Titans cross-country teams rumble through the Ramble

Girls take second, boys fifth

The Ramble at the Reservoir outside of Ridgway is an annual cross-country race that mixes up the typical race format with a series of hills, including a section of running steps.
The start sends the field of runners out of the gate on a tight gravel path before making a sharp turn onto a tighter dirt trail, creating an incredible bottleneck.


  “It’s really important for them to go fast from the get-go so they don’t get stuck,” says Hayden.
From there, runners are treated to steep switchbacks with steps putting the hurt on anyone who cringes at the concept of climbing.
Fortunately, the Titans thrive on hills, as everyone charged up the stout section.
“The kids just powered up it,” says Hayden. “It was pretty amazing how strong they were coming up the hill.”
With both Ian Boucher and Erin Kelly missing the Ridgway race, Hayden called upon other individuals to step up and fill their shoes—and they answered the call.
“They stepped into their leadership roles just fine,” says Hayden.
Everyone else followed suit as every Titan with a history on the Ridgway course ran faster times than in years past.
Hayden put a personal challenge to sophomore Amber Scott to finish in the top five and Scott responded. Scott shaved over a minute off her previous best time on the Ridgway course to take fifth place, covering the five-kilometer course in a time of 24 minutes, two seconds.
Scott’s effort carried through the rest of the team as freshman Mina Moscatelli held Scott in her sights to come in 20 seconds later in sixth place.
Sophomore Abby Whiting joined her teammates in the top 10, sealing the deal and the girls’ team second-place finish. Madeline Malzhan and Shelby Kopf came in 19th and 20th, respectively, and the rest of the team stayed together to finish strong.
With Boucher out, Hayden put freshman Forrest Smith to the test, challenging him to finish top 10. Smith punched his way up and down the course to meet Hayden pre-race goal, crossing in 10th place with a time of 21 minutes, 26 seconds.
Freshman Kyle Boyle, junior David Bright and senior captain Jeffery Hargrove closed the race strong, battling each other in a final sprint to help push the boys’ team to a fifth-place finish overall.
The Titans cross-country team will now make its first trip to the big city as they head to Boulder to compete in the Pat Patten Invitational on Friday, October 1. The event draws the big-wigs from the big schools as well as the number one and number two-ranked 2A schools in the state.
“We’re just shaking it up a bit with new people to run against and teams we won’t see until state,” says Hayden. “They’re really going to have to challenge themselves and tune into themselves. I think we’re just going to rock it.”

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