Rally for the annual AJ this Sunday

Race, party and support the CBAC

The 40th Annual Al Johnson Memorial Uphill/Downhill Telemark Ski race is Sunday, March 23. That’s right, the 40th. Forty years of telemark skiing, here, in Crested Butte.
I know there’s some of you, okay maybe all of you, who have made the switch to AT. It’s lighter, more efficient and, as a result, easier. But if there’s ever a reason to get back on telemark gear, or get on it for the first time, the Al Johnson race is it.
Race organizers are hoping to see some former AJ stars come out for the 40th annual to celebrate and honor the original local hardcore skier.
If you don’t know what the Al Johnson Race is, it’s pretty straightforward.
Climb up 600 vertical feet, pull off the skins and bomb down the North Face, including the Last Steep, for one final short climb to the finish line.
Taste blood and see stars if you want to win. Dress up in a costume if you want to participate. It doesn’t really matter how you do it, just do it.
You have until Friday to pre-register at the Alpineer or online at www.aljohnsonrace.net. Day-of race registration and bib pick-up will be at the Brick Oven on Sunday from 8 to 9:30 a.m. The first 200 to register get a hat. All racers must come to the Brick Oven on Sunday morning.
There will be a tag team and individual race as always. The tag team race starts at High Noon, and the individual race starts at 1 p.m. Both start at the base of the North Face Lift.
There is a staggering amount of prizes, skis, backcountry ski gear, jackets, skins, goggles, etc., etc. This year’s grand prize in the raffle is a brand new pair of Black Diamond Megawatts.
And speaking of staggering, there will be free beer from Avery for all participants.
Don’t have a pass? Don’t worry. Crested Butte Mountain Resort will have $50 lift tickets for all racers that are good all day. Pick up your lift ticket in the morning, ski until the race, race, continue skiing and then swing by the Butte 66 for a party.
The awards ceremony-raffle-party will be at Butte 66 starting around 4 p.m.
Proceeds will benefit the Crested Butte Avalanche Center.

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