This is the time

It may feel like the winter season has been over for weeks, if not months, but in reality, the season officially ended Sunday. It wasn’t the best of seasons on many fronts and most people were more than ready to put this one behind us.
So as we officially do, let’s take a moment to point out at least one huge winter success. The Big Mine Ice Arena project in Crested Butte was one of those. In the course of one summer and fall, the town, primarily under the direction of Bob Gillie and Jake Jones, erected a 26,000-square-foot steel roof structure over the ice rink. And it worked. It worked well.
Thank you.
The town committed to the project in terms of time, effort and money. The structure ended up costing $1.3 million and most of that came from outside sources. Again, gratitude goes out to the volunteers and contributors to the rink facility. It is a real asset to the upper valley.
And in one of the warmest winters anyone can remember, hockey was being played well into March. That was without refrigeration. That was without four walls. But it was with new boards, new glass, a better scoreboard and plenty of renewed enthusiasm.
I’m sure the town crews learned a few things and will tweak the facility to make it even better next year. Jones is already looking at how to better accommodate changing rooms for players. But overall, the project was a great success and a high point of this past winter. It’s very impressive on all counts and was something really good in a lean winter. Nice job.

Sitting here trying to think of other winter highlights, not a lot comes to mind. Too many of our friends passing, with a crappy snowpack and a lot of the ski mountain never opening. Events were cancelled and tourism numbers down. After three banner years of winter recreation, this past season’s reality was frankly pretty lame. So, look ahead.
Summer is practically here. And who can’t like that? Heck, we were mountain biking Hartman Rocks in January and now the trails down there are already dried out and sandy like it’s June. Hartman’s is a gem and we are lucky to have it. Use it well this spring.
Now there is already rightful concern about the summer water situation. We honestly live in a high desert, and there have been several fires already. Things could get dicey if we don’t get some more moisture. Please remember that during those inevitable days in April and May when we get a snowstorm that looks like it belongs in January. Those are always hard days but they are necessary in the big picture.
And as we move toward calendar summer, the benches will return to Elk Avenue. Use them. This is the perfect time for those living here to slow down and get in significant bench time. The spring off-season pace is slow and close to perfect. It is the reward of busy (and not so busy) on-seasons.
The days are still getting longer and the time to catch up with friends and neighbors is now. Take that second, or minute, or hour to sit down and chat. You won’t have that time very often in July.
Life doesn’t get much better at 9,000 feet than a warm and sunny afternoon on Elk Avenue.
This is the time. And the place.
Enjoy it.

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