2014 Gore-Tex Elk Mountains Grand Traverse Results

(For complete results check out elkmountainstraverse.com)

Smith-Wickenhauser    7:53:01.7
Boehm-Thomas    7:59:15.0
Brown-Laird    8:02:29.7
Dussault-O’Neill    8:46:44.0
    (coed winners)
Iverson-Johnson    9:18:52.2
Newton-Pletcher    9:22:17.0
Griggs-Hadley    9:24:35.0
Frisch-Phillips    9:25:22.6
Johnson-Wille    9:30:44.5
Jones-Stubbe    9:34:06.3
Kirkland-Kremer    9:42:22.5
    (women’s winners)
Nuttelman-Nuttelman    9:47:59.1
Kadlec-Sterling    10:07:29.0
Krimstock-Sakson    10:09:46.6
Koons-Mallory    10:14:31.9
Abramczyk-Barker    10:19:58.6
Lawton-McGovern    10:20:14.4
Clark-Schely    10:20:40.3
Roy-Sproat    10:20:50.4
Grauch-Killgore    10:22:04.1

Kirkland-Kremer    9:42:22.5
Jervey-O’Connell    12:12:39.2
Davis-Poppe    12:21:12.7
Metcalfe-White    12:55:18.7
Dawson-Ruzickova    13:33:54.6

Dussault-O’Neill    8:46:44.0
Black-Hodgetts    10:28:38.3
Mahon-Mahon    11:00:48.4
Brown-Preston    11:00:32.8
Blahova-Konecny    11:22:24.3

Age Class Winners
Coed 18-25
McKenna-Myers    16:27:30.0

Coed 26-35
Vardamis-Vardamis    12:15:35.8
Alpert-Christoff    12:38:40.5
Ryan-Miller    12:44:34.8

Coed 36-45
Dussault-O’Neill    8:46:44.0
Black-Hodgetts    10:28:38.3
Mahon-Mahon    11:00:48.4

Coed 46-64
Brown-Preston    11:00:32.8
Douglas-Wison    11:37:45.3
Karpeichik-Kindt    11:52:15.1

Women 18-25
Philbin-Records    15:32:42.8

Women 26-35
Kirkland-Kremer    9:42:22.5
Jervey-O’Connell    12:12:39.2
Davis-Poppe    12:21:12.7

Women 36-45
Metcalfe-White    12:55:18.7

Male 18-25
Krimstock-Sakson    10:09:46.6
Clark-Schley    10:20:40.3
Roy-Sproat    10:20:50.4

Male 26-35
Boehm-Thomson    7:59:15.0
Iverson-Johnson    9:18:52.2
Newton-Pletcher    9:22:17.0

Male 36-45
Smith-Wickenhauser    7:53:01.7
Brown-Laird    8:02:29.7
Frisch-Phillips    9:25:22.6

Male 46-65
Griggs-Hadley    9:24:35.0
Banks-Banks    10:23:02.1
Medved-van Tiel    11:43:41.8

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