Golden Marmots: “A glamorous, glittery good time”

Dear Crested Butte and Gunnison:
On behalf of the Crested Butte Mountain Theatre board of directors, we would like to extend a heartfelt and most gracious thank you to all who attended and contributed to our 2011 Golden Marmot Awards gala event last Saturday night.
From nominees and presenters, volunteers and voters to members, supporters and an outrageous audience—a glamorous, glittery good time was had by all while our local stars were honored and awarded for their theatrical talents.
Extra special honorable mention goes to the local businesses that provided their support, promotion, services and delectable treats for the evening including: Le Bosquet, Paradise Café, The Last Steep, Maxwell’s, Ryce, Kochevar’s, KBUT, Crested Butte News, The Bubble Wrap, Blackline Entertainment, Gunnison Country Shopper, Gunnison Country Times and Rocky Mountain Frames & Trophies.
Tremendous applause to our volunteers who handled everything from set design to lights and sound, ticket sales, ballot counting, bartending and champagne popping: Thomas Kaye, Al Vogel, Michele Lohman, Debbie Gillman, Danielle Gillman, Joni Windsor and Leslie Baeder.
Stupendous standing ovation to our presenters, who were kind enough to bring their Hollywood friends: Kat Hassebroek/Marilyn Monroe, Rich Driscoll/Indiana Jones, Leah Wrisley/Audrey Hepburn, Michael Baim/Captain Blood, Diana Reycraft/Lauren Bacall, Barron Farnell/John Wayne, Mikey Shorts/Jack Nicholson, Barbara Mason/Doris Day, Lindsey Gross/Sandra Bullock, Avery Pulley/Grace Kelly, Christian Daniel Bray/Charlie Sheen, Joshua Pruett/Charlie Chaplin, Debbie and Danielle Gillman/Debbie Reynolds and Carrie Fischer, and to our suave and sophisticated yet oh-so-lethal announcer and master of ceremonies, Mr. Paul Merck (and his friend Bond…James Bond).
And finally, thank you Crested Butte and Gunnison for making community theatre what it is through your attendance, membership, sponsorship, volunteerism and participation. We’re looking forward to the 2012 theatre season and celebrating our 40th anniversary with you all. See you at the Mallardi!

With sincere gratitude,
Michele Simpson and
Mary Tuck (Mae “come-up-and-see-me-sometime” West)
2011 CBMT Golden Marmot Awards Committee

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