Broomball is back with 10-team league

“Save the drinking for afterwards”

It’s back people. Broomball.
Broomball was once a staple in Crested Butte and notorious for a lot of things. The town flooded the empty lot by the True Value and locals got it on and then some. According to completely unsubstantiated sources, that was sometime in the late 80’s.
Now, thanks to the cooperation of Crested Butte Mountain Resort (CBMR) and the Crested Butte Parks and Recreation department, Broomball is making a comeback.
“Laci Wright at CBMR contacted us to see if we would partner up with them to run the program,” explains Crested Butte Parks and Recreation Program Coordinator Lauren Alkire.
Parks and recreation agreed and, as a result, the 2011 Broomball league will start on Wednesday, January 12.
“The feedback has been scary,” says Alkire. “I’ve got some extremely enthusiastic people talking about it.”
All games will be on Wednesdays starting at 6 p.m. at the ice rink in the CBMR base area, with games every 45 minutes.
“The Mt. CB rink is kind of perfect for it,” says Alkire.
There will be a 10-team limit and Alkire says that several base area businesses are rumored to be on board and will be putting teams together.
Teams have five players on the ice at a time including a goalie.
Thanks to Telluride, an initial supply of “official” Broomball brooms will be available at the start of the season for use.
“Their Broomball died when their rink went indoors because they couldn’t drink,” says Alkire.
Alkire suggests that teams bring additional brooms in case the ones they have break.
On the subject of drinking, open container laws will be in effect at Broomball games and players may not be drunk at the games.
“Players may not be inebriated while playing,” insists Alkire. “Save the drinking for afterwards.”
To keep it fair, no “official” Broomball shoes are allowed and helmets must be worn during play.
“Helmets are required, other pads are strongly recommended,” says Alkire. “You’re running on ice on slippery shoes.”
Goalies must have full-face helmets but cannot wear the typical hockey goalie pads.
For additional info and rules check out the towns recreation website
Anyone interested in playing must be at the Broomball meeting on Wednesday, January 5 at Butte 66 at 6 p.m.

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