Quick mid-summer observations…

It’s a different summer from last year…

July is going off in town and it actually feels extremely busy. See the above photo of Elk Avenue.
There’s the heat. Hot days and warm nights. Stretches of temps in the high 70s and even 80s.
Security guards are keeping the peace at Alpenglow. Ouch. That gives me the hiccups.
3.2 beer overflows at local softball games. Ouchier. More hiccups.
Belleview dispensary madness is booming. It sure is mellow in the southwest side of town.
Giant yard sale signs appear every Saturday. Call out the National Guard.
Tiny blue rocks are still scattered about town.
It’s like a circus at the Base Area. People mini-golfing, music on Wednesdays, and a carnival atmosphere with kids bouncing 20 feet high on the bungees. Great mountain bike trails are getting used. Something is working up there.
Some of the last of the public dirt is about to be paved in town by the skate park. Change keeps on changing.
RMBL receives international accolades. There are brains along with athletic brawn in this valley.
Rothman stirs it up with a call for arts recognition and branding in this valley. The future in “branding” up here is brains, brawn and opera? Sweet idea.
The Snodgrass controversy is blowing up… oh, that’s not different.
Hells Angels are strolling along Elk Avenue.
But they still can’t sit at a sidewalk table on Elk… maybe you will be able to sometime in August.
There’s more adherence to strict rules in town. Great. Where’s the bike rack by Izzy’s?
There are fewer bears in houses. That really is great.
More fireworks on the Fourth may be the way of the future. Hiccup.
More politicians are traipsing through town.
I personally have less hair than a year ago but a new dog. Yin and yang.
Another great townie takeover was held in memory of Andy Bamberg last weekend. That should remind us all to appreciate those who contribute character to this place.
And a key to this town is keeping the character (and the characters) by the way. It’s not more rules. Hiccup.
Endless music, a bounty of wildflowers, great trails, friends, sunshine all mix for summer fun. Take it while it’s here and smile at the hiccups.

Enjoy the second half of another fine summer at 9,000 feet.

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