WSC rugby player chosen as all-star

Nate Acrey one of 23 players
First season Western State College (WSC) rugby player Nate Acrey was selected to represent the Eastern Rockies (ERRFU) and Rio Grande (RGRFU) Rugby Football Unions at the Local Area Union Tournament in Dallas on November 7.
Acrey represented WSC and is one of 23 players selected to represent the Unions, comprised of the states of Colorado, New Mexico and Wyoming, at the Local Area Union Tournament against select-side teams from across America.
“Being chosen for the select-side is a great honor, especially considering that Colorado is one of the major rugby states in America—the Select-Side is something like that of an all-star team,” said Greg White, WSC rugby coach. “Nate’s selection means that he is the best player at his position out of all of the players in Colorado, New Mexico and Wyoming. The team is composed of the best players possible.”
A senior business administration major, Acrey, of East Highland, Calif., began his collegiate sports career at WSC as a running back for the football team. After the 2008 season, Acrey’s football eligibility expired. He was then persuaded by a rugby player to come to the rugby field, where he instantly transferred his talent and athleticism from football to rugby.
He played his first match as a substitute in the annual WSC alumni versus student match, held on Homecoming Weekend in September. Acrey’s experience as a running back made him tough to tackle and his elusive running skills were vivid in his first touch of the ball. He broke through the tackles of experienced alumni and sprinted 60 meters for his first “try,” rugby’s version of a touchdown. Acrey’s try helped the student team obtain a victory over the alumni, one of only three wins in the 25-year history of the annual competition.
Acrey kept that momentum going throughout the season, scoring in almost every match WSC played. His try count at the end of league play was seven.
“This was an impressive feat, considering some rugby players will score that many in a decade of playing,” White said.

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