
Listen … look and think.

I was thinking about editorializing on the county’s potential idea to require all big developments to be 100 percent “carbon neutral” from start to finish (crazy). The meaning of the fact that no one interested in running for Crested Butte Town Council this November applied to fill a vacant seat for the next three months (bizarre and perhaps telling). Nationalized Health Care (where is Obama going?). There will be time to touch on those topics later.

Instead … Words.

Words taped to pretty much every Stop Sign in town. (See page 12). Some of the 70 signs were clever. Some were rude. Some made people think. Just the act made most people smile. It’s probably slightly illegal—sort of like going 18 in a 15-mile per hour speed zone.
Like little turquoise rocks spotted randomly around town, or Dumpsters being painted 20 years ago, words on every stop sign touched an undercurrent of the energy that is Crested Butte.
It cost the town a couple of hours to remove the signs. And the marshals got a couple of complaints. So an adult should probably admonish the act because of “safety” concerns and wasted manpower. Okay.

Stop … being so serious all the time.

Riding the townie around Monday morning, it made me and a lot of people smile. Even the town workers who dealt with it admitted some of the words were pretty good. Apparently some people have more time on their hands than others. If they spend that time to make people think … and smile, good on ‘em.

Stop … and enjoy an act of art.

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