Be aware out there…

Waking up to sun and warmth when the forecast calls for clouds and snow is a treat. It is spring and anything can happen around here this time of year.
And given that, please take a second and be aware out there.
The Colorado Avalanche Information Center issued a warning this week that despite what it looks like, the avalanche danger is high and deceptive in the mountains. The snow pack is thick, the weather warming, the skiing great. And it will probably be great for a while.
“The right weather conditions during May and early June could produce avalanches larger than we have seen in 30 to 100 years,” the CAIC warned. So while backcountry riding can be prime… and Red Lady was skiing fantastic this week… be aware.
Also stay alert on the local roads. Bicyclists are riding the one main road between here and Gunnison and despite colorful Lycra jerseys, they are not always easy to see. And there are more road bikers out there now than ever before.
Even more at risk are the motorcyclists who emerge this time of year. They too can be difficult to spot and a careless driver can accidentally pull out to the highway or try passing a car when a single-lighted motorcycle is riding the highway at 55 mph or so. Please take the extra second and extra look to avoid a tragic accident. As a longtime rider, I have seen a few close calls up close and while they are understandable they are frightening.
It is spring out there and our hearts open up as the valleys melt and the temperatures rise. Everyone loves this time of year once we turn the corner on winter. There is a lot to do at 9,000 feet in the spring.
It is a great time to be in the mountains but it is one in which to be aware.

—Mark Reaman

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