Winter Series begins at Spirit, Mind & Body

Spirit, Mind & Body begins its Winter Series of classes, workshops and samplers with free Self Empowerment workshops, an Active Isolated Stretching class and sample energy sessions.



The Impact of a New Story is the focus of the January 11-12, Self Empowerment and the Law of Attraction Workshops. In his book, Spontaneous Evolution, cellular biologist, Bruce Lipton Ph.D., writes that those seeking conscious control over their lives are finding support for their efforts from both ancient and modern resources suggesting that the pathway for change involves at least three fundamental elements: intention, choice and practice.
However, Lipton also states that research reveals that one can still manifest positive results by simply changing one’s story. What difference does it make if one tells the “old” story of the things that have gone wrong or the “new” story of the positive aspects of the current subject of attention? What does the Law of Attraction have to do with the importance of telling a new story? Discuss the concepts, learn processes and view an international empowerment workshop. Bring a dish to share for the potluck starting 6:30 p.m., Monday night, January 11 at the Crested Butte Chamber of Commerce, 601 Elk Avenue or 6 p.m. at 101 North 10th Street, Gunnison. Call for 349-6464 for more information.
On Wednesday, January 13 from 8 to 9 a.m. at the Union Congregational Church, 403 Maroon Avenue, Bill Smith will offer a free Active Isolated Stretching class. This stretching session improves flexibility and balance which improves one’s downhill or Nordic skiing. Plus, it prevents injuries and can address chronic pain. Active Isolated Stretching is easy and effective. It incorporates exacting stretches for specific parts of the body. The practitioner holds the stretch for two seconds and does eight to 10 reps. This pumps blood to the muscle, increases This works so effectively because after a muscle is stretched for two seconds the body quits sending oxygen to the muscle, thus preventing the muscle from further stretching. By not tripping the stretch reflex, an optimal stretch is achieved and incrementally flexibility is improved. Call Bill at 349-5664 for more information about Active Stretching and other classes.
From 3 to 5 p.m. at the Well Being Studio, 300 Belleview, Suite 3C, on Thursday, August 21, Master Reiki Teachers will be available to give sample Energy Sessions. Leading medical research institutions including Harvard, Duke and Scripps now use stress reducing techniques in their health care programs. Therapeutic Touch, Healing Touch, Reiki and other forms of energy work have been documented to lessen pain and hasten healing because of their relaxing affect. Reiki is an ancient Japanese form of “energy medicine” As the practitioner holds the vision of well being and applies a traditional series of light touches to the crown, heart, solar plexus and limbs, the client is soothed into a resistant free state allowing the body and psyche to do its own healing. Experience the delight and therapeutic affects of a session. For more information, call Barb Pachla at 209-5773.
Call 349-6464 or visit for a complete schedule of Spirit, Mind & Body events.

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