Benchtalk November 13 2015

Make a donation and go on a great vacation

The Crested Butte Community School PTA is having an online auction for a ski trip to Eleven’s luxurious Chalet Pelerin in the French Alps. Enjoy four days and four nights for a party of six, including a chef, lift tickets and skiing with guide Heather Paul Featherman. Let the bidding begin by going to Bidding will end on Friday the 13th of November at the annual PTA Phat Hat FUNdraiser at Mountaineer Square. To purchase tickets to this fun event go to

Help your neighbors

Living Journeys, Cattleman’s Days Tough Enough to Wear Pink and Gunnison Valley Health Foundation are looking for volunteers to assist driving local cancer patients to out of town treatment and appointments. Mileage reimbursement is available. If interested in being a volunteer driver, or assisting in other ways, please call Darcie (970) 349-2777.

Now is a good time to pay your library fines…

Clear your library fines and help those in need by participating in Gunnison County Libraries’ annual Food for Fines food drive. Gunnison County Libraries is encouraging library customers to get their library card in good standing and give back to the community. Customers with outstanding fines for overdue materials may have their fines reduced by donating undamaged and unexpired boxed or canned non-perishable food or toiletry items to either the Gunnison library or the Old Rock library during the weeks of November 16-December 31, 2015. Each single food or toiletry item will be applied as a $1 credit toward the reduction of existing overdue fines.

And the food pantry is open

Gunnison Country Food Pantry is open Mondays from 1 to 4 p. m. and Wednesdays from 1 to 7 p.m. If extended hours on Wednesdays are well attended and if enough volunteers are willing to assist customers, evening hours may become a regular feature. Visit the pantry at 321C N. Main Street in Gunnison, at the southwest corner of Main and Ohio. See more information at

‘Tis the season

Start your Christmas shopping this Sunday, November 15 at the Union Congregational Church at 10:30 a.m. There will be handmade beaded jewelry from Guatemala. The money from these sales goes to an organization that helps children in poverty. (Feel free to check out Casa Milagro on the web or the UCC will tell you about it in person).

Red Room Bingo

KBUT Bingo is coming to the Red Room, downstairs at The Secret Stash. Doors open at 7:30 and games start at 8:30. Compete for your chance to win cash and prizes. KBUT Bingo is a rowdy, no-holds-barred event where players compete for cash, gift certificates, KBUT gear, and more. KBUT DJs are your hosts for 10 games of number-calling fun, complete with adult beverages, poorly conceived jokes and puns, “socials”, name-calling, and all the getting-daubered-by-your-neighbor you can handle.


November 12- Dana Bradley, Mark Heller, Kathy Darrow

November 13- Katie Randall, John Hamblett

November 14- Joan Stevens, Melissa Essig

November 15- Greg Hoffius, Steve Melnick, Larry Freeman, Joan Stevens

November 16- Connor McGuire, Maggie Dorris, Randy Wiig, Tom Lucci, Robyn Hildbradt, Kevin and Savannah Freeman

November 17- Willy Coburn, Chris Hensley, Dale Kramer

November 18- Owen Honroth


CONGRATULATIONS:  Laura Bryant and Jay McKeever were married on August 6 at the Wedding Garden among close family and friends. Their reception was held at Elk Ave Prime.  photo by Alison White


BOOKS-N-BARS:  A discussion of the book Theft by BK Loren was held at Le Bosquet on Monday, October 26.  photo by Lydia Stern


CONGRATULATIONS:  Audrey Ann King was born to parents Kate and Tyler on October 4, 2015 at 12:54 a.m. weighing 7 lbs. 1 oz. and measuring 20 inches.  Brother Davis King is 21 months old.  photo by Sweet Tea Studios

Cameos: what’s another name/nickname that you would give to el niño?


Señor dumps-a-lot.

Ryan Orwig


Eyelid deep.

Nick Danni


The boy who cried wolf.

Lance Rink


Days off.

Leah Fischer


Mandatory lunch laps.

Eliza Cress

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