Stretching, yoga, chanting and more at Spirit, Mind & Body this spring

The Spirit, Mind & Body 2010 Spring Series begins with classes in Active Isolated Stretching, yoga, chanting and a Love and the Law of Attraction Workshop.

Bill Smith, Certified Neuromuscular Therapist, will focus the Active Isolated Stretching for Shoulders class on achieving and maintaining full range of motion in the shoulder. Reciprocal inhibition and innervation are principles that provide a basis for how AIS works. AIS works with the nervous system to re-educate the muscles to function properly in order to maintain full range of motion; AIS is effective in treating shoulder issues including rotator cuff tendonitis. Call Bill at 349-5664 for more information about this class, held Friday, March 26, 8:45 a.m. at the Gym in Riverland ($10) and Monday and Wednesday, March 29 and March 31, from 8 to 9 a.m. at the United Congregational Church, 403 Maroon Avenue. Use the 4th Street entrance; bring a mat and blanket to this by-donation class.

The Thai Massage for Everyone Class will be at the Yoga for the People Studio, 114 Elk Ave., on Friday, March 26 from 5 to 7:30 p.m. Pierre Couvillion will be in town to teach this Thai massage, which combines the geometric tools of yoga with powerful compressions using gravity and body weight, creating ease for the practitioner. Learn simple tools for helping your loved ones. The financial investment is $27 per single person or $40 per couple. Call 349-0302 for information.

On Saturday, March 27, from 9 to 11:30 a.m. at the Yoga for the Peaceful Studio, 114 Elk Ave., people will learn the simplest and most powerful mantra, the Sanskrit alphabet “Ring of Sounds.” These sounds actually teach people to find their voices, organizing sounds at specific locations in the mouth, brain and deep subtle body. Having confidence in sounds at locations allows people’s voices to be strong and enjoy chanting—a gateway to meditation. Call 349-0302 for more details.

Connect to Your Inner Light in an Anusara-inspired workshop with David Reiner, on Sunday, March 28, from 9 to 11:30 a.m. This well loved teacher at Yoga for the Peaceful is back in town and wants to spread the Anusara-inspired love. This opportunity to learn form David’s light-hearted, humorous, and gentle self is not to be missed. Forward bends, hip openers and twists, Anusara-inspired style. The cost is $18 when pre-registered and $22 at the door. To preregister and learn more, call 349-6464.

Use the discoveries of quantum physics in the Love and the Law of Attraction Workshop Monday, March 29, at 6:30 p.m. at the Crested Butte Chamber of Commerce, 601 Elk Ave. Discuss the concepts from physics and ancient and contemporary wisdom teachings that support the premise that one is the love that one seeks; learn pragmatic processes that work to manifest desires. Bring a dish to share to this free workshop. Call 349-6464 for background information.

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