It’s election time! And we want your help…

The great 2009 fall election is fast approaching and your community newspaper is seeking your help in grilling the candidates.
There are eight people running for Crested Butte Town Council. Jim Schmidt, Jay Harris, Phoebe Wilson, John Wirsing, Guy Ciulla, Don Haver, Roland Mason and Brian Kilkelly have all thrown their hats in the ring. Erika Vohman had tossed her bonnet in as well but has since withdrawn from the race. Leah Williams is running unopposed for mayor.
The Crested Butte News will ask the candidates questions about pertinent topics during the month of October. But we also want to know what you want to know.
We could take the lazy way out and recycle dated questions from LJ’s “20 Years Ago Today” column. But two decades ago, council candidates were dealing with issues that were of interest back then, like what they might think of a potential molybdenum mine on Mt. Emmons, their views on expanding lift-served skiing onto Snodgrass and how to deal with general economic development.
But we want to look ahead… so we’ll probably ask candidates running in 2009 about the proposed molybdenum mine in the watershed, lift-served ski expansion onto Snodgrass and economic development.
What do you think we should be asking?
Please email us your questions by October 1, 2009 at [email protected] and we will choose some public queries that will put the candidates on the hot seat.
The Crested Butte News will also hold its public Candidate’s Forum on Sunday, October 18 at 6 p.m. at the Center for the Arts. Denis B. Hall will host the event and everyone is encouraged to come by and ask questions of the candidates.
What do you want to know from the people running for a position of power in Crested Butte?
Let us know…

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