Locals running through valley in Epic Relay

Turn out Saturday morning and bring them home

Gunnison Valley sports fans, the inaugural Epic Rocky Mountain Relay race is coming to Crested Butte Saturday, July 23.
The Epic Rocky Mountain Relay race starts in Colorado Springs and finishes at the base area of Crested Butte Mountain Resort.
Individual runners will join forces to form teams and tackle the 195.7-mile long course that is a mix of paved and dirt road in a relay format.
Teams submitted average mile times and race organizers will start teams at staggered intervals Friday morning in an effort to get as many teams as possible to finish around the same time on Saturday.
As of press time two local teams are in—Gunnisonofabitch and CBMR’s Dirty Dozen.
The racecourse enters Gunnison County at the top of Cottonwood Pass and heads down Taylor Canyon before turning up over Jack’s Cabin cutoff. From there, runners head north on Highway 135, into Crested Butte and up Gothic Road, finishing in Mt. Crested Butte.
 Team Gunnisonofabitch runner and KBUT music director Grant McFarren estimates his team will hit the top of Cottonwood Pass around 7 or 8 a.m. Saturday morning and they hope to finish between 3 and 5 p.m.
Team captain for CBMR’s Dirty Dozen, Stevie Kremer, estimates they’ll be cresting Cottonwood at around 10 a.m. and finishing somewhere between 3 and 5 p.m. as well.
Drag yourself outside and help bring the two local teams into the finish.

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