School News

Picture retakes
Picture retakes are scheduled for Wednesday, December 1, at 10 a.m. If your child needs a retake, please return his/her picture envelope with all photos intact on the day of retakes. There will be order forms in the office for those students who did not have a picture taken on November 10.

Security issues

In an effort to provide the best and most successful security for our students at CBCS, we are asking parents to NOT pound on locked doors or windows to gain access to the building during regular school hours. This has become a significant problem and we are asking for your cooperation. We are also working with our student population to teach them not to open doors to anyone. Please enter the school via the unlocked doors by the office. Thanks for your help.

Thanksgiving Holiday

School will be closed from Wednesday, November 24 through Friday, November 26, so that families may celebrate Thanksgiving together. Have a wonderful holiday!

Ski helmets

Once again, Dr. Tom Moore will be providing ski helmets for those CBCS students who do not have one. If your child needs a helmet, please contact Bob Piccaro at ext. 6007.

Celebrate the Beat photos

Here is a URL from the Celebrate the Beat performance where folks can view and purchase photos.

Titans Booster Club holiday sale!
The Titans Booster Club is offering “Buy One Item & the Second Item is Half Price!” at this year’s 15th Annual Holiday Bazaar in the MPR, Saturday, December 4, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. It’s a great way to support your school’s athletes and give the perfect holiday gift.

Opportunity for juniors
GCEA will select four juniors in their service territory for opportunities next summer. The Youth Tour is a leadership trip to Washington, DC, and the Youth Camp is a leadership program in Steamboat. See counseling office for application. Deadline is December 27.

Financial Aid Night for parents of seniors

Financial Aid Night is scheduled for Wednesday, December 8 at 6:30 p.m. at CBCS. If you are completing the FAFSA, please plan to attend.

Holiday Bazaar

Mark your calendars for the 15th Annual Holiday Bazaar which will be held in the MPR on Saturday, December 4, from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Get into the holiday mood with shopping at the Bazaar then help light up the night with the evening parade on Elk Ave. and lighting of the community Christmas tree. Applications for a booth at the Bazaar are available at the Chamber of Commerce or in the school office. Call Lisa with questions 349-6820.

Athletic schedules

MS Boys Basketball: Thurs., Dec. 2: CB vs Gunn. @ Gunn. (total of 3 games) begins @ 4 p.m.
Sat., Dec. 4: League Tourney-7th A @ Gunn. @ 8 a.m.
Sat., Dec. 4: League Tourney-8th A @ Olathe @ 8 a.m.
Mon., Dec. 6: Lake City (dbl header) vs 7th A & B, @ Lake City @ 4/5 p.m.
HS Basketball Fri./Sat., Dec. 3-4: Boys: Lake County Invt. (3 games) @ Lake Co., Fri. @ 5 p.m, Sat. @ 11 a.m., 4 p.m. Thurs./Sat., Dec. 2-4: Girls: Falcon Invt. (3games), @ Front Range Baptist Acad., Thurs. @ 3 p.m., Fri./Sat. TBD. Tues., Dec. 7: CB vs Center @ CB @ 4 p.m.

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