Local hockey girls to play in prestigious tournament in New York state

NAPS in Buffalo, N.Y.; local sponsorship would help

Even though the regular hockey season is long over, there is still exciting activity happening with a few local girls from the U14 team from last year.
As you may know, a few parents got together and realized the girls needed more competitive, productive ice time. There was an interest in all the other teams that we played this year, as well. Now that we have this new Mountain State All Star team, we’ve had a practice or two and the girls proved to themselves that not only did they make new friends and respect each other, but they actually play very well together and are quite impressive.
They had a couple of games in Denver against AAA teams and did extremely well. So well in fact, they are changing the structure of the entire MSGHL (Mountain States Girls Hockey League) to include a Tier level division. It is an incredible chance for all girls from Colorado and other states to finally get noticed in small towns like ours. These girls are finally getting recognized and getting scholarship opportunities from prep schools.
The opportunities are happening overnight and the girls have been accepted into one of the most prestigious summer tournaments on the East Coast. The hockey tournament is called NAPS and is in Buffalo, N.Y. the weekend of July 9-11, and our team is the only team from Colorado ever to compete in this event since the tournament’s inception six years ago.
The girls will compete at a U14 Tier I level against teams from Canada and the East Coast. There are 130 teams registered to play in the Buffalo Pepsi Center Arena during this weekend, with an international roster.
Scouts from prep schools and colleges will be at this event searching for new talent in girls hockey. The girls representing Crested Butte are Monika Olesen, goalie; Ali Sunter, wing; Marissa Lambert, center; Ali McGuire, center; and Abby Whiting, defense. Kaitlin Stewart, defense, from Gunnison is also on the team.
They are asking local businesses and residents of Crested Butte to help sponsor them to reach their goal of $3,000 for travel expenses, jerseys and lodging. Also, for businesses that would like to donate, we are discussing getting patches made with the business name to sew on their jerseys.
If you would like to help these girls achieve their dream, please donate to an account we have set up through Lee Olesen at P.O. Box 4199, Crested Butte, CO, 81224 or call Lee at (970) 901-5158, or Michele Lambert at (970) 275-2527.
In addition, they will begin local fundraising around town very soon. Crested Butte girls and boys coaches: Thanks again for another great “volunteer” job you did this past season. Also a big thanks to Jim Truettner for donating the state playoffs fee to the girl’s team—we really appreciate it! We have a great town with some very talented kids.

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