.36
The above and foregoing is a condensed statement of the Commissioners’ Proceedings at the regular meeting held in the Commissioners’ Room in the County Courthouse in Gunnison, Colorado on the 24th of March, 2009 A.D.
NOTE:  The Commissioners’ Proceedings will no longer be published in both newspapers each month, but will be published alternate months in the Crested Butte News and the Gunnison Country Times.  They are available as well at
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of May 1, 2009. #050102



SURFACE OWNER: The surface owner is the United States Forest Service, Paonia Ranger District, P.O. Box 1030, Paonia, CO  81428.
APPLICANT: The applicant is Gunnison Energy Corporation, 1801 Broadway, Suite 1200, Denver, CO  80202.
PARCEL LOCATION: The location is on National Forest lands, within portions of Sections 8 & 10, Township 10 South, Range 90 West, 6th P.M. 
PROPOSAL: The request is for the upgrade of the existing Ragged Mountain Compressor Station, from 7 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) to 10 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD), the replacement of an existing 4 inch gas pipeline with a 6 inch gas pipeline and the installation of 500 feet of two new 12 inch gas pipelines to connect to the Bull Mountain Pipeline. 
ACCESS:   Access will be from State Highway 133, via CR #265 and Forest Service roads.
COMMENT PERIOD: Comments will be accepted for a 15-day period, upon the mailing by certified mail and publication date. Submit written comments by FAX (970) 641-8585, or by letter (to the County Planning Department, 221 N. Wisconsin, Suite D, Gunnison, CO  81230).  A copy of the application is available in the Gunnison County Planning Department, 221 N. Wisconsin, Suite D, Gunnison, CO; additional information may be obtained by calling the Planning Department (970) 641-0360.
/s/ Neal Starkebaum
Assistant Director of Planning
Gunnison County Planning Department
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of May 1, 2009. #050103

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