As someone commented Tuesday morning…”That sure was a nice summer.” It was and hopefully we’ll have another, longer one after this autumn in late May passes.
But as fall weather in the spring usually does, the cool wetness gets people thinking…and a little grumpy.
Some quick things to consider…
—Both towns are seeing dramatic, and I mean really dramatic decreases in sales tax revenues. Sales tax keeps both towns running and reflects the business strength of a community. It’s not a pretty picture. On both the local governmental level and in the business community, will we continue with a “hold your breath and hope it passes” kind of attitude or will there be some real ideas and action toward boosting the economy? Keep in mind, tourism in general and skiing in particular is a big driver for people who have to work here. Are there ways to kick it up a notch? It’s not an easy situation for anyone.
—Given molybdenum prices at the moment, there wouldn’t be a mine operating now even if there was a mine. Thompson Creek is seeking your input next week. Stop by their offices and leave a comment.
—I like the idea of summer Butte Bucks and it will help stimulate local business a tad. I’ll buy ‘em.
—Any alternative in the Forest Service Travel Management Plan cutting trails…for any type of user…doesn’t make much sense in this area. For the most part, in our valley dirt bikers get along with mountain bikers and hikers get along with equestrians. Nothing’s perfect but everyone uses and pitches in to the trail system. They all contribute to the community and the economy. Don’t spend a bundle to “decommission” or downgrade trails.
—Fake ice? Really? I’ll have to try it and I have to say, it makes me smile. But seriously?
—Alpenglow and the Center for the Arts could use some help (like so many things at the moment). As a former board member, I sent in a contribution and if you like those Monday evening community gatherings, consider sending in your own donation. No one knows how busy we’ll be this summer, but music on a warm evening beneath the mountain can make things a little better for all of us that are here.
—And most of all…congratulations to another huge Crested Butte Community School senior class. Having been here when there was no high school in Crested Butte, it is a real honor to have 21 smart seniors graduating from our village —in our village. Good luck to each and every one of them. The ceremony is this Saturday afternoon. Stop by the school at 2 o’clock.
Now, pray for sunshine.
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