Kochevar Trail building begins this summer

The Kochevar Open Space Project, 392 acres preserved this summer on Smith Hill, will be seeing the first of its trail construction projects begin as early as May. The first of more than six trail construction days is set for Saturday, May 21 with a kick-off party on Wednesday, May 18 at the Crested Butte Mountain Heritage Museum from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.



Research and planning for trail construction on the Kochevar Open Space Project began in September 2010 in a collaborative effort among land and trail conservation organizations and governmental entities in the county.
The Kochevar Trails Coalition consists of members from 1% for Open Space, Crested Butte Mountain Bike Association, Town of Crested Butte Planning Department, Town of Crested Butte Parks and Recreation Department, Town of Crested Butte Town Council, Crested Butte Land Trust, Gunnison County Trails Commission, Elk Mountain Hikers Club, and Gunnison County Commissioners.
The group has closely analyzed vegetation, wildlife, cultural artifacts and trail usability for mountain biking, hiking and cross-country skiing in planning the layout for the trails. Additionally, they have coordinated with the United States Forest Service, the Bureau of Land Management, the Department of Wildlife, and private landowners in the area.
In partnership with the Kochevar Trails Coalition, Live! Think Local First will help begin the summer of trail building with the Kochevar Trails Kick-Off Party on Wednesday, May 18. Think Local First is the newest manifestation of the “Shop. Eat. Live.” ideology of Think Local First by the Crested Butte/Mt. Crested Butte Chamber of Commerce. The Live! Think Local First campaign is in celebration of the ways people enjoy life in the Gunnison Valley and the recreational opportunities. It serves as recognition that these opportunities arise from monumental volunteer and donation efforts from residents, businesses and the local non-profit organizations working towards land and access preservation. Live! Think Local First reminds people that in supporting local businesses, they are also supporting the preservation and further creation of these recreational opportunities and lifestyles.
Trail construction will begin with a morning, half-day work session on Saturday, May 21. Information will be shared at the Kick-Off Party about the series of trail construction days that will take place throughout the summer. More than six major trail construction days will occur from May through September, offering plenty of opportunities for the community to come together to create the next trail amenity in the area. The Kochevar Trails Coalition and Live! Think Local First will need many volunteers to realize this trail building dream. All are welcome.
Acquisition of the Kochevar Open Space parcel proved one of the largest conservation transactions in Crested Butte history, when the Trust for Public Land (TPL) closed a deal on June 30, 2010, acquiring 322 acres of high-profile real estate near Crested Butte for open space preservation, and set the stage for preservation of 70 additional acres donated by Eve Kochevar as part of the transaction. Protection of the property, previously owned by the local Kochevar family since 1905, preserves important views from the town, provides hiking, biking and Nordic skiing trail connections on existing open space parcels, protects an elk migration corridor, and maintains some existing grazing uses.
The town of Crested Butte is now in possession of 281 acres of the project, with plans to purchase the remaining 41 acres from TPL in the next upcoming years. The Crested Butte Land Trust (CBLT) holds the conservation easements over the same property in addition to the 70 acres of Eve Kochevar’s donation. The acquisition was funded by a $3 million in lottery grants from GOCO, $1.4 million from the town of Crested Butte, $100,00 from 1% for Open Space and $100,000 from the Gunnison Land Preservation Board. 1% for Open Space additionally donated $10,000 to the Stewardship Fund for the property, with GOCO donating $5,000. The Stewardship Fund is operated by the CBLT.
The Kochevar Open Space Project covers parts of Smith Hill, adjoins the more than 1,000 acres already preserved by the Crested Butte Land Trust in the Slate River Valley, connects the Kikel parcel with U.S. Forest Service Land, and provides opportunities for connecting the Slate River Valley and Washington Gulch through proposed trail systems.

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