Fat Bikers take to the streets and trails as part of Alley Loop events


According to the Urban Dictionary, badonkadonk is an “ebonic” expression for an extremely curvaceous female behind.
REEBdonkadonk is the name of a Fat Bike, one of several Fat Bikes out on the market these days and, like it or not, Fat Bikers are here and gaining popularity.
Fat Bikes and their riders will be out in force on Friday, February 6 to kick off the Alley Loop weekend for the third annual Alley Loop Fat Bike race, the final race of the REEBdonkadonk Fat Bike race series, presented by Oskar Blues Brewery.
“It’s definitely a spectacle to behold,” says race co-director and Fat Bike enthusiast Dave Ochs. “I wanna see at least 100 riders easily.”
The course is still the same as the past two years despite the melting snow. While the Alley Loop Nordic racecourses have been altered (and will still be awesome), the Fat Bike racecourse will remain as planned
“We don’t need snow, we can ride on dirt, pavement, sand and snow,” says Ochs.
The start/finish will be in front of the Brick Oven. From there riders will head up Elk Avenue, up old Kebler Road and onto the Red Lady loop with a ride by the Gronk before returning to town for another lap on the Red Lady trail. Elk Avenue above Third Street will be closed from 2 pm to 7 pm.
Fat bikers can do it solo or on a team of three to four riders. Solo riders will have 90 minutes to ride as many laps as possible, while teams will have 80 minutes.
Then there’s the plus-one-lap rule, which is still confusing but will probably make sense on race day. Winners are determined by who rides the most laps in the time allotted. While lap totals are dependent upon weather and course conditions, last year the winning total was six laps in a driving snowstorm with close to six inches of fresh on the track. Ochs estimates a single lap should take between 10 and 15 minutes.
There are some restrictions to the Fat Bikes. The tires on your fat bike must be at least 3.5 inches wide and can have no more than 10 psi (that’s pounds per square inch).
Same-day registration for the Fat Bike race starts at the Brick Oven Pizzeria at 2 p.m.
The solo race will begin at 3 p.m.
The team/relay race begins at 3:10 p.m.
For more information about where to rent a Fat Bike and to register, visit cbchamber.com. Stay up to date by following Gunnison Crested Butte Fat Bikers on Facebook.
As always, none of this would be possible without extensive cooperation.
“Huge thanks to the Land Trust, Trapper’s Crossing Homeowners Association and the Nordic Center,” says Ochs. “We’re grateful to have this opportunity.”
If all goes well this year, the Fat Bike may morph into the Fat Bike World Championships next year.
“This is your warm-up for the World Championships,” says Ochs.
Speaking of morphing, did you know Bruce Jenner, the man who won the gold medal in the decathlon at the 1976 Olympics in Montreal, is morphing into a woman?

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