Lace ‘em up for the start of another season of town league hockey

Ambiguously Gay Duo rule in effect at the draft

This year marks the return to the glory days of adult coed town league hockey, except for Big Mine Ice Arena’s no longer being the highest altitude open air sheet of ice in the United States of America.
Then again, because the rink is no longer open air and therefore no longer subjected to snow and sun, Crested Butte Parks and Rec program director Lauren Alkire believes more people signed up this year than in recent memory.
“Everyone’s psyched on the roof,” says Alkire.
This year, 136 people signed up for town league hockey and additional business sponsors jumped on board for a total of 10 town league teams. Last year there were seven.
Team captains and owners met at the Eldo for the 2012 season draft on Saturday night with an estimated additional 100 “puck heads” in attendance to offer their two cents during the process.
“It was rowdy,” says Alkire.
A new rule was put into effect, the Ambiguously Gay Duo rule. In essence, the rule allowed some of the not-as-talented players (read Dan Loftus and Matt Gutter) who are close friends to remain on the same team.
The rule worked for other “partners” as well such as married couples and brothers.
As far as anyone can tell, the teams came out even though ability rankings can be skewed and the truth will not come out until the puck hits the ice.
“The teams are fairly even but you never know that until everyone gets out there,” says Alkire. “We’re still short one goalie. That’s the only late town league registration we will allow—a goalie.”
Alkire stands by her word, too. Despite an impassioned plea from Paul O’Connor to allow Deuce Wynne into the draft, Alkire and Parks and Rec director Jake Jones refused to capitulate. Fact is, if they do it for one player, Alkire and Jones will, no doubt, be subjected to numerous other pleas.
The season is slated to start on Tuesday, January 3 with games on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7 and 8:45 p.m. and Wednesdays at 8:45 p.m. only.
The season continues until the end of February with the post-season tournament February 28 to March 1. The finals will be held Saturday and Sunday, March 3-4.
Hockey fans can get a preview of the new rink and local hockey action on Friday, December 30 when the ice officially opens with a triple header. The annual Wolfpack Alumni game will be at 5 p.m. followed by a showdown between the Pigs and the Storm at 7 p.m. and coming to a climax when the Red Ladies take on the Queen Bees at 8:45 p.m. See you under the roof at Big Mine Ice Arena.

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