Women’s Sports Day at WSCU
Mark your calendars as Western State Colorado University in conjunction with National Girls and Women in Sports Day will be hosting an event on Sunday, February 11. From 10 a.m. to noon WSCU will be hosting a free skills clinic open to any Gunnison Valley girl ages K-8 (13 and under) in the in the Mountaineer Field House. Current female collegiate athletes will be available to teach girls more about their sports, and hopefully the girls will have a great time learning. Registration for the clinic opens at 9:15 a.m. After the clinic 5B’s will be providing a free lunch to the participants and we will have a panel on “The Power of Sport.”
Culinary & Vintner Arts at the Center for the Arts
Show some flair in your romantic dinner for two with the “Cooking for Your Valentine” event! Learn to make French-inspired dishes: court-bouillon poached oysters with a classic mignonette; and New York strip with glace-di viande and pomme-frites. Held at the Studio West Kitchen with instructor Chef Chris Park. Then explore the keys to tasting wine and pairing it with complimentary foods in this discussion, demonstration-style, tasting and eating course with “Perfect Pairs–An Evening of Food & Wine” on Wednesday, February 7 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the CB Center for the Arts. For comprehensive event information and tickets visit www.crestedbuttearts.org; (970) 349-7487.
Some locals dealing with health care crisis could use your help
Jimbo Talbot has been diagnosed with Lymphoma Lymphoplasmacytic. His medical bills are mounting and have only just begun. He began Chemo treatment in Colorado Springs on January 26 and it will continue for at least five months. There is an account set up at Bank of the West in Crested Butte for those who would like to help. The account is in the name of Jim Talbot Medical Fund. And Abe Fisher is battling stage four cancer and a fundraiser is being held the afternoon of February 10 at the Avalanche. Friends are hoping to help him take a trip with his kids soon. If you don’t have cash or can’t make it and would like to donate, go to https://fundly.com/a-getaway-for-abe-and-kids.
Knitting class at Crested Butte Library
Have you always wanted to learn how to knit? Are you looking for a new way to fill your winter hours? Tracey Schwartz of The Yarn Studio CB will present a free “Intro to Knitting” workshop at the Crested Butte Library on Tuesday, February 6 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Materials will be provided, but feel free to BYON (Bring Your Own Needles). Please call or email to reserve your spot since seats are limited: (970) 349-6535 or [email protected].
February 1- Annie Starr, Molly Minneman, MJ Simmons, Beth Hanson Schumacher, Jeff Scott, JC Leacock
February 2- Scotto Wimmer, Dayna Christy, Gavin Jobson, Lara DeAngelis, Tom Gifford, Adam Radziej, Margaret Ritter, Liz Sotelo, Kendyl Butler-Truettner, Shelby Kopf, Dalynn McEldowney Trujillo
February 3- A.J. Leonard, Annaliese Houseman, Mindy de Compiegne
February 4- Hannah Watt, Stephanie Shrieves, Kate Seeley, Luke Collins
February 5- Cam Helland, Rob Quint, Milo Wynne
February 6- Geordie VanMarter, Josh Elmer, Nancy Yuskaitis
February 7- Alex Fenlon, Pete Sharp, Connie Helland, Tyler Johnson, Margaret Schaffer

Cameos: In honor of Groundhog’s Day, come up with a new folklore tradition that will determine a longer winter or an early spring.

Aubree Scarff

Doug Nagel

Kenna Allen

Zach Bauer

John Stern