Local ballers to defend home fields in Ball Bash

Nine teams total

The 12th Annual Ball Bash schedule is up and it appears nine teams are in for a shot at the title, all in an effort to raise money for two worthy causes: the Tommy Ruben Villanueva Sports and Recreation Fund and the Crested Butte Parks and Recreation Scholarship Fund.
Furthermore, it’s good to see Jennie and Edgar Villanueva back in town and word is Michael will be here as well. Given the current barrage of half-page ads and street-wide banter concerning US vs. THEM, this town needs some Villanueva energy right about now.
Telluride will be returning; whether or not they bring their big hitter, Farah “the Hawaiian Hammer” Keannaaina, is still up in the air. Montrose has a team making the trip, as does Gunnison’s own Beleza.
There are six local teams in this year to defend the home fields, including the Poo Fest Revival. While not the strongest of squads, they do possess an infectious relaxed attitude when it comes to competition and have been known to lure their opponents into losing.
Perennial Ball Bash powerhouse the Tommyhawks will of course be on hand, as will the Stash Monkeys, S.W.A.R.M., the Hackers and last year’s champions, the Dark Stars.
The tournament starts bright and early Saturday morning with games at both Gothic and Tommy V Fields at 8 a.m. The action will continue all day, coming to a climax Saturday evening at 6 p.m. with the annual Home Run Derby at Tommy V Field.
The derby will have men’s and women’s divisions and is open to everyone, whether you’re playing in the Ball Bash or not. It’s $20 to get in and there are plenty of prizes to go around. Hitters must provide their own pitchers. Proceeds from the derby will also go to the aforementioned sports funds, both of which help provide funds for youth athletics in Crested Butte.
Softball returns to action at 9 a.m. on Sunday with the Toilet Bowl at 12:45 at Tommy V Field and the Ball Bash championship game at 2 p.m., also at Tommy V Field.

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