Mercury is in retrograde—or it could be the weather

When Mercury is in retrograde, we tend to notice more issues in the areas of communication, in the way we interact with others and in our surroundings and neighborhood. It may also show up in our travel, the way we get around and in our interactions with our siblings.

—from the Knower of All Things, the Internet

I’m not saying that it’s the weather or Mercury in retrograde or just life—but a lot of people seem a lot on edge. Or not very motivated. Or not communicating very well. With the exception of the cheery folks extolling the virtues of a One Valley Prosperity Project final plan that will be released this coming Wednesday, there seems a fair amount of grousing in the neighborhood.

Examples of the grousing and possible impacts of Mercury in retrograde:

—It was clear at the last Town Council meeting, the town of Crested Butte appears to be having some issues with Gunnison County and certain contracts and agreements.

—Which means the county is apparently having some issues with town over communications, contracts and agreements.

—At least one member of the RTA was disgruntled about the new “Air Command” and its extensive authority. By the way, calling that group the “Air Command” is a really bad name unless George W. Bush is running the new subcommittee.

—The Lake Irwin Coalition is having issues with Eleven and the Forest Service. (Although I don’t think that blame can land on Mercury or the weather…)

—A new member of the Mt. Crested Butte Town Council was in a tizzy over how planning commissioners are selected.

—I wrote a news story and screwed up the political position of a councilman and his stand on the plastic bag ban. (Thank goodness I have something to blame for screwing up…)

—The plastic (and paper?) bag ban itself is now getting people a tad up in arms in some quarters.

—People are leaving or changing their jobs—examples include the Chamber, the Town, KBUT, CBMR, the Music Fest.

—Anyone having computer issues of late?


We in the upper valley are used to blue skies and warming temperatures this time of year. So days and days of rain, snow or sludge put a bit of a damper on the joy of living at 9,000 feet. Even those indefatigable soccer moms griped about not being able to feel their digits before halftime of last weekend’s Gunni games. I heard someone say the trails were too wet to ride bikes and the new snow too heavy to ski so they might as well drink. I suppose Happy Hour is one way to find “happy” during a rough couple of weeks. But be careful with that route. Or just go all in and buy that soccer mom a 2-for-1 drink while you can.

From the Internet: “The second Mercury Retrograde of 2016 occurs in Taurus on April 28 at 5:20 p.m. Universal Time, 1:20 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time and at 10:20 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time. Mercury goes direct in Taurus (14o 20 minutes of arc) on May 22 at 1:20 p.m. Universal Time, 9:20 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time and 6:20 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time.”

In other words, we have a few more weeks to deal with Mercury in retrograde. Snowflakes are fading from the forecasts.

And finally—again from the Internet—“Mercury retrograde does serve a purpose: To help you review the recent past and catch up on your work. If you allow yourself to slow down, Mercury retrograde can be a very healing and revealing time.”

So there you go. We just need to slow down. That’s good advice most of the time anyway. And given the weather—what choice do we have really? Be patient. The Internet weather forecast indicates more blue than grey is just around the corner. So let’s ride this one out. Soon, according to the world-wide web, the kumbaya will return and spread to more than just the OVPPers.

Thank goodness.

—Mark Reaman

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