HAT Tournament brings out the ultimate freaks for fun

Get to the Chopper!!!
Disc enthusiasts came from as far away as Texas on Saturday, July 26 to participate in the annual Crested Butte HAT ultimate tournament. Members of the local Lawn Gnomes team have been busy this summer traveling throughout the West but stayed at home to play host to 93 ultimate players.

The HAT tournament is unique in that, prior to the tournament, everyone rates themselves talent-wise and teams are created accordingly to make the games as close as possible. In the end, six teams formed and threw down all day, and night, on Saturday, feeding off of supplies from The Guild, First Ascent Coffee House, Teocalli Tamale and the Talk of the Town. Fun was had and awards were handed out for a variety of accomplishments. Durangoan Joel Krauss took home some SOMA Wellness Center gear for his “high” level of play. Romp Shot Skis were given to Hannah Koschnitzke (Moab) and Zach Kaufman (Grand Junction) for winning the male/female spirit awards and Garrett Glass (Austin, Texas) won a backpack for traveling the farthest to play. Lots of other awards were given on the fly for great layout Ds (defense), crafty throws and fun plays (Get to the Chopper!!!) and bookends (getting the D and catching a score in the same point), including Colorado Freeskier and Rockstar hats, visors, t-shirts, Chums and other fun stuff.

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