Adopt a Family program growing in the area for the holiday season

“We’ve all walked through really tough times”

by Crystal Kotowski

We are heading into the holiday season and not everyone will necessarily have a happy one. Some people, including local families, are more fortunate than others.

Adopt a Family is a program run through Crested Butte’s Oh Be Joyful church, in which families who can use assistance at Christmas are “adopted” by local families and businesses. The adoptive families or companies provide wrapped Christmas gifts (needs and wants) for families who can benefit from this assistance.

The names of families are kept anonymous unless they request otherwise.

Nancy Osmundson, a member of Oh Be Joyful church, started the program in 2009. “I had adopted families in Florida and was saddened that we did not have the opportunity here. The response was terrific and we adopted 12 families and it has grown every year to show the amazing goodness of our community. It started as a program for people who just need a helping hand and are having a rough time,” Osmundson said.

The program tries to support people not receiving other services. Help is given with no strings attached or expectations, though people often commit to giving back when they are back on their feet.

Rosalind Cook began facilitating the program in 2015. “Adopt a Family is the most rewarding thing I have ever done! Our unique community has an incredibly big spirit where people come along and walk with each other through good and tough times. Almost everyone can remember a time in their lives when they experienced tough times that made them feel powerless and defeated. How uplifting and hopeful it is when someone, and in this case, strangers, step up and say, ‘I want to walk with you and give you some help here,’” Cook said.

“I wish you could read the notes and emails I receive from so many who could not otherwise provide gifts for their kids or groceries in their pantries. And then I receive emails from families and businesses who say thank you for the opportunity to really do something significant,” Cook continued.

There is no “formula” of how much to give. Cook simply passes on the list of wants and needs, ages of the kids, some “wishes”—and then lets the giving happen organically.

“Some of the requests come to me in the form of ‘Letters to Santa.’ Of course many kids will request their dream toys, but often it is coats, winter boots, gloves, and groceries– very basic needs. I have a very hard time getting the parents to make any requests for themselves. Usually they decline, saying that providing for their kids is enough,” said Cook.

“Our life is changed… we did not think anyone cared,” shared one anonymous adopted family. “I have no clue how I would have provided a Christmas this year for my family. This is beyond anything I could ever dream of…. having people reach out to us like this!” shared another.

Last year 28 families were adopted; eight families are currently signed up for this year. Entities contributing to Adopt a Family include: Crested Butte Mountain Resort, The Last Steep Bar and Grill, Gunnison County Electric, Staff of the Town of Crested Butte, Yoga for the Peaceful, Alpine Getaways, Synergy Athlete, Electric Logic, Donita’s, and Benson Sotheby’s Realty.

“We do need more families. Actually, I have more donors on my list than families who have let me know they need help,” noted Cook.

“Adopt a Family, thanks for this opportunity to give back. We once were in need of groceries and bare necessities and were helped. Now we can do the same for someone else,” shared an anonymous adoptive family. “Our family has been blessed with ‘more than enough.’ It was the highlight of their Christmas to shop, wrap, and deliver gifts to ‘our family,’” shared another.

The flexible deadline to sign up for the program is December 15, as time is needed to shop. This year, the program is limited to people who live or work in the Crested Butte area.

Adopt a Family always needs gift cards for such things as groceries and gas. Interested adoptive persons can also write a check to Oh Be Joyful Church and designate it for Adopt a Family, P.O. Box 175, in Crested Butte.

“I know there are people reading this who either can use assistance for Christmas or want to do something significant for someone else,” concluded Cook.

Contact Rosalind Cook or Oh Be Joyful at [email protected] or call 918-645-2109.

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