Oats and Corn!
The finalé of the annual Vinotok festival will be this weekend in Crested Butte. The community feast is Friday and everyone is welcome. The forecast calls for a wet Saturday so dress dry and warm to see if the Grump is let free or burned. Spoiler Alert: The bonfire will be at the Visitor’s Center parking lot at Sixth and Elk.
Crested Butte kudos
We don’t mention every time Crested Butte is mentioned in the national press or on a worldwide website but this one is unusual. The Huffington Post recently ran a piece on the “Best Library in Every State” and for Colorado the selection was…The Crested Butte Library. BTW-we miss the ‘Old Rock’ moniker. It noted that the building was “surrounded by craggy mountaintops, this sandstone beauty was originally built in 1883 as a schoolhouse.” And just because we saw this today, CarRentals.com named Crested Butte as one of the most gorgeous fall towns in North America.
HCCA party and board election at Wildbird
The HCCA board and staff cordially invites the public to join them for a fall evening at Wildbird on Thursday, September 21 from 5 to 7 p.m. to celebrate their past successes and look to the future, with an evening of live music by Tyler Lucas and Lizzie Plotkin, as well as complimentary appetizers and refreshments. HCCA’s annual board elections will also occur at the Wildbird Party. For more information about the party, and to cast your vote for the elections, please visit https://www.hccacb.org/hcca-wildbird-party-and-annual-board-elections/.
Common cents continues at CB Library
The Crested Butte Library presents part three of the five-part Financial Literacy Series from Common Cents Colorado, with Mark Trautman, CFP® (retired), from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, September 26 at the Crested Butte Town Hall, Junior Meeting Room, 507 Maroon Ave, across from the Library. Session 3 focuses on “Retirement Savings Vehicles” and will cover the many ways individuals can use tax-advantaged investing to protect their long-term savings, especially as they plan for their retirement. For more information contact the Crested Butte Library at (970) 349-6535.
ArtStart for Toddlers at GAC
Take a moment and create some art with your little one (aged two to five with caregiver) at the Gunnison Arts Center on Friday afternoons from September 22 to November 17 from 2:30 to 3:15 p.m. with instructor Anna L’Huillier. The class fee is $75 for the full nine weeks, $55 for six classes, $35 for three classes, or $13 to drop-in for a single class.You and your little artist will play and experiment with several mediums, as well as learn fundamental art skills.
Living Journeys changeover
Living Journeys would like to thank Kathy Norgard for over five years of service working to facilitate Living Journeys’ support group meetings. Cathey Jinich will be taking her place as facilitator of the Crested Butte and Crested Butte South support group meetings. Laurie Boscaro will continue facilitating the support group in Gunnison.
September 21- Jerry Chiles, Lyn Ewert, Susie Sparks, Kerry Folger, Clara Schulte, Jack Hughes, Mickey Cook, Jill Cooper
September 22- Robin Brazell, Denis Hall, Emma White and Jessie White, Ryan Loflin
September 23- Max Cozadd, Chris Pogoloff, Dr. Dan, James Beltz, Taylor Tyzzer
September 24- Carla Fanciullo, Mary Swanwick, Mike Willingham, Chad Kaiser
September 25- Cal Fenerty, Deb Gier, Amy Williams, Mike Eaton
September 26- Diane Markowitz, Krista Hildebrandt, Alexey Paden
September 27- Vicky Glab, Scout Walton, Hayes Freeman, Dan Loftus

Cameos: What is your favorite part of Vinotok?

Ian Wrisley

which I love.
Randy Koontz

Lilah Hubbard

Zoe Henderson

costumes is the best.
Margaret Chavez