CB News Candidate’s Forum this Sunday
The Crested Butte News Candidate’s Forum is this weekend. The forum will be held Sunday, October 23 at 6 p.m. at the Crested Butte Center for the Arts. County commissioner candidates Jonathan Houck, Paul Wayne Foreman, Brad Tutor and John Messner will be on hand to answer your questions. They will each give an opening statement and then take questions from the audience. The forum will be moderated by Denis B. Hall with help from KBUT’s Chad Reich. The forum will also be broadcast live on KBUT.
Pink in the Rink
Hockey season is here, people, and it all starts with Pink in the Rink Friday through Sunday, October 21-23 at the Gunnison Ice Arena. There will be clinics, Family Fun Day all day Saturday, a women’s hockey tournament and the opening game of the Monarch Cup men’s competitive league on Sunday. For more information check out wehockey.org or gunnisontetwp.com.
Fall Fest on the Farm coming this weekend
The Trailhead Children’s Museum presents the first annual Fall Fest on the Farm at the O’Henry Ranch across from the entrance to Crested Butte South on Saturday, October 22 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Admittance is $10 per child; adults are free. Wear your best Halloween costume for a chance to win the Costume Contest or show off your pumpkin carving skills in the Pumpkin Carving Contest. Pony rides, petting zoo, cake walk, face paint, touch a truck, s’mores on the fire, food, music and a silent auction are sure to make for a fun family day. Purchase your tickets online now at www.trailheadkids.org.
Snowsports Foundation to host Oktoberfest this Saturday
Ski season is right around the corner, and what better way to embrace the changing of the seasons than with a traditional Oktoberfest celebration? Crested Butte Snowsports Foundation (CBSF) is hosting an inaugural Oktoberfest event, sponsored by Elk Ave Prime, on Saturday, October 22 from 5 to 10 p.m. Join CBSF, its supporters and athletes for all-you-can-eat German fare, beer, wine, the showing of classic German ski films and a raffle of great prizes. And as always and in true Crested Butte fashion, Oktoberfest-themed costumes are encouraged and a costume contest will take place. To purchase tickets, visit http://www.crestedbuttesnowsports.org/cbsevents/oktoberfest. For more information, contact executive director King at [email protected].
Talk philosophy at Brick Oven
New to the town is a chance to talk philosophy! A twist on the Crested Butte Library’s popular Socrates Café, Philosophy on Tap will meet monthly, in the evening, at a local pub to ponder and converse. The first discussion is Wednesday, October 26 at the Brick Oven. No preparation is necessary. With questions, go to gunnisoncountylibraries.org or email [email protected] or call (970) 349-6535.
Community Health Survey
Gunnison County Public Health is conducting a regional health assessment to identify and address the most pressing health needs of the county and region. Gunnison County residents are encouraged to participate in this process by taking the Community Health Survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/COregion10. The survey is completely anonymous and the results will be used to shape future public health and hospital activities in Gunnison County and the region. Please complete by Thanksgiving if possible. If you have questions or comments call Katherine Melland at 641-0209.
October 20- Eric Reinhardt, Elior Bilow-Makler, Malcom Boyce
October 21- Ashton Wyckoff, Jackie Vellardi, Malcom Bailey, Tylor Byers, Rusty Reycraft
October 22- Dave Rose, Everett Garcia, Ilo Hawley, Tracy Davenport
October 23- Sarah Smith, Drew Braunell, Katey Nelson, Kristy Swanson, Cody Buchholz, Payson Adams
October 24- Megan Paden, Spencer Reeves, Lynne Quint, Brenda Snyder, Dylan Alagna, Lori Annarelli, Donna Spahn
October 25- Ted Evans, Willy Hamblett, Hallie Phillips, Michael Blunck
October 26- Annie Coburn, Michelle Austin

Cameo Question: Aside from your residence, what else could you short-term rent?

John Elm

KT Joy

Seth Anderson

Sophia Chudacoff

Zack Treisman