Wildflower Rush 2012

Local Super D Results
(For complete results go to racemsc.com)

Race #1
Pro Men:
17. Alexander Carpenter, Crested Butte, Team Darrell Ect.

Men 30+:
23. Gary Gibson, Gunnison, Colorado Fitness

Race #2
Men 19-29:
2. Alexander Carpenter, Crested Butte, Team Darrell Ect.
Local Downhill Results
(For complete results go to racemsc.com)

Pro Men
4. Kain Leonard    Gunnison    Crested Butte Mtn. Sports Team
7. Colin Pickett    Gunnison    Big Al’s Bicycle Heaven

Pro Women
4. Stephanie Leonard    Gunnison
5. Janae Pritchett    Crested Butte     Alpine Orthopaedics/Santa Cruz

Cat 1 Men 15-18:
7. Teo Bradbury    Crested Butte    Giant

Cat 1 Men 19-29:
16. Ansel Schimpff    Gunnison    Alpine Orthopaedics

Cat 1 Men 40+:
10. Jeffrey Graceffa    Crested Butte    CBMP / Lobar / The Secret Stash

Cat 2 Men 15-18:
23. Patrick Curvin    Crested Butte    ROMP

Cat 2 Men 19-29:
3. Bartolomej Stuchlik    Crested Butte
7. Eliot Rosenberg    Crested Butte    Big Al’s Bicycle Heaven
39. Bart Hemminger    Gunnison    Crested Butte Mtn. Resort

Cat 2 Men 30-39:
16. Everett Garcia     Crested Butte

Cat 2 Women:
8. Angie Toth    Gunnison

Cat 3 Men 15-18:
17. Lane Griffin    Crested Butte

Junior Men 10 & Under:
4. Gus Bullock    Crested Butte    Gravity Groms
5. Brooks Hudson    Crested Butte    Gravity Groms

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