CB Council to review firearms ban

“It scares the heck out of me…”

The Crested Butte Town Council will examine prohibiting the carrying of firearms in certain areas of town, such as town buildings and public parks.
As it currently stands, the town code prohibits people from carrying a gun in town—in conflict with state and federal law. In a memo, town attorney John Belkin states, “The town’s prohibition on the open carry of a firearm is effectively void under Colorado law.”



Belkin’s memo outlines areas in which local governments can prohibit firearms and the rules needed, such as signage, to make such a prohibition valid.
The issue arose when a local resident would carry his gun while walking his dog late at night, apparently in case he encountered a bear.
Chief Marshal Tom Martin was out of town at the Monday evening discussion so Belkin recommended continuing the discussion to the next meeting on February 18.
“It sounds like we are allowed to prohibit guns in places that are controlled by the town, like this building and the parks,” said Councilperson Jim Schmidt. “I’d like to pursue that.”
But Councilmembers Shaun Matusewicz and Roland Mason said they would prefer to not go down that road. They both indicated they were not interested in going beyond what is covered under the state regulations.
“You’re okay with someone coming in here during a meeting with a weapon?” asked Schmidt.
Matusewicz and Mason both said they were.
“It scares the heck out of me,” responded Schmidt.
“I’m with Jim,” added Councilperson David Owen.
“Let’s gather the information on what is allowed under the state and where we as a town can consider prohibition,” suggested Councilperson Chris Ladoulis, “and then we can start the conversation at the next meeting with some solid information.”
Belkin and the staff said they would compile the needed information for a council discussion at the next meeting.

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