CB high school bike team peaks at state championships

“They had a great race, the Titans were mighty”

Weather patterns over the past two weeks had the Crested Butte high school bike team mixing up their training. While some days offered splitter blue-sky conditions, other days forced the team inside at The Gym as they prepared for the state championships in Eagle, Colo. on Sunday, October 19.
“We did get some Gym time, maybe more than years before,” says coach Pete Curvin. “The kids were pretty burned out on spin bikes but they all stuck it out and everybody was feeling strong going into the race.”
The stoke level of the team exploded the day before the race when they got a chance to pre-ride the course. While conditions were a bit dusty, the course itself was just what the team wanted.
“There’s about four miles of singletrack with a downhill-type section to the finish, which plays well to our kids,” says Curvin. “They were all psyched.”
Oz Scott wrapped up his high school bike-racing career in top form. Scott battled all year in the varsity class, oftentimes lining up against sponsored riders, and closed it out finishing in 17th at the championships and 17th overall in the state.
His teammate Patrick Curvin hovered around the 20s all season and remained consistent, placing 26th at the championships.
In the JV race, Emerson Wohlers and Colton Schnaitter put together their best efforts of the entire season. Schnaitter closed the season with a 28th-place finish at the championships and when the results are tallied, he may close the season near the top 20 overall. Wohlers was forced to start at the back of the pack but managed to pick his way through nearly 100 riders to finish the day in 29th place.
Jamey Spahn entered the mountain biking fray for the first time this year as a junior. She spent the better part of the season playing catch-up and had her best result in the final race, placing 39th.
“She hit her goal, which was huge,” says Curvin.
Will Johnson’s result was not as strong as it could be in the sophomore race. Johnson is an up and coming star but a DNF due to a mechanical earlier in the season left him with a horrible start spot at states. Nevertheless, he managed to pass as many as 50 riders during the race and place 31st.
Meanwhile, the freshmen rose to the challenge in their first shot at the big show. Ian Eldridge has been on point all season and did it again, leading the Crested Butte team with a 15th-place finish. James Bivens, who started out as a downhiller, has embraced the cross-country format. Bivens placed 17th at the championships and made the most of the downhill section, throwing tail whips off the jumps at every opportunity.
“James had his best race by far,” says Curvin. “He kept throwing tricks and I was telling him to keep passing people.”
Owen Forrest wrapped up his first year of racing 57th at states.
“It was the most positive race of the season and a great way to end it,” says Curvin. “I was proud of the kids. They had a great race. The Titans were mighty.” 

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