Crested Butte Bike Week for Kids

Clinics, pizza, ice cream and races

by Stan Cola

The passion for mountain biking has been handed down to the youth and they appear to be taking to the sport like ducks to water, with kids riding up, down and all around on the local trails. While Crested Butte Bike Week has often included at least one or two events for the kids, they typically are comprised of striders and ultimate cuteness.

This year, Crested Butte Bike Week, in conjunction with CB Devo, is stepping up their game to bring events specific to young riders into the Crested Butte Bike Week fold with clinics, socials and even the inaugural Crested Butte Junior Wildflower Classic, a cross-country race for kids in three different age categories—18 and under, 14 and under and 10 and under—with specific courses for each and prizes for top three boys and girls in each.

There are other clinics available throughout the week from Backcountry Bike Academy that are open to all ages as well. Additional information, registration and course descriptions can all be found at or

Friday, June 24

Slow Race Championships and Party, CB Devo

3 p.m. Slow Race Championships! Will be held at First and Elk Avenue before the Chainless World Championships. Prizes will be given to overall boys and girls winners. Free!

5 p.m. Brick Oven pizza, drinks and Third Bowl Ice Cream at Totem Pole Park after Slow Race. $15 suggested donation to CB Devo.

Wheelie Clinic, Backcountry Bike Academy

10:30 a.m. to noon at the Chamber of Commerce, 601 Elk Ave.

Meet at the Chamber and then take off with the Backcountry Bike Academy to practice your wheelies! No need to register, just show up! All ages welcome. Free

Saturday, June 25


10 a.m. to noon: Skills Clinics

Meet at Crested Butte Chamber of Commerce parking lot under the CB Devo tent for skills clinics with CB Devo coaches; groups will be broken into age/ability. These will be held at CBCS parking lot. $20 per athlete fee.

2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Meet at Crested Butte Chamber of Commerce parking lot under CB Devo tent for the Fun Ride with CB Devo parents. Again, groups and rides will be based on age/ability. Race “pre-ride” for those entering the Crested Butte Junior Wildflower Classic XC races on Sunday. $5 suggested donation per athlete that will be donated to the CBLT.

6 p.m. Ice Cream Social/Pre-Race Meeting at Crested Butte Chamber with Third Bowl Homemade Ice Cream.

Cornering Clinic, Backcountry Bike Academy

10:30 a.m. to noon at the Chamber of Commerce, 601 Elk Ave.

Meet at the Chamber and then take off with the Backcountry Bike Academy to practice your cornering! No need to register, just show up! All ages welcome. Free.

Sunday, June 26

Crested Butte Junior Wildflower Classic 

9 a.m. Crested Butte Junior Wildflower Classic XC Race $40 per athlete includes ice cream at pre-race meeting. 75 participants Sponsored by Clif Bar and

—18 and Under (15-18) Course (9 a.m. start): Approximately 12 miles, 1,500 feet climbing. Red bibs with red course markings.

—14 and Under (11-14) Course (9:05 a.m. start): Approximately 10 miles, 1,000 feet climbing. Blue bibs with blue course markings.

—10 and Under Course (9:10 a.m. start): Approximately eight miles, 800 feet climbing. Green bibs with yellow course markings.

All races will have neutral start and finish on dirt at Peanut Lake Road for safety.

Noon: Award Ceremony at Crested Butte Chamber of Commerce parking lot.

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