Kids Calendar

MISS NELSON AUDITIONS:  7 parts available for 4th to 6th grade.  3 parts available for 9th -12th grade.  Show dates are Thursday 4/28, Friday 4/29, Saturday 4/30, and Sunday 5/1 matinee show.  Auditions are on the following days:  Sunday 3/6: 6:30 to 8:30  Queen of All Saints Parish Hall (downstairs).  Monday 3/7: 6:30 to 8:30 Queen of All Saints Parish Hall (downstairs).  Please call 349-0366 if you are unable to make these times and need to set up a special appointment.
Parent and Child Art Class at The Studio Art School.  Kids ages 1-4, join us with your parent at Preschool Picassos art class, where we explore art through a wide range of different mediums.  Class is Wednesday mornings at 11am.  Call 349-2799 for more info or to enroll.  
Kids Rock Jim Cosgrove Concert, March 5:  The Crested Butte Music Festival and Trailhead Children’s Discovery Museum are offering a Kids Rock winter entertainment series for families with children between ages 2 – 9.  Kid-rocker Jim Cosgrove, one of America’s leading family entertainers, performs this Saturday at 4 p.m. at the Mountaineer Square Ballroom in Mt. Crested Butte. The cost is $5 per person. Visit
Gymnastics – Winter Session 2:  Classes for the second session of winter gymnastics are on Tuesdays and Thursdays running January 4th – March 17th. Private lessons are also available. For more information or to register, go to  
Tumblebugs!  The playgrounds are buried and so it’s Tumblebugs time! Tumblebugs is a two hour play time for parents and children ages 0 – 3 years old. Come to Jerry’s Gym from 9:00 am – 11:00 am to run around and play with new friends and toys. This is a drop-in program, $5 per session, and discounted punch cards are available. Questions? Go to or call 970-349-7197.
Storytimes at the Old Rock Library!  Mondays AND Fridays at 10:30 for ages 3 and up, and continuing Wednesdays at 11:15 for babies and toddlers. Library storytimes will highlight the 6 early literacy skills recommended by the American Library Association, as well as incorporate titles from the Children’s Book List by the Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning. All this means is that it’s going to be fun!  See you there! Call 349-6535 for more information.”

If you would like to include your kids’ event or announcement in the KIDS’ Calendar free of charge, please contact Melissa Neuner at [email protected] by Monday morning at 11am to be included in that Thursday’s edition of the paper.  
Calendar compiled by The Studio Art School and The Pottery Place, offering art and writing classes and workshops for kids and adults.  Located at 502 Belleview in Clark’s Market shopping center.

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