School News

Congratulations to Livie!
Congratulations to all who participated in the elementary yearbook cover contest. This year the judges had a difficult time selecting from all the quality entries. Students achieving honorable mention were Corinna Donovan, Quinn Farnell and Catherine Washburn. The finalists who will all be featured in this year’s book are Tommy Linehan, Summit Wallace, Kendl Santelli, and Malia Olson. Livie Nute’s artwork will adorn the cover!



Teacher Appreciation Luncheon
A reminder that this Thursday, May 7 is our last Teacher Appreciation Luncheon. I have only had about a half dozen responses so far and as you know it takes many more to be successful. This month’s theme is “Favorite Community Cookbook Recipes.” You can choose your own favorite if you don’t have your cookbook yet. It also coincides with National Teacher Appreciation Week so let’s make sure they get the message: We appreciate all they do! I still need help with cleanup beginning about 2:30. Have your dishes to the teachers lounge beginning about 10:30 a.m. and up until 1 p.m. Let me know by email [email protected] or call 349-0234 what you plan on bring. Thanks again to all of you who make this happen! —Colette

Poetry Blooms, A Thank You
A big thank you to everyone involved in our first annual Poetry Blooms: A Spring Celebration of Literacy. It was a great success and many students had a chance to shine while reciting poetry. Special thanks to Becky Winter, Sandy Robinson, Scottie Early-Moss, Mike, all the parents, and the K-5 teachers. It was a true community school event. We hope to make it even better next year. Contact your student’s teacher with your ideas for next year!

CBCS Film Festival
The high school students from video production and animation classes will debut a selection of their films on Thursday, May 14, at 6:30 p.m. in the MPR. All are invited to attend!

Student Council and Town Clean-Up

The HS Student Council has chosen to participate in the town clean up this year in order to make Crested Butte a tidier community. This event will begin at 9 a.m. on Saturday, May 16, at the Town Hall. We encourage all secondary students to participate for community service hours and all elem. students to volunteer with a guardian. All participants will receive a voucher for a load of free trash disposal. Food will be provided and we encourage everyone to team up with friends and help clean up our town.

The Green Scene

The Play-Ground Theatre presents The Green Scene at CBCS on Monday, May 11 at 12:45 and 2:15 p.m., introducing the world’s first organic super hero, “Super Natural,” who is here to save the planet from the evil plans of “toxic waste.” The audience can participate and share their knowledge of recycling, nutrition, and sustainable living in “The Green Game Show.” For more information, go to

Senior Dinner
The senior dinner will be held on Tuesday, May 19, at 5:30 p.m. at the Club at Crested Butte.

Kit Faragher Foundation

The applicant must have 2.5 GPA and financial need. Application available at The deadline is May 15.

Three Ladies Scholarship

Available for graduating seniors. The deadline is May 8. See Jennifer for an application.

Brown Bag Lunches
Students should plan on “brown bagging” their own lunches the last week of school as the kitchen needs to take inventory, pack and move out for construction. We are looking forward to a new kitchen and a new “commons,” formerly the cafeteria and MPR, which will be fully operational by the start of school next fall. Thank you to Kathy and her entire crew for a phenomenal year! The climate, food service, etc. have never been better!

Lunch Menu

Tuesday, May 5: Turkey or ham and cheese sandwich, salad, fruit.
Wednesday, May 6: Lasagna, garlic bread, fruit.
Thursday, May7: Turkey salad, roll, lettuce/tomato, chips.
Friday, May 8: Hamburger/bun, cheese, corn, fruit.
Monday 11: Hard or soft shell taco, refried beans, fruit.
Tuesday, May 12: Chicken and green chili cheese soup, crackers, fruit.

Track and Field Schedule
HS Schedule
Friday-Saturday, May 9-10: Regional Championships at Grand Junction.
Thursday-Saturday, May 14-16: State Championships at Jeffco Stadium.

MS Schedule

Thursday, May 7: Delta Invitational at Delta at 3 p.m.

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